Monday, November 20, 2017

Last temple trip!!!

Monday- We had a good ole time, we had a district activity. So that consisted of us and 2 other Elder companionship's and 1 Sister companionship. We played some chair soccer and then some dodge ball.   Then this game called dot dot, it was a ton of fun and we all really enjoyed it. We were suppose to play basketball and do some other games but I forgot to tell the people with the stuff to bring it so we would be able to play. It turned out really well, I think everyone enjoyed it for the most part! It was a lot of fun, after that we came home and relaxed for a bit. Then we went and hit the pavement.  We went and tried contacting some investigators who we haven't been able to catch up with. Sadly they were leaving right as we pulled up so we weren't able to catch them... But we were able to tract some more of the area. Let me tell you these houses were flippen huge too!  Then we went with one of our ward missionaries to visit a recent convert. We were able to talk to her about writing her conversion story for the mission since president James asks everyone to!  We were able to talk to her about work and why she had been missing church but she said they had scheduling conflicts and what not so that was why but she said she would be at church!! So we were happy we could meet with her!

Tuesday- We tracted a ton, we went and were tracting in the town of Youngsville and it was weird.  The town its self was pretty on the dead side. No one really answered the door, I'm not sure how many people lived in the houses where we were knocking but it was a nice part of town.  Elder Robinson and I were both super surprised! We took our lunch after that and headed back out! We had a good ole time tracting in this place and we found this super cool lady and she had twins it was great!! She said my mom must be a saint for dealing with twins!  She is super interested in learning more and what not!! Then as we were heading to the farthest reaches of our area we stopped on this road to tract and we met Valdakina and she is super cool.  She speaks  5 languages and she is super interested.  It was a great contact and we can't wait to meet up with her again!  We had dinner was this super sweet southern lady who made really good food and half way through the meal she said - well y'all didn't get enough on your plates get more... I was breathing heavy at this point from so much food but I continued to take just a bit more of everything! It was good, and we were able to visit some part member families around her which were super nice and we are going to start teaching one of them!!

Wednesday- Was the best!! We got up at about 5:45 and headed down to Raleigh. We picked up a pair of Elders and headed to Apex... Because today was the conference temple trip for our zone! It was so good, the temple was great!!!  I was excited to go. It might be my last time in the temple here though so that was a bit of a bummer but oh well I really enjoyed it. I even got to sit by President James during the session so that was really cool!! We got home late after the meeting though, we got back at 7 ate a little food and then went and tracted a bunch till the night was over and I went on exchange with Elder Randall so it was fun!!

Thursday- Was fun we went back up to Franklinton and it was blast up there.  We knocked and got a ton of answers that we were able to contact. We met this cool lady named Kadejah. She was awesome and we were able to set up a time to come back and teach her more so it will be cool to go and teach her!! We had a great night too, we took Ivan Duncan with us to visit Connie and we had a great lesson on faith with her. We were able to talk to her about coming to church!  It was a good way to end the night and it was a fun time being with Ivan he is a cool guy!

Friday- Was so busy, we ended up doing our weekly planning in the morning so that took quite a bit of time to do but it was better then doing it on Saturday! Then we had like 3 appointments that we needed to go to.  One that was the best was with this guy named Stephen, he is a southern baptism Seminary student. He is really cool though and super nice. He got us a cracker and cheese and meat platter tray and bought us drinks to have while we taught him. The lesson wasn't bashing at all and we taught him and he had some great sincere questions.  It was a good lesson over all. Then as we were going to leave he said - wait I baked you cookies!! It was so cool and such a good time! Then we got to have some great Mediterranean food for dinner when we went to a ward activity and it was fun to be there and we followed up with some members on things we had asked them to do!

Saturday- We tracted a bunch and not to much came of it.  We met a few people who tried to be all confrontational and tell us we don't know what we believed in.  I just told them to have a nice day and walked off. So it all turned out pretty good!! We tried our best to just share a sincere testimony with them and but they wouldn't listen! Oh well!!!  We had a great dinner with members called the Abshers and it was great, they are super nice!!   We had a great lesson after dinner with this lady who we tracted into. She said her husband would be really interested as well!!!

Sunday- NO one came to church, sadly people had to cancel for various reasons but it was still hard. We will get them there next week though! We had a good time that evening though we had a cool lesson with one of our investigators Sisters who is super interested. It was interesting how we were at the right place at the right time. We finished the night by watching the Young Single Adult Face to Face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard. That was really good and we were able to watch it over at the Duncan's home it was a good night!!

Have a great week!!!

Love Elder Hutchings

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