Monday, February 13, 2017

It's a Blur!!!

This week went by so fast i have no idea where it went at all! 

Monday- was the best after emailing we went to look at this one super nice apartment complex.  It was the stuff let me tell you it made what we are living in look like a dump! Haha but it was really cool to see but way to expensive!!! Then we had a zone activity and we popped onto the battleship!!  It was so cool and so much fun again we went crazy and we were climbing on everything!! It was the best, we had so much fun we took awesome pictures and just had a blast! It was great to go again with everyone that went this time.  It was so much fun! That evening it was pretty great we taught Paul who has recently dropped off of the map but it was a good lesson in which we taught the law of chastity.  It was a good lesson then we had a really interesting visit with manly who is super cool and is a lot smarter then he puts off.  He is probably the funniest guy I have ever met! The lesson went really great he has a lot of different views then most people do but we will keep working with him.

Tuesday- Up to Raleigh we went and dang did it take forever! It was really good to be able to go up there and such good instruction from president and the assistance! It was the same as the past 2 that I have been to but it was great to be there again and get the instructions but man was I tired! I did miss half of it because Elder Sterling got a bloody nose so I took him out so his trainee didn't have to leave and miss the meeting!!

Wednesday- zone training and whoot whoot I didnt have to instruct but instructions were really good and i got to see elder walker again he is my fav! But really good meeting. Then we went and tracted a ton and it was crazy we were late for our dinner but we felt prompted to go and re talk to this lady and boom new investigator named Tasha.  She is super awesome! But then I really started feeling like crap!!!!

Thursday- I dont even know what happened all I know is we found a man named Glen and he is super cool and was wearing wingtips.... and I did a baptismal interview... still fighting the not so good feeling!!!

Friday-  We had a great dinner with a family named the Spences and then we went and visited this part member family.  It went really good and we only got to visit with the less active husband.  Brother Spence came with us and it was really good probably should have called first but oh well it went fine!! Super fighting the yucky feeling now!!!

Saturday- Woke up and then boom it took me down!!!  I slept for like 2 hours and then i got up and we hit it! It was great and we got Jenea to commit to come to church!! Which was super great and she came sneak peak!! haha and it was great we found 2 new people both are really cool and very ready!!  Both knew we were mormon so it was great! Then that night we found a possum.. the pictures will explain it all!!! ahaha it was the best so much fun and the zone leaders were with us for the possum!!!

Sunday- Super busy and Jenea came to church and is on tract to get baptized which is super awesome!! Then we booked it out to the bishops house and I got some meds!! haha I am feeling so much better! The Mires are not ready yet and we probably wont be stopping by for a while they are like avoiding us and yea it has been discouraging.. but it was so good to see Jenea at church!!

This week was so good everyone is still doing pretty good Elder Miller is doing great and is just a great missionary!! It has been an amazing last transfer and super good to be here!!!  I absolutely love it!!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

The Battleship

Just hanging out at the Battleship

Oh Yeah!!!

Just hanging out again!!  LOL

Look ma we fit!!!

This is better than my apartment!!!

Elder Walker and I

What a cool ship!!

Why I think that's a possum!!!

Yep it was a possum!!

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