Monday, September 19, 2016

Service is Great

Well Monday was amazing!!!  That night we had a lesson with a man named Steve and it was really awesome.  The spirit was so strong that you literally could have cut it like butter.  It was even more amazing to be able to have Elder Dobson experiance that! 

The rest of the week we were just out tracting which was fun and we found this lady with a huge dog that was like 220 pounds -  it was massive!!  We always try to make tracting fun and luckily we didn't get told that we are going to hell or anything like that so that is good! 

The weekend was filled with a ton of service and it was really great!!  Some of it was at a horse barn and some other service was at this thrift store and both were really fun!!   I also got to go to the NC state campus which was really cool and we had a ton of fun and there was a party right next to where we taught!!!  It was crazy haha but lots of fun!!  We set up another baptismal date with Taniyah and got Tori and her mom to a stake president fireside which was really great and they really enjoyed.  It has been another great week here in Cary!!!

Love y'all

Elder Hutchings

Elder Dodson and I

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