Monday, November 6, 2017

Crazy Back Road

Monday- As everyone could see we didn't have our P day this last Monday. We had a good time we went and taught this old couple named the Benfeilds.  It was a good lesson on the restoration and they found it quite interesting. We ended the lesson and committed them to come to church and they said they would do their best (they didn't come). It was a good lesson and the crazy part was that they already had a Book of Mormon.  They couldn't remember where they got it either! We continued to tract the rest of the day! Then Curtis invited us to come with them to dinner at this place called waffle house. It was pretty good I liked it and then we found out it was his Brother Ivan's birthday so we sang to him and it was fun! Then we went and tracted a ton more and tried following up with some people and we had to bike a ton but what was really nice was Curtis was able to come and pick us up at the end of the night so that was really good.   All of our tracting payed off because we were able to find 2 people that day it was really great!

Tuesday- I had so much fun, we spent the whole day with Curtis. So we were out of miles so he came and helped us drive to get groceries.  That was super nice and then we emailed and what not. But then the day started when we got back we played these board games that Curtis brought.  We made some cinnamon rolls and this Stromboli thing it was really good! Such a fun time.  The games were ones I had never played before.  I won twice it was great! Then we got this call later that day and we ran over to help one of our investigators really quick with some service and then basically the day ended. We had dinner then we were to stay inside and plan for the week that night! But we were able to finish early so I pulled out this church movie called how rare a possession. I had never seen it before but it was really good! That was our basic day!!

Wednesday- Was so much fun, we had a Tri zone conference and it was really good. All of the instructions were really good, they focused on faith and reaching goals that we have set. It was really a good time. Then we did some service for the people who were hosting us. Then we had this activity with it. We were on this farm thing so we had a sack race, and three legged race. It was a ton of those types of games. Elder Robinson and I were the anchor for the three legged race, and it was crazy, we were behind by quite a bit when it got to us. We caught up and we were going so fast it was crazy, then we went to turn and we both lost our footing and fell down, but we were still able to take 2nd so that was good, but we were so close to beating those who were in first! It was crazy awesome till we fell hahahah, then we went on to win some other ones and what not it was really fun.  The race messed up my leg it was all swollen from the fall with the rope on and being tied to elder Robinson but I was fine and it is doing really good now! That night we went and took one of our ward missionaries out with us and it was really great because we taught an awesome lesson to these two people and he had great insights and testimony!

Thursday- I had a zone meeting with the other leaders of the zone it was quite interesting. We had a good time at the meeting. I of course was cracking jokes the whole time trying to keep it lively!!  It was great. After that I went on exchange here in Raleigh with a missionary named Elder Lowe and we had a great time. We had a good time tracting because that was basically all that we did, but it was good. I rode a bus for the first time ever, it was pretty interesting!  We had dinner with this member who was really cool, he was a mission president down in Peru and he had the funniest stories from it! Then tracting was great that night we were able to find 2 people who were really interested! Then as we were walking to the bus we noticed that we had missed it so we were like oh no... Then this member turned the corner and was like want a ride? We were like heck yea! Then we got cook out shakes and he sent a picture home it was a pretty great way to end the night!!

Friday- Elder Robinson came and picked me up so we were finally able to be back together and we headed up to Wake Forrest. It was an interesting day, we had a few people that we tried to get together with but we missed them sadly. It was a pretty generic day, but that night was really great! At 6 we went to this members home who had invited a family to meet with us. We had dinner and it was a ton of fun the members are so cool and so is this family. We taught them the restoration.  We went over how Christ had established a church and the apostasy and then Joseph Smith and his part in being called as a prophet! They had great questions and we set up another appointment and committed them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. After the discussion it was funny the member challenged us to go and play them in foozeball. So my skills were put to the test.  I won a few games but then I lost, my left hand is really bad now at playing! It was a great night!

Saturday- We went to an appointment and it was with the people that we visited with on Wednesday.  It was crazy and tough because Wednesday after we left a member of the family tried to commit suicide. It was super discouraging, but we taught about our relationship to Heavenly Father and how they can get strength from him. It was very interesting, we just tried to show our love to them and asked how we can help them out. All of that put a damper on them coming to church this week! It was super sad, but we will help them work through it! We finished the night with visiting this less active member and it was great they talked about how they wanted to start coming back to church so hopefully we can help them get there!

Sunday- Was great,  I got to meet a lot more members of the ward.  It was sad no one that we invited to church came and that was hard. But we will get people to come.  What was really cool was there was a member from the Raleigh 1st ward and he was going around telling everyone that they had some great missionaries in the ward!!!  It was really funny!  It was a great Sunday, we had an awesome dinner with these members named the Henderson's. We had ribs and it was so good, and they have some super fun kids!  Then we went tracting and we found a baptist seminary student who is getting his masters.  It will be interesting with our return appointment. He said he was going to bring his bible hahaha!! Then we went and visited a recent convert and went back over the restoration with her. It was great way to end the night!!

Today we have a zone activity it will be tons of fun since we are playing chair soccer!!

Pictures are me on this crazy back road, every Elder still out here who came out with me except one. And then the trip down to the zone conference!

Road trip to zone conference

Crazy Back Roads

All the missionaries I came out with!!!

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