Monday, May 29, 2017

I Turned 20!!!!!!

Monday- was just great!! Elder Carrell is writing a book. So he told me all about it and that is what I did for Monday! It was really awesome and the book is so intriguing.  It was awesome! So I told him - you need to finish the book and he was like ok ok!! Oh yeah really really good!! It was fun to listen to his writing process and he is someone that you wouldn't expect to be writing this interesting and amazing book!! Then that night is where it was at!!!!!! WE went and taught Jeff.... he is the man!! We had the best lesson ever with him!! It was on the plan and he believes all of this and he knows it is true he has been praying about it constantly. Then we started talking about the spirit world and it lead into baptisms for the dead which we normally don't go into very fast and it totally makes sense to him.  Then Elder Malyon started to invite him to be baptized and he cut him off before he even finished and said Yes, Definitely!!  We were stunned and said So you want to be baptized and he said you couldn't hold him back!!!!!! :D It was the best!!!

Tuesday- We had zone conference which was really great and I finally didn't have to instruct at it was so nice!!! It was so long and took forever but it was really good!!

Wednesday-We tracted a ton and we met this super sweet old lady and it was really awesome!!

Thursday-It was great!! So we got a call from our zone leaders that morning and they said Happy Birthday! Were going to lunch with you what time will work?? So we set up a time and then Elder Malyon and I went out tracting.  It was awesome!! We ended up talking to these two old guys and they were super funny. Then somehow it got brought up that it was my birthday and so one of then was so excited he said - what I'm paying for your lunch today and whips out 20 bucks!!!  We were like what ok!! So that was awesome! Then we came home had our studies and I checked the mail and I had  everything arrive right on my birthday it was crazy!! So I ended up opening it all up! I Loved all of my gifts!!  They were the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we went out to lunch with the zone leaders and we had mexican food from this taco truck it was tons of fun!!  We did our weekly planning after that and we went to an appointment.   We had dinner with the Clawsons and they made me chicken Alfredo and a cake.  It was embarrassing but fun when they sang happy birthday it was really cool! Then we got to meet with Jeff the most prepared man ever and we had another lesson on the gospel of Jesus Christ and read 2 Nephi 32.  It was the best and that's how we ended our working day!!!!!!  That night we made these cup cake things that I got in my birthday package and they were so awesome!!!!!!  My ward mission leader even got me a gift it was so cool!!  2 pairs of really cool socks... one says AWESOME on it!!!!

Friday-was a lot of fun, we found a ton of people!!!  We found 3 new investigators and it was great because we haven't found hardly anyone lately.  It was great and then we got to go out to dinner with Brother Peedin who is the best!!!  He took us out to Chilis and  it was really good!!! Then we got to teach some recent converts who just moved into the ward!  We left our bikes chained up and when we came back... some one had left us water bottles in our helmets - that was so awesome!!!

Saturday- We taught a great lesson with a woman named Jackie and we had a couple named the Sabeys with us and it was great!! She loved the plan of salvation !! Really cool experience and Sister Sabey made her feel a lot more comfortable since we are dudes and shes a lady! Then we spent the rest of the day tracting!! Nothing really happened with it being a holiday!

Sunday- we were able to teach primary and it was a ton of fun!! No one showed up for church but Jeff was out of town so we knew he wouldn't be able to make.  He wants to come so bad so that is great!! Then we had an amazing dinner with the Browns it was really great!!  We even got to help with dinner and another cake!!!  Celebrating my birthday again!!!  woohoo!!!

Thanks for all the Birthday loot!!!

Love Elder Hutchings

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Birthday loot!

A Bike pump!!  I need this!!!

More Birthday loot!!!

Man did I score!!!

What a haul!!!

Can you believe I'm 20!!!!  

Teaching primary!!

Helping with dinner!!

More Happy Birthday to me!!!

What a great day!!!  Loving the life!!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Weeks flying by

Weeks are starting to blur together.. I remember everything that happened but it all went by really really fast!

