Monday, May 8, 2017

Ben Howington - Mormon Guitar - Check him out - AWESOME!!!!!

This week has flown by! Everything was pretty crazy but it was really good and exciting!!

Monday- we went up to a place called Wake Forrest and played a ton of basketball! It was so much fun. There was probably to many elders there for the tiny gym that we were in but it was really fun! Then we needed to leave to get some other elders home! We were able to get Elder Malyon a hair cut! That was good because his hair was so long! Then that night was really good we went and ate with a part member family that we helped move into the ward! We got to hear their story of becoming active again which was really cool! After that our plans got all messed up because of this appointment falling threw but we ended up tracting and it went good.  We didn't find anyone to teach but we had some great contacts and gave out a Book of Mormon! 

Tuesday- Was pretty slow we were out working hard but not to much happened! We found this lady named Hailey who is pretty cool and is interested in learning more about what we teach people! So that was pretty cool! We ate dinner with this family that has like 30 kids well 10 but it was a ton! To be honest it was kinda weird because we ate chili over spaghetti noodles. It actually tasted pretty good though! 

Wednesday- was crazy so we had district meeting like usual and then I went on exchange with a missionary named Elder Tobler.  He is interesting.  He really opened up to me and talked about stuff that he needed help on and it was really good! We got to help this one family while they were moving.  Then what was crazy was we were out tracting and we knocked on this part member family.  The husband wasn't home so we set up a time to go back that night. We went back later and we taught an awesome lesson on the restoration... and the member was 11 and she like recited the story of Joseph Smith and it was amazing!!!  The dad committed to reading the Book of Mormon! It was really great to have such an amazing lesson!!

Thursday- We visited this guy named Charlie Harper. He was really really nice! He wants to come back to church and it is crazy he is like old and has a bunch of back issues and is still taking care of his mom who has dementia.  He is the nicest guy ever!

Friday- All we did was tract and nothing happened it was kinda discouraging but it was all good!

Saturday- this is the day that it all got crazy! We found Finn Blackwell who is really awesome! We had a super long lesson with him.  It was over 30 mins on his door step. He had tons of good questions and was like yea I would love to have y'all come back!  He has never met missionaries before which I though was so crazy! Then we like went through most of the day and President texts us and was like I need y'all to call me. So we call him and he tells me that I am being released from being a district leader! I get to stay with Elder Malyon.  It was interesting but I was expecting it! :)  Then that night we met Chris and he is super cool.  We taught him the restoration and we asked him if he wanted to know if there was a prophet on the earth today and he was like well yea! So we talked about the Book of Mormon and we asked if he would read the Book of Mormon and was like yea!!  We said well here's a copy and all he says is wait is this free?? haha We were like yea its free!! It was pretty funny and then this guy was just a ding dong and was like Joseph Smith said stuff contrary to Christ and we were like what?? Then he just closed the door!

Sunday- Ben Howington!! I got to meet him it was so cool he threw down on the guitar and it was so cool!! His parents live in our ward and these members like us were like oh you like his music and boom personal concert thing set up it was so cool!! We got some cd's that were signed by him! It was by far the coolest thing ever!! 

It was over all a great week tons of fun!!!​

Love Elder Hutchings

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