Monday, February 27, 2017

Crazy Lady and Barbeque

This week has been super crazy busy and really fun so I will take some time to explain everything that happened!!

Monday- we had a huge basketball game with the Elders from Jacksonville.  They came down and we balled it up and of course I  was the smallest one there so I stepped off after a little bit because it started to get intense.  You know me I'll beat someone up so I had to chill...(I would have been eaten by these guys - they were huge)... but it was tons of fun and I got to see Elder Walker, so that was super great! Then we went and played soccer and Elder Nadauld and I were about to buy some like cheap 20 dollar cleats because we thought we were gonna go play again and then we decided not to and it was a good decision because the game was super small and not worth cleats at all!! But it was still fun and a great day!! 

Tuesday- crazy day we found 5 new investigators and we only knocked on 3 doors the whole day!!  It was amazing and they were some of the funniest contacts I have ever had on my mission... We talked about these jedi knight looking dudes who preach and they were like you mean the Israelite and we were like that's what they are and apparently they hate white people!!  We have a bet with the the Wilmington first elder on who can get a picture with them first haha!! Whoever does gets milkshakes from the others!! It was super cool and then we got to give a blessing to one of the members kids after dinner and it was really cool!! We got to see the Mire family!! They are having to move and they are just off!!  It has been a real journey with them but sadly we think we might have to drop them.. :( but thats ok we will find another family and they will always mean a lot to me! But Brother Grishman came with us and it was amazing he is so good! He is my favorite! He always comes out with us and he always knows what to say and has seen a ton.  I could hang with him all day!!

Wednesday- we had interviews with president again and it was great.  District meeting went really well and was pretty short because of interviews but it was great! I got to go on an exchange with Elder Nadauld who is my zone leader and he is so much fun! We went into the hood and we found 2 more new investigators and one is this crazy lady who is super funny!!  I will send the picture of me with her and everyone will understand hahaha.  Then what was really fun was we stayed up all night and we were trying to catch the rat in our house... so we were up and we talked and tried to stay awake and then we heard the rat land in his layer.. and we had baited him with bananas and so we watched and waited and watched the bait and then next thing I knew i woke up and boom the bait is gone!! ahhhh but I can hear the rat and so I'm like trying to get Nadauld up and then we lost him!! But we tried so hard and almost had him!!!!

Thursday- was crazy we met Kenny and idk what this guy was on but he was like dude aliens came and like taught us and blahh and then he's all like one day that tree will be you and you will be me and I will be the tree and were like what the butt?? Yea it was crazy but we set a new baptismal date this this new guy named Steve.  He is really cool and really funny! 

Friday- we biked everywhere and nothing much happened but it was fun!!  We had dinner with the Stainbacks and they are a funny younger couple.  He told us some of his crazy mission stories!

Saturday- all of our appointments fell threw but this member Brother Macarther came out with us and he was super awesome.  He told us this place never to go to called creekwood where we might die if we enter.  So we are going to go there tomorrow jkjk hahahahahahha!!!  I'm not dying here but it was cool! Scary but it was great and then we had a lesson with William and he is this cool 15 year old kid who really wants a change in his life.  We taught him the restoration and invited him to read!

Sunday- Ward conference was great because we had food after church!! Super good then it went down hill and we got bashed for an hour and this guy was just dumb!! Then we got to go to Steves and he is super awesome and has been reading and praying and working towards his baptismal date.  He is doing great and he believes it all but is scared of the change that will need to take place.  We know the spirit will work on him!!  William came to church and really enjoyed it so it was good!

Today we are going to the beach it will be tons of fun and just a ball of excitement!!!

Love yall have a great week!!

Elder Dylan Hutchings

pictures are the crazy lady and then this sign because I am apparently at college!!!  Ha ha and then barbecue of which we got for free because we are elders and we get that kind of stuff!!

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I guess I'm at College???

Yummy free barbeque!!!

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