Monday, May 22, 2017

Weeks flying by

Weeks are starting to blur together.. I remember everything that happened but it all went by really really fast!

Monday- Started the week off right with a great zone activity. So every missionary from the stake I am in met here in Raleigh and we basically had a party. We played a ton of sports it was crazy. Mostly we played soccer so I was very happy. I didn't know soccer was so hard to play on grass without cleats. Its really hard but it was still tons of fun! We played like 20 games of it... the best! Then Elder Carrell was all grilling and me and him had brats that we grilled up!!  It was really good and we put chill on them so we had chili brats!! It was a good activity. Then the best part of the day. We went and taught Jeff.  Holy dang is Jeff elect and super ready for the gospel! He is more ready then I have ever seen anyone on my mission. We get there and I knock and at first there was no response and I was like oh no... knocked again and the door opens and boom Jeff is there thank goodness!! Then we had the best review of the restoration and he is like telling us stuff that he learned from reading the pamphlet. He read the Book of Mormon and he is just so ready. Then we taught him about the priesthood and how we hold it and he was like I can feel that.  He said that he can see and feel the spirit so strong right now and he held up his hand and he was shaking it was crazy best lesson ever. 

Tuesday- we had our coordination meeting with our ward mission leader and it was really good.  He told us this really long story of how he met his wife it was kinda weird but whatever. Then we had a lesson with this recent convert who moved into the ward from the Raleigh 4th ward. Its crazy because I was the one who interviewed them for baptism so that is cool. It was a good lesson.  This one missionary went out on his own theory of doctrine  but it made sense and answered the guys question some what... It was a good day though!

Wednesday- I was on an exchange with Elder Hansen in the Raleigh fourth ward and it was really fun.  We biked a ton and worked really hard. We tried contacting this one referral who wasn't there. That night we got to go tract in this one town house place and as we were locking up and this Ferrari pulls in.  I was like oh were knocking on that door!! So the time finally comes and we knock on the door and the guy answers it.  We taught him the restoration on the door and then we find out who he is... Its P.J. Tucker from Toronto. He is a pro basketball player.. It was the best thing ever!!  I should have gotten a picture with him but its all good I have a witness that it happened!!

Thursday- we tracted for a long time and nothing really happened

Friday- we went and met with this less active member and we thought she was a recent convert. Turns out shes not a recent convert.. just has been moving a ton and what not. She is crazy smart she has a PHD and just got a second masters it was crazy! Then the Davis family had us for dinner that night and that was fun they are a fun family and we helped them set a goal of being able to invite someone to come to church it was pretty great! 

Saturday- we went and helped a part member family move some stuff out of a storage unit and into a garage thing by their apartment it was pretty fun! The washer and dryer were so heavy it was crazy!! They got us lunch after wards and that was really good! I was happy. And then that night we found this little old lady who is a member but is like not on the records and she was a talker.  She talked for like 2 hours.  We had to like leave because it was 9:30 haha. She was super sweet though and it was pretty great. At the end she like had us give her a group hug thing it was funny and really cute. The funniest thing was the whole time she had taken her dentures out and was like I'm not putting them back in hahaha!!

Sunday- We went out tracting that morning and we were in this neighborhood that was no soliciting. Everyone but this one guy was fine with it. End of the story told us he was calling the cops and called us brainwashed it was funny. We didnt leave though and finished the neighborhood and guess what no cops showed up!! Ha jokes on that guy! Church was good though there was 2 farewell talks it was pretty great and then this high council representative spoke and it was really good! Then after church we had a linger longer (tons of food was brought and we ate after church pretty cool!! 

Today- woke up and drove here it was pretty great!! 

Thats my week or the highlights of it I guess. It was really great and I enjoyed it!!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

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