Monday, December 12, 2016

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree - Little and Big

This week was really good!
Monday- we played wall ball with the Leland elders and just had a great time and really enjoyed their company.  We did that for most of the day after we emailed and it was pretty fun. We went tracting that night and it was awesome we found Calvin and Tonya who are gonna make me fried chicken which will be amazing!! We had a super spirit filled lesson with them after they let us in and we taught them the restoration!! It was a really amazing experience!!

Tuesday was a scramble but it was good.  I ended up planning the district meeting  that night for the next day so that was crazy but fun and really good!! We found another new investigator named Amilea who is this super nice old lady who is christian and really wants to learn more so that was great!! 
Wednesday district meeting went great and it was fun.  We are learning new ways to teach from the pamphlets that we have! Then I went to Leland and that was a riot!!  It was fun to go back to a bunch of places that I tracted before  and we found a new investigator there.  It was great and I got to see some people that I had talked with so that was cool. Then that night we went to the Childs house which was great!!  They were super happy to see me and they plan on making me some super good food when I go back to Leland.  It will be so much fun!!
Thursday was great we taught Amelia again and she was super nice and we invited her to be baptized and she said she would think about it and study more with it!! Then the rest of the day was weird but we found a guy who really needed help and we gave him a book of mormon sadly he called and said if he wants us to come back he will let us know so that was to bad but its all good!!  Hopefully we left an impression on him.  
Friday was super fun we had the ward Christmas party and it was tons of fun so many people were there.  We might have a new guy we are going to be teaching that a member brought so it will be really cool to see what happens!!  It was so cold that night but brother Wilson gave us a ride home from the church!!

Saturday was crazy.  We went tracting and then to a baptizm then all over that night!!  We found Incler this super awesome guy from Honduras who we taught and he is prepared and he really liked the message and spirit he felt when we shared it with him!! He offered us this extra Christmas tree so it was pretty cool.  We are teaching him again Wednesday!!

Sunday was crazy our ride to church cancelled so we biked there but it was all good!! Then Elder Peseta and I gave talks.  Mine was on the mission of the savior and everyone said it was good but I felt like I didn't do the best but it was good and I started it with sorry I don't have an aloha or talofa like Elder Peseta.  We just say potato in Idaho haha!!!  It was pretty funny!!! That night we taught Calvin and tonya again.  It was a really awesome lesson and they want to attend church with us!! After the lesson I asked her if she would make me some fried chicken and she said she would I am so excited because they are so cool and just really fun people!!

Today we are going to this gym to learn some Brazilian Juditzu!!  Its going to be awesome.  One of the members owns the gym and he is the instructor!! So it will be really awesome!!
And that is the amazing week of Elder Hutchings

Love Elder Hutchings

Elder Peseta and I

Our Little Tree

Our Big Tree!!!

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