Monday- Started the week off right with a great zone activity. So every missionary from the stake I am in met here in Raleigh and we basically had a party. We played a ton of sports it was crazy. Mostly we played soccer so I was very happy. I didn't know soccer was so hard to play on grass without cleats. Its really hard but it was still tons of fun! We played like 20 games of it... the best! Then Elder Carrell was all grilling and me and him had brats that we grilled up!!  It was really good and we put chill on them so we had chili brats!! It was a good activity. Then the best part of the day. We went and taught Jeff.  Holy dang is Jeff elect and super ready for the gospel! He is more ready then I have ever seen anyone on my mission. We get there and I knock and at first there was no response and I was like oh no... knocked again and the door opens and boom Jeff is there thank goodness!! Then we had the best review of the restoration and he is like telling us stuff that he learned from reading the pamphlet. He read the Book of Mormon and he is just so ready. Then we taught him about the priesthood and how we hold it and he was like I can feel that.  He said that he can see and feel the spirit so strong right now and he held up his hand and he was shaking it was crazy best lesson ever. 

Tuesday- we had our coordination meeting with our ward mission leader and it was really good.  He told us this really long story of how he met his wife it was kinda weird but whatever. Then we had a lesson with this recent convert who moved into the ward from the Raleigh 4th ward. Its crazy because I was the one who interviewed them for baptism so that is cool. It was a good lesson.  This one missionary went out on his own theory of doctrine  but it made sense and answered the guys question some what... It was a good day though!

Wednesday- I was on an exchange with Elder Hansen in the Raleigh fourth ward and it was really fun.  We biked a ton and worked really hard. We tried contacting this one referral who wasn't there. That night we got to go tract in this one town house place and as we were locking up and this Ferrari pulls in.  I was like oh were knocking on that door!! So the time finally comes and we knock on the door and the guy answers it.  We taught him the restoration on the door and then we find out who he is... Its P.J. Tucker from Toronto. He is a pro basketball player.. It was the best thing ever!!  I should have gotten a picture with him but its all good I have a witness that it happened!!

Thursday- we tracted for a long time and nothing really happened

Friday- we went and met with this less active member and we thought she was a recent convert. Turns out shes not a recent convert.. just has been moving a ton and what not. She is crazy smart she has a PHD and just got a second masters it was crazy! Then the Davis family had us for dinner that night and that was fun they are a fun family and we helped them set a goal of being able to invite someone to come to church it was pretty great! 

Saturday- we went and helped a part member family move some stuff out of a storage unit and into a garage thing by their apartment it was pretty fun! The washer and dryer were so heavy it was crazy!! They got us lunch after wards and that was really good! I was happy. And then that night we found this little old lady who is a member but is like not on the records and she was a talker.  She talked for like 2 hours.  We had to like leave because it was 9:30 haha. She was super sweet though and it was pretty great. At the end she like had us give her a group hug thing it was funny and really cute. The funniest thing was the whole time she had taken her dentures out and was like I'm not putting them back in hahaha!!

Sunday- We went out tracting that morning and we were in this neighborhood that was no soliciting. Everyone but this one guy was fine with it. End of the story told us he was calling the cops and called us brainwashed it was funny. We didnt leave though and finished the neighborhood and guess what no cops showed up!! Ha jokes on that guy! Church was good though there was 2 farewell talks it was pretty great and then this high council representative spoke and it was really good! Then after church we had a linger longer (tons of food was brought and we ate after church pretty cool!! 

Today- woke up and drove here it was pretty great!! 

Thats my week or the highlights of it I guess. It was really great and I enjoyed it!!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Mothers Day!!

Well again for me at least - this week went by fast as ever! I think every week is just seeming to fly by it is pretty crazy! It seems that every week just seems to speed up faster and faster. I guess that saying is true time fly's when your having fun!

Monday- It was crazy being here in Raleigh with all of the new missionaries coming in and getting all ready for transfers. Everything happens here so it is pretty crazy.  Everyone was kinda running around and what not it was funny!! It was a really good day and we ended up playing some sports and what not! The best was that night we found some people who are golden! We went to look up this referral and we couldn't find them so we were like oh well lets go tract this one place we haven't tracted.   Then the next thing we know we were let in and we taught a full restoration lesson!!  It was funny because afterwards we realized we had knocked it already and the people we had taught had been there and were just busy the first time it was crazy!!

