Monday, September 18, 2017

Sherrif in Nottingham/Hooey!!!

Monday- We had our last p day together and it was really fun, we played a game called Sherrif in Nottingham. It is kinda like hooey or bs it was really fun.We played all day basically. Not much happened for the activity. Then we went and taught some people. I don't really remembered what all happened but it was fun. We ended Elder Rawlins and I's companionship off right. It was a ton of fun being with him. Now I am zone leader 1 it is kinda crazy  I am in charge sort of!!!   But it will be good!

Tuesday- We drove on up to transfers, it was a nice long 2 1/2 hour drive. It was cloudy all the way up to. So we were like this is going to be a pretty gloomy transfer, but it didn't rain at all when we got there. I got my new companion Elder McConkie, who is super funny. The drive back was great and we even had to make a detour to go and drop off a gps to Elder Rawlins that he forgot. Which was sad because I made us late and we weren't able to make it to our dinner appointment, but we made some good chili really quick and we went straight out to work! We tracted basically all night and tried following up with some people and we ended up finding this guy named Drew who is really looking to build his faith in Christ!! 

Wednesday- Elder McConkie didn't even get to stay in the area, we went on exchange with the Tabor City elders who are super funny. So we went to the Shallotte district meeting which was really fun, a ton of people are training in that district.  We got to be there with all of the new ones!!  The exchange went really great. We were able to find a few new people, but what was really cool was we were able to set a baptismal date with this investigator named Anna who is pretty elect.   We told her that Laura would be able to give her a ride (which she did and she loved church) but it was so cool. Just a really awesome lesson and she is really open to learning more. It was a great time for Elder Mccomb, he has been feeling like he can't succeed but we saw that we could and it really lit a fire for him.  They found 12 new people to teach this week!! It was really awesome, he is really funny and we had a great time. He related the book of mormon and the bible to a video game while we were tracting some YSA apartments. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen!!

Thursday- We got to exchange back and most of the day was spent tracting. We got a text from Laura, we had told her about Anna needing a ride and Laura just went over there and knocked on her door so that she could meet her it was so cool!!!   She told us that she is so sweet that she is so excited to take her to church! Then we planned out all of our exchanges for the zone which was really nice and we know where everything is and how it will all work out this transfer! We are going on so many exchanges it is going to be crazy. We have two this coming week, with Jacksonville, it should be a ton of fun!  Sadly Patrice missed her appointment that we had with her today.   We met with her son in law named Travon. He is really cool he was like whoa who are y'all and so we told him and he was really interested, it was pretty cool! Other then that it was a pretty normal day!

Friday- We had an awesome lesson with Lake, he is really awesome and really nice. He was like yea I read 10 minutes before you got here but we were excited because that's improvement from him not reading at all!! Haha it was great, and then that night Patrice missed her appointment again as well!! But what was so great was we found this guy who is so open, he came out and said "I don't like church's, and then he opened up and was told us - yeah you should probably come back it was great!!!!!! Super cool he told us about his officer friend dying and how it has been really hard on him and how he knows he is missing something! Then coordination meeting with the ward mission leader was really funny that night. The sisters are teaching this guy who is scared not to read because one of the sisters scares him it is so funny!!

Saturday-  Was crazy we met with Anna again and taught the plan of salvation, and she was all good to come to church it was awesome.  Then it was really cool, Karen called us and she had time off right now come for us to come over for a lesson.  We went and it was really great, we found out that she is lacking a desire. Then that night we got this super awesome referral from this member, it is this kid that is about to go pro in soccer and just tore his meniscus it was crazy.   He came to church on sunday and it was awesome!!! He is so cool and we are going to start teaching him!!

Sunday- was stake conference it was great and then we tracted the rest of the night it was fun!!

That was my week love yall!!

Elder Dylan Hutchings

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