Tuesday- We got to teach Jackie and she is awesome. We took Brother Albright who is a character!! He connected really well with her and it went pretty good. She had questions about prayer and the priesthood and prophets from reading the restoration pamphlet!! It was really cool and we were able to give her a Book of Mormon and a Bible! Then we got to play lumber jack because this guys tree fell onto his house!!! We went and helped a member take it down with him!! It was awesome!! It wasn't that big of a tree either!! :) I used a bone saw and went to town taking off limbs and stuff it was a ton of fun!!
Wednesday- I was on exchange with Elder Carrell and it was so much fun!! He is Spanish speaking so I got some good old Mexican food!! It was so good and I think I ate like 20 pounds!!! It was the heaviest plate of food I have ever seen on my mission!! It was so good and then I ate this chili and man was it super hot!! I was like oh wow this thing is really really hot and everyone laughed and it was great!! Then that night we got Mexican ice idk it was in a plastic sack thing and it was really good!! It was made with fresh fruit!! We taught this kid who threw down on his parents for not bringing him to church!! Then this member threw down on him and we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and told him about baptism and I just found out he came to church on Sunday!! :)
Thursday- was really hot! JUST HOT!!!
Friday- we got a person all ready to come to church and got them a large print book of mormon and they were really excited to come and yea they didnt come on sunday! :(
Saturday we tracted all day and nothing happened but we sweated a ton!!
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