Tuesday- We got to go and teach the Epps family who are a part member family.  We just started teaching and now we are teaching the whole family and the lesson went so good! We went in and read the Book of Mormon just the introduction and then from that the Mom had a ton of questions.  We taught the whole restoration and committed all of them to read and pray to come to know it is true! It was a really good day!!  One of the investigators we found was there for the return appointment but she said that we had to leave but but she would be back around this time.   She even gave us her number and was like please come back!!

Wednesday- We biked so far it was crazy! We legitimently biked 40 miles it was so far I was gone!!  What was really cool was we biked back down by this huge mall and we were able to find this other referrals house who we were looking for! Then the worst part was biking home!!  We were on this green way and man the bugs were the worst!! There were so many gnats and it was so gross!! The whole time I was just like looking at the road and bugs were hitting me and getting in my eyes - so nasty!!!

Thursday- We did a ton of tracting and it kinda sucked!!!  No one would let us in and we were fighting hard to get in but just nothing!!  Then next thing we know we are traveling to the next place we planned to go and boom Brother Hall sees us and starts driving next to me.  He's like Elder Hutchings so I look over still riding and he is like I can give you a ride.  I was like heck yea! So we went there and then we were tracting in the gigantic mansions area and it was so crazy! That night we went out to dinner with this old guy named Brother Peedin who is so amazing.  He took us to this really good mexican restaurant!! Then we found this really cool guy that night who we taught the restoration to and then he was like yea come back I want to learn more!! Awesome evening!

Friday- I had to go give instructions at a leadership training meeting!!  It was pretty funny and kinda crazy because I was like shouldn't you have gotten a district leader to have done this haha! Then we got to meet with this really cool less active member and we got free food at this place called Brueggers! Then we had 2 dinners - the second was so cool because we taught a non member in the bishops home. It was really really cool to be able to teach there.  We taught just about how God is our loving Heavenly Father!

Saturday- we biked a ton again but we had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators Finn who is super awesome.  Sadly he didn't come to church on Sunday but we had a great lesson and answered questions.  The whole time he was just like everything is just ringing good and true.  It was the best!!

Sunday we called home and yea!! Happy Mothers day to all the mom's!!!!  There was the best talk at church about mothers it was really really good!!  I felt like I was at general conference!! Then the calls it was really a great day I enjoyed it a ton!!  We ate this cool Japanese thing where you boil stuff in a broth thing and it was really good!!

Today we are going to go play sports and have a bbq it will be tons of fun!!

Love you all have a great week!!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

Happy Mother's Day

Monday, May 8, 2017

Ben Howington - Mormon Guitar - Check him out - AWESOME!!!!!

This week has flown by! Everything was pretty crazy but it was really good and exciting!!

Monday- we went up to a place called Wake Forrest and played a ton of basketball! It was so much fun. There was probably to many elders there for the tiny gym that we were in but it was really fun! Then we needed to leave to get some other elders home! We were able to get Elder Malyon a hair cut! That was good because his hair was so long! Then that night was really good we went and ate with a part member family that we helped move into the ward! We got to hear their story of becoming active again which was really cool! After that our plans got all messed up because of this appointment falling threw but we ended up tracting and it went good.  We didn't find anyone to teach but we had some great contacts and gave out a Book of Mormon! 

Tuesday- Was pretty slow we were out working hard but not to much happened! We found this lady named Hailey who is pretty cool and is interested in learning more about what we teach people! So that was pretty cool! We ate dinner with this family that has like 30 kids well 10 but it was a ton! To be honest it was kinda weird because we ate chili over spaghetti noodles. It actually tasted pretty good though! 

Wednesday- was crazy so we had district meeting like usual and then I went on exchange with a missionary named Elder Tobler.  He is interesting.  He really opened up to me and talked about stuff that he needed help on and it was really good! We got to help this one family while they were moving.  Then what was crazy was we were out tracting and we knocked on this part member family.  The husband wasn't home so we set up a time to go back that night. We went back later and we taught an awesome lesson on the restoration... and the member was 11 and she like recited the story of Joseph Smith and it was amazing!!!  The dad committed to reading the Book of Mormon! It was really great to have such an amazing lesson!!

