Monday, August 14, 2017

Capture the flag Zone style

This week was really fun!

Monday- we had a zone activity and we went out to the beach, it was a ton of fun! We played some soccer on the beach and some capture the flag it was all really fun. It was like the perfect day to go as well.  The weather wasn't the best so the population at the beach was pretty low so that was fun. Ever missionary in the zone ended up showing up which made it quite a bit of fun and we were able to meet everyone and put a face to all of the names that we know. So that was good, all of the new missionaries are so young. They like all just graduated and I'm over here like this old decrepit man - LOL!!! It is so weird... But it was a good day. We took food from a place called cook out, which is like my favorite place ever and ate it out on the beach. Everyone needs to try it, it is the best stuff ever! That night we went out to work.  We were still on bikes but we made it to all of our appointments and we even got to see one of our investigators who we were in need of catching up with. Then we ended the night by giving a blessing to some of the sisters in the district it was a pretty good day!

Tuesday- Was a bit odd our usual schedule was thrown a bit off but we were able to go out and get done what we needed to. We went and taught this guy named Ricky.  He was so cool, and he fed us so that was great! He made super good potatoes and ribs.  It was the best! After that we booked it in the rain on our bikes because our car had finally gotten finished.  We biked up a rode called market which was super sketchy but we made it! Then we were able to make it to our other appointments for the night, so it all worked out. We had our one and only meal of the week that night with this super awesome member who took us to Jimmy Johns! We also got a call that night to tell us that one of investigators baptismal dates will be able to be moved forward significantly so that will be really good.  That was an exciting call!!

Wednesday- We headed up to district meeting in Jacksonville. It was a great meeting, really fun and they had a ton of missionaries in the district up there!  Afterwards elder Rawlins stayed in Jacksonville and I took a new missionary with me to Wilmington for exchanges. All we did that day was teach and it was so awesome. We just went from appointment to appointment. We taught this guy named Tom first and we read Alma 7 with him and focused the lesson on the atonement of Jesus Christ. Then we taught this guy named Lake who is YSA age and that was great.  We read the intro to the Book of Mormon and he committed to reading and praying about it. Great lesson, then we went and taught the restoration to this one lady who ended up not letting us come back, but that is alright! Then we taught Kayla who we talked about reading and praying and it was awesome and she said she had gotten an answer to her prayers and believes it is all to be true!

Thursday- We exchanged back and had a pretty fun day, we went and met with Brother Burwell. We tracted into like 5 muslims and then we tried to visit this bible referral and it turned out to be a bust.. and then we met this man named Lateef Peace!!! It was so funny and a great appointment!

Friday- We went and did quite a bit of teaching, we went and were tracting in this one awesome neighborhood where everyone is super nice and we found this lady named Toni, she was super cool!! Then we went and taught our investigator Gwen, and the lesson went so well. We taught most of Plan of Salvation and then invited her to be baptized, and she said yes if she received and answer to her prayers!

Satuday- we went and taught Laura the rest of the plan of salvation and the word of wisdom and she is so solid!! She is going to get baptized it is so awesome!! She gave her cigarettes to us to get rid of!! It was awesome best day ever!!

Sunday Laura came to church and we had a great time.  The YSA ward was great - this girl went way over on time for her talk it was awesome. A lot of new people moved in and what not with college starting again!! It was a great day and we found 2 new people to teach!!

That was mostly the week if you have any questions just ask!!

Love Elder Hutchings

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