Monday, May 29, 2017

I Turned 20!!!!!!

Monday- was just great!! Elder Carrell is writing a book. So he told me all about it and that is what I did for Monday! It was really awesome and the book is so intriguing.  It was awesome! So I told him - you need to finish the book and he was like ok ok!! Oh yeah really really good!! It was fun to listen to his writing process and he is someone that you wouldn't expect to be writing this interesting and amazing book!! Then that night is where it was at!!!!!! WE went and taught Jeff.... he is the man!! We had the best lesson ever with him!! It was on the plan and he believes all of this and he knows it is true he has been praying about it constantly. Then we started talking about the spirit world and it lead into baptisms for the dead which we normally don't go into very fast and it totally makes sense to him.  Then Elder Malyon started to invite him to be baptized and he cut him off before he even finished and said Yes, Definitely!!  We were stunned and said So you want to be baptized and he said you couldn't hold him back!!!!!! :D It was the best!!!

Tuesday- We had zone conference which was really great and I finally didn't have to instruct at it was so nice!!! It was so long and took forever but it was really good!!

Wednesday-We tracted a ton and we met this super sweet old lady and it was really awesome!!

Thursday-It was great!! So we got a call from our zone leaders that morning and they said Happy Birthday! Were going to lunch with you what time will work?? So we set up a time and then Elder Malyon and I went out tracting.  It was awesome!! We ended up talking to these two old guys and they were super funny. Then somehow it got brought up that it was my birthday and so one of then was so excited he said - what I'm paying for your lunch today and whips out 20 bucks!!!  We were like what ok!! So that was awesome! Then we came home had our studies and I checked the mail and I had  everything arrive right on my birthday it was crazy!! So I ended up opening it all up! I Loved all of my gifts!!  They were the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we went out to lunch with the zone leaders and we had mexican food from this taco truck it was tons of fun!!  We did our weekly planning after that and we went to an appointment.   We had dinner with the Clawsons and they made me chicken Alfredo and a cake.  It was embarrassing but fun when they sang happy birthday it was really cool! Then we got to meet with Jeff the most prepared man ever and we had another lesson on the gospel of Jesus Christ and read 2 Nephi 32.  It was the best and that's how we ended our working day!!!!!!  That night we made these cup cake things that I got in my birthday package and they were so awesome!!!!!!  My ward mission leader even got me a gift it was so cool!!  2 pairs of really cool socks... one says AWESOME on it!!!!

Friday-was a lot of fun, we found a ton of people!!!  We found 3 new investigators and it was great because we haven't found hardly anyone lately.  It was great and then we got to go out to dinner with Brother Peedin who is the best!!!  He took us out to Chilis and  it was really good!!! Then we got to teach some recent converts who just moved into the ward!  We left our bikes chained up and when we came back... some one had left us water bottles in our helmets - that was so awesome!!!

Saturday- We taught a great lesson with a woman named Jackie and we had a couple named the Sabeys with us and it was great!! She loved the plan of salvation !! Really cool experience and Sister Sabey made her feel a lot more comfortable since we are dudes and shes a lady! Then we spent the rest of the day tracting!! Nothing really happened with it being a holiday!

Sunday- we were able to teach primary and it was a ton of fun!! No one showed up for church but Jeff was out of town so we knew he wouldn't be able to make.  He wants to come so bad so that is great!! Then we had an amazing dinner with the Browns it was really great!!  We even got to help with dinner and another cake!!!  Celebrating my birthday again!!!  woohoo!!!

Thanks for all the Birthday loot!!!

Love Elder Hutchings

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Birthday loot!

A Bike pump!!  I need this!!!

More Birthday loot!!!

Man did I score!!!

What a haul!!!

Can you believe I'm 20!!!!  

Teaching primary!!

Helping with dinner!!

More Happy Birthday to me!!!

What a great day!!!  Loving the life!!!

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