Monday- we had a ton of elders who came down to Wilmington and we played this board game which is called bang and it is pretty fun. Its a game where the sheriff is trying to kill these bandits and he has 2 helpers and a ton of bad guys. It's hard to explain much more about it. Then we had a nerf war thing, so we played whats called terrorist in Paris. So you have 2 people who are trying to get everyone else out. Everyone has nerf guns and its done with a card selection. Both of the bad guys know who each other but no one else knows so its a bunch of people shooting everyone trying to find out who the bad ones are. It really messes with you because you don't know who you can trust. It is a ton of fun! Then that night was interesting we finally met this guy named Alex who the sisters referred us to. He seemed interesting and we started teaching him but he dropped us this week. After that we went and spent the rest of the night tracting and we met this guy named Damion, he is from Jamaica and is really cool. We just sat in some chairs outside his front door and taught him the restoration. He was like yea mon, I wanna be more committed to Jesus. It was really funny and cool!
Tuesday- Was our normal accounting like usual, then we went on exchange. We exchanged with the Jacksonville elders which was interesting. They were a bit late to the exchange point but it was still a good day. It was a great exchange we were able to go and meet with a bunch of different people. We found a few people as well, one was this man named Anthony who had met mormons before and was like its not my time yet. After some persistance he was like yea actually y'all should come back it was the best. Then we went and taught this lady named Patrice and she doesn't have a strong belief in god but she was open to hearing us out. So we taught her the plan of salvation and we ended with talking about the Holy Ghost and I quoted a scripture to her and she was like whoa and got all big eyed and said I think I just felt the spirit when you said that. It was crazy cool! Then that night we taught a guy named Lake who is 18 and he finally read the pamphlet we gave him and is understanding the apostasy. So that was good and he had great questions on the priesthood and stuff. Great lesson, and we were able to set a time to come back for Friday to make sure he would still be able to come to church.
Wednesday- We went up to Jacksonville to exchange back, and we had our district meeting and lunch up there. It took what felt like forever, we finally got home at 3 which was really nice. Then we got straight to work and we gave a blessing to this lady who is about to have twins, she had them this weekend but wanted a blessing before hand. So that was cool!
Thursday- We went and met with Laura and it went so well, we covered most of everything left to teach. She is so excited for her baptism, we gave her a program to start looking over and picking people to do certain things so we will get that all scheduled out this week, it is so exciting!! We had a YSA member named Michael with us for her lesson and Laura adores Michael, he is the sweetest guy. Then we had our weekly planning session for the week which was weird because it usually happens on Thursdays but with how crazy hectic our schedule has been it has been on different days. It was really a great day. Then we got this media referral for a book of mormon, it was really cool. So we called them and set up a time to come by on Friday. Then we were suppose to have had coordination meeting with our ward mission leader but he forgot about it, but we were able to reschedule it for Saturday!
Friday- That night was a blast, we had this recent convert named Matthew Moore out with us and he is 18 and headed out to BYU Idaho. It was really awesome, he is excited and is also preparing for a mission and he spent the whole evening with us. So we went to contact the referral we got first and he ended up not being home but his mom was there so we were able to talk to her and she was really funny and was telling us - yea come on back by he needs it! Then we went and taught this lady named Gwen, and she has a bit of memory loss, but the lesson was really good and Matthew bore a really great testimony on the priesthood and its importance. It was great. Then we went and taught Lake. At the end of the lesson we invited lake to be baptized and he had a few concerns about it and how he was still young then Matthew again came in like a champ and told him, I was baptized at 17 and testified it was the best and Lake committed to come to church and to pray about being baptized!
Saturday- Not to much happened, we tried going to Marlyns baptism since I had taught her but apparently she was baptized on Friday so i missed it. It was a bit upsetting but she got baptized so i was happy about that. I don't really remember much of the day though. That night we had coordination and it was so funny we talked about the hurricane and what not. We had a ton of people to talk about and our ward mission leader was quite impressed!! It was cool.
Sunday- Laura came to church and she had her baptism announced over the pulpit. It was awesome and made everyone so excited for her! Then church was great we taught the gospel principles class which got off topic so much but it was fun and everyone liked it! Then after that ward we ran over to Lakes house to make sure he was ready because we arranged a ride for him. Which he wasn't ready for when it came so his ride showed up and no Lake... But his brother brought him so it was a blessing. He walked in at just the right time it was so cool. The one conducting couldn't have been a moment to soon or late. It was so cool, he liked the meeting. Oh and in the 1st ward this guy quoted Donald Trump in his testimony it was so funny!!!!! That night was crazy though, we went to visited a few people in the hospital and gave a few more blessings it was a pretty great night!!
The Picture is of us with Matthew, last week we ordained him to the Melkezick priesthood and it was so cool. This is out last picture with him before he leaves for school this Tuesday!
Love y'all and I should have Pictures of the baptism this week!
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