Thursday- We visited this guy named Charlie Harper. He was really really nice! He wants to come back to church and it is crazy he is like old and has a bunch of back issues and is still taking care of his mom who has dementia.  He is the nicest guy ever!

Friday- All we did was tract and nothing happened it was kinda discouraging but it was all good!

Saturday- this is the day that it all got crazy! We found Finn Blackwell who is really awesome! We had a super long lesson with him.  It was over 30 mins on his door step. He had tons of good questions and was like yea I would love to have y'all come back!  He has never met missionaries before which I though was so crazy! Then we like went through most of the day and President texts us and was like I need y'all to call me. So we call him and he tells me that I am being released from being a district leader! I get to stay with Elder Malyon.  It was interesting but I was expecting it! :)  Then that night we met Chris and he is super cool.  We taught him the restoration and we asked him if he wanted to know if there was a prophet on the earth today and he was like well yea! So we talked about the Book of Mormon and we asked if he would read the Book of Mormon and was like yea!!  We said well here's a copy and all he says is wait is this free?? haha We were like yea its free!! It was pretty funny and then this guy was just a ding dong and was like Joseph Smith said stuff contrary to Christ and we were like what?? Then he just closed the door!

Sunday- Ben Howington!! I got to meet him it was so cool he threw down on the guitar and it was so cool!! His parents live in our ward and these members like us were like oh you like his music and boom personal concert thing set up it was so cool!! We got some cd's that were signed by him! It was by far the coolest thing ever!! 

It was over all a great week tons of fun!!!​

Love Elder Hutchings

Monday, May 1, 2017

Wet No Matter What!!

Monday- had a great preparation day it was tons of fun! We played this game called zombies.  Its kinda like raptor but with nerf guns and some other rules but it was tons of fun!! Then for dinner that night we went to this place called Steak n Shake and man did that milkshake hit the spot!! It kept me going for the night!! Because I was soaking wet!! When we left the apartment it was raining but not bad and we were on bike. Then the floods came. All I had decided to wear was my water resistant wind breaker because it was pretty humid... bad idea!!! I was soaked to the bone!!! Like every bit of me was wet!! I had puddles in the sleeves of my wind breaker!! The best thing ever was everyone was like Oh stay dry.. I couldn't get any wetter!! Hahaha It was a great night!

Tuesday- We got to teach Jackie and she is awesome. We took Brother Albright who is a character!!  He connected really well with her and it went pretty good. She had questions about prayer and the priesthood and prophets from reading the restoration pamphlet!! It was really cool and we were able to give her a Book of Mormon and a Bible! Then we got to play lumber jack because this guys tree fell onto his house!!!  We went and helped a member take it down with him!! It was awesome!!  It wasn't that big of a tree either!! :) I used a bone saw and went to town taking off limbs and stuff it was a ton of fun!!

Wednesday- I was on exchange with Elder Carrell and it was so much fun!! He is Spanish speaking so I got some good old Mexican food!! It was so good and I think I ate like 20 pounds!!!  It was the heaviest plate of food I have ever seen on my mission!! It was so good and then I ate this chili and man was it super hot!! I was like oh wow this thing is really really hot and everyone laughed and it was great!! Then that night we got Mexican ice idk it was in a plastic sack thing and it was really good!!  It was made with fresh fruit!!  We taught this kid who threw down on his parents for not bringing him to church!! Then this member threw down on him and we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and told him about baptism and I just found out he came to church on Sunday!! :)

Thursday- was really hot!  JUST HOT!!!

Friday- we got a person all ready to come to church and got them a large print book of mormon and they were really excited to come and yea they didnt come on sunday! :(

Saturday we tracted all day and nothing happened but we sweated a ton!! 

And that is about it it was a pretty good week!

Love Elder Hutchings

Elder Carrell and I with Mexican Ice!!  Well just what was left!!

Elder Carrell and I!!