Pictures are worth a thousand words!!!
Elder Dylan Hutchings
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Monday, January 8, 2018
6 DAYS left!!!
Well this week was really good, as most of you know it was p
day last tuesday and that was fun it was interesting having it on another day
then monday. But we had a grand ole time in henderson with some other
missionaries. We worked really hard this last week a lot of tracting in the
cold cold weather and we were able to find some people. What was really great
was friday we had interviews with president and those are always a good time.
He is so funny and it was great to just talk to him and what all has been going
on in the area. It was also a great day because we got to have a baptism. I was the one who got to perform it. It was
pretty great because we filled up the font and it was pretty full then as we
went to baptize him it must have drained because there was so little water in
the font. So it took me 4 tries but I finally got him all the way under and it
was great!! That was so funny and great. Then on Sunday he was confirmed a
member of the church it was just an amazing experience and he was so ready. It
has been a great week and I have one week left I'm going to go and make the
most of it!! love y'all!!
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I needed 6 Layers!!!
This week was a ton of fun we got to go out and freeze to
death. So most of the week we went out and were on bikes and it was so cold!!
Good thing I had 6 layers on and I was still cold. We were able to meet a ton
of people because everyone was cold and inside, it was great. The bikes was
probably the worst though because the wind would just get right through
everything and it was so cold!! But we had a good time. We were able to have
the last lesson that we needed with Dan and now all is left and he will be
baptized on Friday. He asked me to
baptize him - it will be awesome!! We are super excited, his interview is
tonight so everyone pray. Other then
that it was a pretty bland week just lots of knocking and visiting people!! Oh
we did get to go and get some good ice cream with Curtis after a lesson though
and that was really good. He took a snap chat of us and wrote squad on it
posted it to his story it was pretty great!!
Love Yall not to much longer left have a great week!
Love Elder Hutchings
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Merry Christmas
It was a crazy bonkers week, it was a ton of fun! Christmas eve we went out and went ding dong ditching as we delivered Christmas presents and it was so much fun! Last night we went and had a great time playing games with the Duncans it was so much fun and a great Christmas! Sorry its short but I don't have to much time to email!
Love Elder Hutchings
Monday, December 18, 2017
Allergic Reaction!!
This weekend was a bit rough, I ended up breaking out in
hives due to an allergic reaction. So I spent most of the day in urgent care on
Saturday. I am doing much better now and have plenty of medications (drugs)
pumped into me!
Monday- The turkey that we cooked ended up turning out
really good!! It was super moist and was just a really fun time. We texted
Curtis and told him about it and he was like I'll bring the board games and be
right over to help you eat some of this! It was a good time, we played
games and ate turkey it was sweet.
What was really weird was we looked at all the instructions and we left it
cooking while we came to email because we had this cooker from a member and it
said it would take 4 hours to cook. 2 hours and it was done we used the meat
thermometer and it was like 200 degrees in it, it was defiantly cooked! That night we went out and just
tracted all night! It was a good time. Elder Shore makes it nice and fun!
Tuesday- We came down to Raleigh for a meeting and it was a
ton of fun, it was a zone council so we had all the leaders in the Raleigh zone
there and we talked about what was going on and how we can help. What was the best though was we got to have cook out for lunch
afterwards and that is always good! I haven't had it in so long since there
isn't one up in Wake Forest! Then we had an appointment which ended up
falling through but we were able to tract around them and make it work. Then we
had to drive all the way out to the boonies of
area for a dinner which killed on our miles and then it took forever and
it was just a bunch of stress but we got there and it all worked out! We then had
a really interesting lesson with this Muslim lady which made me so mad. We were answering her questions and she wanted perfect answers and it
was just a hard lesson. We will be dropping her here soon since all she is
doing is asking questions about weird stuff she finds on the internet. Hopefully we can get her to come to church with the recent convert she lives
Wednesday- We had our regular district meeting and it was a
party. We all had a good time and Elder Shore and I took up our turkey and we
had that for lunch. Then I went with Elder Meyer into the Roxboro area on exchange. We met some of the weirdest people, it is a
Podunk little area but it was so much fun! We tracted a ton and had a great
time. He is from a little town in Idaho and it was great. It was fun to talk to
him about Idaho! Nothing really happened on exchange other then we met these
people that told us to stay away from this one house, the guy is crazy and
thinks he is a prophet! So that was a good story to hear about and he comes
and visits these people all the time!
