Tuesday- I'm not sure what all happened - must have been a pretty crazy day!
Wednesday- We went down to Shallotte for their district meeting. The senior couples down there are so funny and always make the best comments! They bring lunch for everyone so it is free! Then I stayed out in Shallotte, which is always fun. I was with a missionary named Elder Harmon. He is really a good missionary, we went and worked with this list that the Bishop gave them. Both him and his companion were moved into the area together so this helps them to be able to find places to work and what not. That night was so awesome, we went and were tracting these apartment things. When we knocked into this one black guy and for some reason he thought I was the funniest thing. I had him eating out of my hands it was pretty great. When we got done teaching him, he asked us - so what brought y'all here? I said the spirit duh! It made him laugh super hard but he thought that was a good answer! The guy was just really interested though!
Thursday- Was crazy, we are suppose to do this weekly planning thing and we were so busy that we didn't have time to! We just like grabbed some food when we went home and we went to help with a move. Man this place was nasty, there was rat crap everywhere and the trailer was just in super poor condition. It was pretty gross, I was scared for my life! As you can see it all went well because I am emailing right now so I made it out alive. After coming home and showering we went to our appointments that we had. We contacted this referral named Annie who is this super sweet old lady who requested a bible on mormon.org so that was pretty cool! We had a great lesson with her. Then we went for dinner with ourselves, which was nice since we were able to take a rest. Then that night we had the best lesson with Abeguar, this guy whose parents live in Brazil and they just got baptized. He is interested and he also went on mormon.org to request us to come by! It was such a good lesson and we committed him to coming to church! Then we also had a lesson with Lake our investigator who is getting baptized here soon. We taught him the law of chastity which was super interesting but he committed to live it! That was basically how the day went!
Friday- We finally got our time to plan, which was nice it felt like we hadn't done that in forever. Our appointments fell through that night but it was all good we were able to tract and it was pretty fun. Nothing to crazy happened just working and what not! We found people just not super eventful!
Saturday- We got a call from a member and they needed help moving this non member to a new place. So we got our work clothes on and headed down to where they lived! It was a ton of fun, but it was so hard. There was a ton of dressers and stuff that we had to move and get into a truck so that was interesting. Overall it was really fun and we got free Krispy Creme donuts from it, I was quite happy! Then we didn't have any appointments that day except for this one sorta, we went to see a Swahili family which was quite interesting. We had scheduled to come by and the oldest brother was suppose to be home but then he wasn't so that was lame. That fell through and it was pretty hard that night we had to really fight to get people to listen to us but we found this one girl who said that she was suppose to get baptized at 8 but her parents fell away from the church. She is super interested in learning more and building her faith!
Sunday- Abeguar came to church!! It was so awesome, we called him and he was on his way but he said he was sorry there was a wreck on college street! Then he called us back right before church started and was said I'm lost come help me hahah! So he was in the parking lot right next to the church. It was funny but we got him there! Then we got to break the fast with the ysa's which is always really good. Most of them are super good cooks so that was really nice since we didn't have a dinner lined up for that night! Then we got to meet with this guy named Stian! He is a college soccer athlete who is meeting with us and we went and taught him on the college campus. Everyone was watching and was just like what!! He is this star player and is going to go pro and he's sitting there learning from the mormons! It was the best appointment ever it was so cool and he had tons of great questions and is going through a lot of trials right now! So it was really great that we met him! He offered a great prayer at the end of the lesson it was pretty awesome!
That's my week, in a nut shell it was pretty awesome!
Love Elder Dylan Hutchings
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