Tuesday- Was transfers we were the only ones who didn't go up. We were so out of the loop for what was going on but we found out pretty fast because we get a rooster of the mission of where everyone is. Elder Dobson got called to train which is pretty exciting! We took this YSA out with us to go teach and sadly our lesson fell through but he was a good sport about it. He tracted with us for a little bit! Then we spent most of the day tracting. We had a few really good contacts but it wasn't super eventful but that's okay because the rest of the week was!
Wednesday- we took the car in to get the tire fixed because we needed take it into the shop later and we didn't want the tire to go flat while it was in the shop. So we cut it really close since we took it in right before district meeting, but they got it done before it started so that was good. Then we took the car in after the meeting and we started our bike week off! It was pretty great, I feel so skinny again. We biked all over the place and it was kinda scary. We found these two really cool new investigators. Then that night we met this less active part member family who is super nice and want us to come back for dinner. He was so cool, he ran the heart machine for the first open heart surgery here in North Carolina and joined the church in 78. Just a really cool couple who we are hoping to teach!
Thursday- We biked a ton, we biked clear down to where Laura lives so we could have dinner and a lesson with her. It was a ton of fun. We also met with Tate Bagley who is this really cool Priest. Dinner was really good!! It was a pasta dish and Laure is Italian so it was really good! Then the lesson was just awesome. We taught her all about the plan of salvation and Tate was really involved with it as well! I really enjoyed it and then we were able to commit her to be baptized and she was all for it. She had already asked for her moms blessing and everything!! It was amazing and Tate was like whoa whoa!!! It was great. Then she gave us these shrimp that she had caught that morning it was super cool! Luckily we didn't have to bike a ton after that because it took up a ton of our night but it was well worth it!
Friday- We got a call and the sisters needed some help fixing a bike so we went and helped them with that and then tracted some YSA apartments which was fun. We had this one guy who opened the door and let us right in and and told us that he will not be converted that he was catholic, but that he would convert us. So after about 5 minutes of us trying to get him to listen to us we both just stood up and walked out because he started bashing with us. We needed to leave so we said sorry sir we mean no offense but we do need to be going because this isn't what we are trying to do and what we are about!! Unfortunately he was like jvihdiubasj and so we just walked out. We ended up finding 2 people who were super interested in hearing and invited us to come back! Then that night we went out tracting again and this time we meet this guy.. Ken and he idk what was up but he thinks the government is microwaving him with radiation and he had this lab coat and a helmet and everything. It was pretty crazy. He went on for days telling us all about it. Then he gave us this card with his website on it to get the word out - it was crazy. Then he tried telling us that the government can read minds and that the weed smokers below him are government goons who are using pulse cannons on him hahaha it was the best!!!
Saturday- It feels like all we did was bike and it was so hot. As we biked to this recent convert we got dumped on by the rain and what not it was the worst. But we had a great lesson, I thought I was going to catch pneumonia though because his house was so cold!! Then we spent the rest of the day tracting and we found a few people but most everyone was nice just not to interested!! We finished the night by stopping by this family from the Congo and we set up an appointment with them so it was a pretty good day.
Sunday- we had church and it was really good, Laura was telling everyone she had made up her mind and was going to get baptized. It was awesome, sadly, all of the cool sales guys from the YSA ware are going home so we won't have any cool priesthood in the ward except the elders quorm president. But it will be alright!! That night we biked the farthest ever!! We live 3 miles outside of our area so that doesn't help but we biked 30 miles. The people we went to see weren't even home, it was so frustrating. But we were rebels and went across this closed off bridge!!! It was completely finished though so we were all good. It was a great Sunday. I was so tired from all of the biking this week though it was crazy and really hard but we did it!!
Love Elder Hutchings
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