Monday, October 16, 2017

Football at the Beach - Did I tell you that I Love the Beach!!!!

Monday- We had our investigator Lake and his brother Joe come to the church along with some other missionaries and we played a ton of basketball. It was pretty fun, the games were good everyone played really well, and Lake and his brother are pretty good! That mixed it up and made it really fun. That night was awesome, we went and met with our investigator Abeguar. The lesson was great and he had some great questions about the Book of Mormon that you want every person to ask you about. Then we were able to commit him to read the Book of Mormon as a homework assignment. So that was really awesome, and after the lesson he told us -  oh I got something for you and he gave us a bunch of sandwich stuff, it was so cool!! Then we were also able to follow up with another one of our investigators Damion, and he could be so solid but he isn't keeping commitments. It is so frustrating because he sees the need and wants to but is just being lazy and uses work as a excuse! So we will have to see if we are going to continue working with him! But we had a good lesson on why we need the Book of Mormon and how it plays a role in his life, which we have taught before. That was how we ended Monday night!

Tuesday-  We had a fun day, we did our accounting with people and then we went on an exchange with the Wilmington 2 Elders. It was pretty easy they live right next to us so we were able to go with them when we were done accounting and having lunch! The exchange was pretty fun.  Elder Manu came to my area with me. We tracted for days! We knocked so many doors, which got us kicked out of this one complex it was so funny!!  The only reason why the lady got me was she said we were loitering and I couldn't think of the definition so I couldn't fight her on it! LOL!!  After we tracted for DAYS, we had dinner and I made some pretty interesting fish tacos! That night we planned on doing some YSA tracting and it was pretty interesting. The second door we knocked on was this guy named Michael.  He let us in right away. We sat down and taught him the restoration and he really liked it and wanted us to come back it was cool!  Then we met this lady who had lived in Palmyra it was so cool she knew who we were and we had a good discussion with her.

Wednesday- We needed to surprise the Jacksonville district so we went up to their district meeting. We needed to do an interview with one of the investigators up there that is getting baptized.  We also needed to go on an exchange with the assistants. So that was fun, Elder Jones came with me and we went back to Wilmington and started working. We had some great lessons. We had a lesson with Lake on keeping the Sabbath day holy.   Then we had a great lesson with this guy named Matt who is super cool he plays water polo for UNCW and it was a great lesson. He is super busy though so he wouldn't let us set a return appointment. Elder Jones was really fun though and we had a great time.  He was cracking jokes about when he was in Wilmington.  We both served with Elder Pesta, so it was really fun to talk to him about his training and everything!

Thursday- We started the day off right by going to the beach and watching the sunrise with a game of football going on! It was a ton of fun, and most everyone enjoyed it a lot! We got to do our planning and what not it was pretty good. It was a long day of knocking doors though but it was fun. We ended the night off with a meeting with Abeguar, it was the best. He is so elect. We taught him the Plan of Salvation and holy moly! He already believed in the pre mortal life and the kingdoms of glory - it was so awesome!! We were just trying to not freak out the whole time because of he already believes it all!! So amazing, and then he again gave us some fruit to take with us, he is just an awesome guy!

Friday- Was the grind, we went a did a bunch of campus contacting. We used this survey which makes it easier and not as hard to make contact with people and it was kinda fun. Really weird being on a campus, because everyone stares at you and it is really weird! We had a great lesson with Lake again, we taught him the law of tithing which was good. He committed to live it! Other then that it was a pretty boring day haha not to much happened!

Saturday- We did nothing but tract, it was so interesting. We knocked and knocked it was the literally the grind! We did have a lesson with Karen Demata, it was great she told us that she can come to church on Sundays now.  It was so great to be able to hear that she would be coming, and then we taught her the law of chastity which and she said - yea i can live that law and then the word of wisdom as well and she said - yeah I need to treat my body more like a temple! It was a great lesson! Then we went back to the grind and we met this weird guy!!

Sunday- Abeguar, Anna and Lake all came to church! It was so cool that we got all of them there. It was so great to have so many people at church!  So we got out of church and then just went to dinner.  We had some bbq and it was the best!! Such good food and it was with this family named the Curtis's.  We had such a good time. They are really funny and cool! 

Thats basically the highlights of my week!!  It was great and a ton of fun!

Love yall

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

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