Monday- So were all at the store and Elder Miller is like man we need to get some healthy food. I was like yea I agree so we got healthy bread and vegetables. Man it was a good idea but then not so good!! We also celebrated an elders birthday and we went to down town Wilmington. I ate this ice cream from this famous store down there and oh my..... it was so good!!! I got chunky brownie you know me gotta get the chocolate and it was the best ice cream ever!!!! That night was the part that was really cool... so we were out doing what we had planned and everything was falling through, nothing was working out and finally we just stopped and said a prayer. Then we both knew where we needed to go and we found Amanda. She is this awesome lady who we had a great lesson with on the door and we were able to set a time to come back the next day!! The funny part was her dog wouldn't stop barking but she was so into the lesson that she didn't even notice until her dog grabbed food. It was crazy to hear her story! She is a total gamer and that is really funny. She had a game on that we use to play .. crash bandicoote. It was great and a total answer to our prayers!
Tuesday- so apparently it was like Valentines Day or something I guess.. but it was a great day! We worked really hard and found this hidden less active member of the ward. No one knew about her so it was pretty great! She was really funny and liked our ties but said they could be more colorful. I was wearing a plain black tie hahaha. That night was so amazing - we went to the Yue's house for dinner and it was so good!! They are like super rich and have all of this tech stuff that is super high tech and then have these giant shark teeth from a methadone shark!! It was crazy and so much fun they also have elder dobby at their house!! It is literally a statue of dobby dressed up like an elder it is the best!! For dinner we had steaks and corn on the cob and it was so good!! Then we had a lesson with Amanda again and she talked about how it was crazy how it all lined up when we got there and what we taught (plan of salvation). Brother Grishman was just perfect he asked the best questions about her faith and just made it a great lesson and she wants to learn so much more!
Wednesday- we had our district meeting like usual and it went pretty good it was on teaching the restoration! Then that day I got to take elder Sterling on an exchange. He came to our area and we found a man from the Congo. It was awesome because he loved it when we taught about the Book of Mormon. He was super into it and reading it when he saw that it was another testament of Jesus Christ!! It was super cool and then that night it was crazy because we found Mike. This guy was tall so that's how I started off the door contact. I'm like whoa are you super tall or am I just a midget!! He's like I think its a combo of both and we start laughing. He let us come in and then boom lesson and it started not going so good because he said that he didn't feel emotion. I'm all like what because he says he's like socialfbbfg idk some big word and at first I'm like oh I'm going to die!!! Then it was like no jk he just doesn't feel emotions. We turned it all around when we asked him about prayer and told him if he really wanted to change he has a loving heavenly father who will be there to help him do it. He excepted some pamphlets and our number which at first he wasn't going to!
Thursday-Nothing really happened other then we we had a great dinner with a family named the Marshalls!
Friday- we got kicked out of this apartment complex it was super funny but we are going back soon! It is where the man from the Congo lives!! Oh and that morning this rat that we have in our apartment flippen got all up in our trash and pulled stuff out of it!!!! It's not even next to the counter and that should tell you how big it is!!
Saturday- we worked super hard everything was falling through and then we were like boom thats it!!! So we pulled off onto this random street and just started tracting. Then we found Melissa and she is super awesome. Apparently she has a quad but isn't a member! So we set up a time to come back on Sunday. We then followed up with a bunch of people and none of them were home!!
Sunday- we had church and then all of our appointments fell through but it was cool because Brother Grishman came out tracting with us. We had this very interesting conversation with a man we ran into on how we are just civilized animals. It was kinda dumb because we were like yea no that's not right because we are children of god but the guy didn't listen but that's ok. Then we found Maria and she is pretty chill. She liked the book of mormon and wants to learn more!! She had crazy weird eye color though it was weird!!
The Mires are like off of the map which is such a bummer but they are apparently getting evicted. Janea is doing super good but sadly she wasn't able to come to church because she had to babysit. She is working so hard and has changed so much and she will be able to be baptized here soon it will be great!!!
But great week we worked hard and I loved it, it was so great!!
Love everyone have a great week. I hope everyone enjoys this week! Pray for me on Wednesday!! Elder Nadauld and I are going to catch the rat or else!!! Gonna be a good fight because he is the size of a football!!!
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