So on Monday we got to have an amazing dinner with this recent convert family. It was super good and we had Elder Lingman and Elder Christensen with us. That was super fun.
Tuesday we got to have a lesson with our recent convert Kimberly. We taught her the plan of salvation and then I beat her in arm wrestling which was pretty easy (she is 9) hahaha!!!! Sadly, she is moving but it is still within the stake so that is good!
Wednesday we had an exchange and I was with Elder Evans and it was tons of fun!! We ended the night with some ranch soda from a place called rocket fizz and it was pretty gross!!! and we ate brownies that i bought!!
Then the rest of the week was pretty interesting. We got Taniyah to go with us to a baptism and she said that she felt the spirit so strong so that was way exciting to see!! Tori came to church and brought her mom with herfor the second time in a row which was super awesome! And now today we have a district activity which will be super fun and what not! We also had dinner with a member and we were like so how long have you lived here and they were like a month and I was like oh I've been here longer then you!!! It was funny. We have also biked so much Elder Dobson is gonna need a new bike haha ! But it has been fun and I am loving it so far!!!
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