Monday, September 11, 2017

Laura Got Baptised!!!! Great day!!

Monday- It was a crazy day, we started it off by shopping for matching ties for Lauras Baptism.   We found some super nice ones on sale from a place called express! One is this light green paisley, and the other this cotton tie, the cotton one is the one that matches. It looked really good with my silver suit!  We had a zone activity and it was a blast! We had a nerf war, that was tons of fun! We played a few different games with them like this terrorist one and protect the president, it was so much fun. Everyone seemed to really like it. It makes it short for us to be able to email though, but it was still a good day and we ended it with some chair soccer! It was a really fun day! Then we had some appointments, and one fell through but we found this lady named Ginny, she was super nice and wanted to learn more.  We scheduled to come back on Thursday this week!! Then we went and taught Timmy and David, this super nice gay couple. It was so funny, we asked David how much he knows about Mormons, his direct quote " I know enough to be DANGEROUS" it was so funny because he knew nothing! Hahahah but they are super nice and we are going to teach them again next week. We will see where it goes, but they totally felt like there was an apostasy and need for a prophet to be called!

Tuesday- I dont know what happened this week was crazy!

Wednesday-The Biggest highlight of the day was that we went and met with Laura to finalize the program.   We asked her who she would like to baptize her, and she said she had been praying about it. Then she told us that she had a dream about it, and I was the one she asked to baptize her. She said it was from god and that I was the one to baptize her. I was super excited after that!  Because of that I forgot everything else!

Thursday- We had interviews with President and Sister James. Those are always the best, I love them. Elder Rawlins and I threw off the times for everyone. We were both suppose to be done by 8:30, it was 9:25 when I finished my interview. It was great though I love president! We had district meeting after that, which was fun. The last ones of the transfer always are. It went really well, then after that Elder Garrick and I were on exchange for the day! He was with me in Cary for a transfer! So it was really fun. We had quite a few appointments that we went to and we tracted a ton. We found 4 people so it was really fun! We met a witch as well!  She actually talked to us for quite a little while as well! It was pretty great, she was really like an herbal witch is what she said but it was weird. She didn't understand what we were really talking about!

Friday- We had this guy deliver all of the safe house info and emergency plans. Then he tried to tell us that we needed to drive it to everyone today. AND we were like what... that's all day and we would waste a ton of miles, we were like no. So we scanned them all in and emailed them out! Which took a while but we didn't have to drive them all around! We went and saw Laura that night and it was the best. We have her  Program that we had made and she loved it! Then we were able to show the video of the first vision.  Her sister was there who is like secretly super interested! It made her really think it was quite funny! It was a great night! 

Saturday- Laura got BAPTISED!! It was the best!!!  Elder Rawlins and I made it look all cute, it was the best. A ton of her family came and the spirit was really prominent there. It was pretty great! We went out to Arby's to celebrate! The shakes there were pretty good!  The service we the high light of the day. Then the sad news came that day, Elder Rawlins got released and I am taking over the zone. I was hoping to stay longer with him!  We went to contact this media referral and come to find out it was a prank from this kids friend, it was so annoying!!  Then that night we visited another investigator named Patrice, who is super elect. She is already trying to quit smoking and wants to be baptized so bad. She was relaying stories from the book of mormon it was pretty great!

Sunday- Laura was confirmed it was the bomb digitty!!!! Thats all I really remember! Hahaha it was been the best!​


Elder Hutchings

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