Monday, September 26, 2016

Cancelled Lessons!! :(

Well this week was a ton of fun! Sadly, we didn't have to many lessons but we worked really hard and it was great! 

So Monday we ended up getting our lesson cancelled with Steve because his mom has dementia and needed his help so we were praying for her.  We also made sure that he knew we were here to help with anything and everything! That was good and that night we ended up going tracting and found some really cool people. 

Tuesday was pretty great with us going up to the most north part and tracting some really cool looking houses! Then Wednesday was a real surprise -  Elder Walker showed up to pick us up and he is now in a trio so we have another person who hangs out with us but it is good he is a nice elder a little different but good! And Wednesday we went on an exchange again and I went back on the NC state campus which was really crazy this time.  It was a bit rainy, not too bad but still tons of people out.  We use a survey as an excuse to make people talk to us so that is fun! That night was so much fun the other elders live right next to the spanish elders for Cary. We just had a ton of fun and I did like 150 push ups (im still sore btw) hahaha but it was a ton of fun. then the rest of the week we spent contacting members and tracting around their houses and just trying to help the ward! 

Sunday was really fun 4 people at church whoot whoot! And it was great! We also taught the priest age young men and it went so good the bishop asked us to teach it to the teachers group next week!! So it was an awesome Sunday! Today we got a call and asked if we wanted lunch and this super small Asian lady made us some lunch it was super awesome but that is my week!!

Love and Miss Everyone

Elder Hutchings

Monday, September 19, 2016

Service is Great

Well Monday was amazing!!!  That night we had a lesson with a man named Steve and it was really awesome.  The spirit was so strong that you literally could have cut it like butter.  It was even more amazing to be able to have Elder Dobson experiance that! 

The rest of the week we were just out tracting which was fun and we found this lady with a huge dog that was like 220 pounds -  it was massive!!  We always try to make tracting fun and luckily we didn't get told that we are going to hell or anything like that so that is good! 

The weekend was filled with a ton of service and it was really great!!  Some of it was at a horse barn and some other service was at this thrift store and both were really fun!!   I also got to go to the NC state campus which was really cool and we had a ton of fun and there was a party right next to where we taught!!!  It was crazy haha but lots of fun!!  We set up another baptismal date with Taniyah and got Tori and her mom to a stake president fireside which was really great and they really enjoyed.  It has been another great week here in Cary!!!

Love y'all

Elder Hutchings

Elder Dodson and I

Monday, September 12, 2016

Arm wrestling champ!!!

So on Monday we got to have an amazing dinner with this recent convert family.  It was super good and we had Elder Lingman and Elder Christensen with us.  That was super fun. 

Tuesday we got to have a lesson with our recent convert Kimberly.  We taught her the plan of salvation and then I beat her in arm wrestling which was pretty easy (she is 9) hahaha!!!!   Sadly, she is moving but it is still within the stake so that is good! 

Wednesday we had an exchange and I was with Elder Evans and it was tons of fun!!  We ended the night with some ranch soda from a place called rocket fizz and it was pretty gross!!! and we ate brownies that i bought!! 

Then the rest of the week was pretty interesting.  We got Taniyah to go with us to a baptism and she said that she felt the spirit so strong so that was way exciting to see!!  Tori came to church and brought her mom with herfor the second time in a row which was super awesome! And now today we have a district activity which will be super fun and what not! We also had dinner with a member and we were like so how long have you lived here and they were like a month and I was like oh I've been here longer then you!!!  It was funny.  We have also biked so much Elder Dobson is gonna need a new bike haha ! But it has been fun and I am loving it so far!!!

Monday, September 5, 2016

New Trainee/New Suit

Hey this week was great! 
Elder Dobson is my trainee and he is a great elder and really wants to try hard to do what he can to improve! Training is crazy!!!  I sometimes feel like I have no idea what I am doing!!! haha but then I just like go oh well hahaha! I felt bad for Elder Dobson, we had some times where people told us we were going to hell.  I got him out as fast as i could but i know that it defiantly effected him a little but he is staying strong so that is good!! He has a great testimony so I am not worried but it was still not good for his first week.  That's hard on any missionary let alone in the first week!!

Everything is going good I am feeling pretty healthy. We got rained on all day it was so much fun! This week consisted of a lot of tracting but its all good.  You have to find people in order to teach! We had our first discussion as trainer and trainee and it went great and we are going to be teaching him again.  That will be really good!!  We have been working really hard and doing lots!  I found out that I  have been hitting like 35 to 40mph on my bike!!!  It has been great and so much fun.  I calulated it out and I have put about 2000 miles on my bike so far!!  Thats been awesome!  

I did get a new blue suit - my suits are getting a little bigger with all the biking!!!! Gotta love being a missionary.

Love yall

Elder Hutchings