Monday, October 23, 2017

Wake Forest here I come!!!

I will preface this email just saying that I have had a great time here in Wilmington but it is apparently time to leave. Sorry to spoil it for yall.

Monday- Well we headed up to a place called topsail island for a district activity. It was really fun, we had a bbq there with hot dogs and stuff it was really good. We played corn hole and looked at the water. Then we went and played a game of football of the beach right next to this members house. It was a ton of fun. We had to drive for quite a while though. They lived down on the very end of the Island what we went on. Great day, we spent the rest of the day tracting and we didn't have much success but it was fun.

Tuesday- We did our usual accounting. It was pretty interesting and then we went and tracted.  We found a bunch of people. We found this guy named Thomas who sold pest control with a bunch of Mormons. It was an interesting contact, but he was really cool and was super interested in learning more. He was suppose to come to church but he ended up not coming. We had dinner with this super nice couple and after we went to see this guy named Will. He was excited to see us but has been super busy with work and stuff since he is a police officer. 

Wednesday- Was my last district meeting in Wilmington, it was kinda sad because I hadn't been told I was leaving but I had a feeling it was coming. We had our last exchange for the transfer, it was with the Leland Elders. It was so much fun, I went back to Leland. Everyone was super excited to see me. We did a bunch of tracting even found a few people.  The best part was that night, we went to the mutual activity, and I was able to see a ton of people that I was super close with when I was there! It got even better because we went to my favorite house to end the night. The Child's home, and they had made me cheeseburgers and this amazing blueberry cake! It was so good and just awesome being able to be there, so much fun!

Thursday- We exchanged back and we went and did our planning. That took a ton of our day since we were planning for the zone and what not. Then we got a call from some Elders and we had to go help them with somethings that they were dealing with. It was the most interesting thing I have ever done. Then that night we went and were doing some YSA tracting. We got yelled at twice and had the most interesting contact that only lasted a few minutes... I'll have to leave out details since it was super gross! Then we both were so mad when we ended the night because we met this guy who was super interested in learning more.  Then this other guy came out and and told him get inside now. It was super lame because he even took the card from the guy that we were contacting and ripped it up! I was so ticked!

Friday- We had so many appointments and most of them went through so we taught a ton, but the best one was with our investigator Abeguar. He is so solid, we taught him the word of wisdom.  It was quite crazy because he accepted it all and he said -  yeah I need to stop some stuff. So we will be working with him to help him with all of that!   Nothing else really happened that was exciting!

Saturday- We had this awesome lesson with this college soccer player named Stian, and he is so cool. He tore his meniscus so he is out for the season but it was so cool talking to him about prayer and helping him come closer to Heavenly Father and finding answers to his questions. Then we got the call from president that I was getting called to Wake Forest. It will be a new adventure! We had some great appointments that night but I don't remember much because I was trying to not be in shock that I was actually leaving!

Sunday- Abeguar came to church it was so good! He hasnt missed church once.  Then the best part, Stian came to church as well. I mean a few others came as well which is always awesome but them coming made my entire week!! 

It has been great here, but I am off to my next adventure!!!!  It will be fun and I'm excited to see what is next even though I will miss the people here. I will stay in contact with them!! Love yall!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

Stian and I at church!!!

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