Monday, December 26, 2016

Very Merry Christmas!!!

Hey y'all that was awesome yesterday!!!!!!!!
I was so excited to see everyone it was super awesome I was so happy!! It was super great to see everyone though. This week was amazing, It has been harder though because you become more and more unfocused with the holidays.  I am more focused now it is great! I really want everyone to know how much I really do love and miss them!! 

Monday-  was interesting we tracted a bunch and it was fun but we really didn't get to many answers on the door but it was all good.  I road a bike without a helmet (because mine was stolen!!) and we got to have dinner at golden corral!!  It was pretty fun and I bought a helmet (aka the one that got stolen later) but it was great to just be out and about but it was super cold like freezing tons!! Elder peseta was almost a pop sickle!! 

Tuesday- We found and investigator named Leigh in the morning and it was awesome because she said she felt like god had sent us to her!! Then I went on an exchange after interviews with President James and those were great!! I went with Elder Nadauld - he is my zone leader and it was tons of fun. This is when I got hit on by this girl wearing just a bra!!  It was so awkward!!! #stillgotgame. It was really cool because we all stayed the night at the zone leaders apartment and we partied!!! (well like a missionary)

Wednesday-  was a crazy day, sadly one of our appointments got cancelled which would have been really good with this family but last minute they had something to do.  That was a bummer but oh well it happens.  We will get them this week! And we finally were able to teach this one lady we met named Kim.  She opened up to us and the spirit was super present in  the lesson and it was so good and it was in the ghetto where I apparently was getting threats about being white that i didn't hear but elder peseta did hahaha!!!  It was funny!! I also opened the shoes I got and they were so gorgeous!!

Thursday- We went to Lafayette for Christmas zone conference and I got to see tons of my friends from up in Cary.  Lots of people that have been transferred away from me so it was really great!!! Tons of people performed music and dances.  It is so cool that we have so many talented people in our mission.  This one elder threw down on the organ it was so crazy!!!! Elder Peseta played the ukulele and it was cool.  He played this mission song and sang with another elder!!! Then our district performed o holy night and Elder Jensen played guitar.  It sounded really good it was quite amazing because we only practiced that morning!!

Friday- My Bike Was Stolen AGAIN with My NEW Helmet!!! I found it and we are going to get it back!! We had a great lesson with our investigator Sylvia.  She is from main land china it is pretty cool to work with her!! Super fun night and then we had dinner with a member and had this massive pizza!!  I have a picture of the box it was huge and really good! We also caught a lizard it was really funny it was in the zone leaders apartment it was so awesome!​​​​​​

Saturday we attended a baptism of a guy from the Congo.  The Wilmington 1st elders baptized him in Swahili.  The guy messed up his ankle the night before and couldn't even walk on it and still got baptized so much faith so amazing to see!! Then we found the bike that night - miracle as well totally lead to it by the spirit to take a path for idk why but led us right to it and we got it!! Now i am going to find my helmet I don't care how haha!!! We had dinner with the Bastians and it was fun we sang hymns and elder peseta played the ukulele that they had!! We stayed the night again at the zone leaders and Elder Shearer gave me the nice haircut and it looks so good!!

Christmas- Woke up at 6:30 and we all opened our gifts which was tons of fun!!  I reopened the shoes that I wrapped myself it was great!! I loved all of my gifts so much!! And then I wore the shoes to church!!  It was a  really awesome service at church.  Tons of singing Christmas songs and the story of Christs birth!!! We spent Christmas with the Carters where I got to call everyone from.  We were there all day it was tons of fun.  They had a lot of family but it was pretty small compared to what i am use to and pretty dang quiet as well!!!

I loved this Christmas so much even though it was harder and different and i didn't get to be there with all of you I know where I am is where I am needed and I love everyone so much!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Love Elder Hutchings

Christmas Morning

What a haul!!!

Sweet Ties!!!

Lovin the Seattle stuff!!!

New pillow and pillowcase!!!

Looking GOOD for Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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