Thursday- We came back in from exchange and we
had an awesome lesson with this guy named Whitehead. We don't know if that is
his first or last name but he is really cool. Our lesson with him was planned
for 11 and we showed up right at 11 and as we were half way up the walk
way he opened the door. We taught a really powerful restoration lesson to him
and we used the scriptures and the whole time he kept saying y'all have brought me
the truth. He was super amazed by the vision that Joseph Smith had it was
really cool! The rest of the day was pretty routine with most of the planning
that we needed to do and we had our dinner. It was a pretty good day but sadly didn't find anyone.
Friday- We had a lesson planned with this guy named Paul,
and we show up and his wife answers. We have started to contact her
and we teach her quite a bit since Paul is asleep. We taught a pretty good
lesson on the door and then she was like yeah I don't have time but come back and Paul will be sure to talk to you! We were like dang. We were low on
miles so we biked all the way down there, but it was good since we planned on
staying in Wake Forest all day. We worked hard and we tracted all day and we ended
up finding a few people. We taught quite a bit on the door
and it was a good day. Then we went to contact some referral from some other
sisters in the mission and these people live right in the middle of baptist
seminary housing. We were like yea no, another time since we didn't have anything
in their language! Then we went to the ward party, and that was a blast. They
did breakfast for dinner and it was really good. The bad part was when we got
home that night I was breaking out in hives (thought it was just a rash). So
put some itching cream on it and went to bed.
Saturday- Woke up and I thought the rash was gone showered and
went out for the day. Then as we were out it came back and I could feel it on
my scalp and it was so itchy! So after we came home for lunch we called the
mission nurse and she said to go into urgent care and what not! So went in
and sure enough it was hives. So they gave me 2 shots, one was steroids and the
other was for the itching. The nurse came in to give them to me and I was
talking to her and I asked if she wanted me to roll my sleeves up.... Well I found out they weren't going to be put in my arm ( edit this if their are children) But they go in the butt!!! Dang it hurt so bad when the fluid went in
to! So I got those and then we ran to Walgreens and picked up everything. We
came home so I could eat and then I fell asleep from all
of the drugs!! When I woke up we ran to dinner and then after wards I was covered
in hives again and so the mission nurse told me that I should spend the night in and
what not. That was the worst. But I got a blessing and felt better!
Sunday- We had church and I talked to a doctor from the ward
and then we tracted a ton of people from the seminary. We think
that we hit an area that was just recently hit by some Jehovah witnesses just the day before
so it made our efforts pretty pitiful!
Overall the week was pretty good and we had fun while we
could. Elder Shore was able to get quite a bit of cleaning done though! (Since I was sleeping!!!)
The picture of the Guy getting baptized is Abugar! The
rest of them are the turkey and then the prep for the turkey, yes i am holding
its neck in my hand!!
Have a great week
Love Elder Hutchings
Yes we're going to cook this!! |
This is the neck!!! |
Looking good!! |
Oh yes we get to eat this!!! |
Looks done to me!!! |
Abugar's baptism!!! |
Monday, December 11, 2017
Freezing Rain - Holes in Shoes!!!
Well I just want everyone to know that this week I found out
that I have holes in the soles of my shoes. Some might ask - well how did you just barely find this out.
This week will tell and it is quite a good story so stay tuned and find out!
Monday- Was sorta fun, we drove down to Raleigh to help
people with rides since we have lost some of the cars in the zone because of
some accidents. We were able to go down
and spend some time with the other elders. We played some board and card games!
It was pretty fun, and I got to hang out with some cool elders. I found out
basically everything that was going on with transfers! It was really fun to get
the assistants to just blabb it all out to me! LOL!!! So that was a pretty good
part of the day, and then we had the nice long drive home with traffic! It wasn't to bad, then we went straight to a
lesson with Dan our investigator who is getting baptized here soon! We took
pictures and stuff! Then we ran to another appointment and met with this
awesome couple. We went in and sat down
and taught them the restoration! It was a powerful lesson, and they committed
to come to church and read and pray! It was awesome, and then we ran to the
store to get ice cream, and milk shake ingredients and we had a milk shake party
for Elder Robinson! It was great, just me and him but it was a lot of fun!
Tuesday- We had our transfers, we swung by the Henry's first
to grab some biscuits they were giving us and then we drove to transfers. It
was fun seeing everyone and having them be like whoa its transfers again. (I
was like you don't even know!) It was
cool, we got to see all of the trainers, sadly a lot of the people that I
wanted to see weren't there but there was a few, so it was good. Everyone
leaving was so trunky it was the best!
Then I found Elder Shore and we packed it up and left transfers. It was
a pretty short drive home not to much traffic or anything. Then we got home, he
unpacked a bit and then we were off to the races. We went and tracted around the area that we were
having dinner and it was quite fun to be able to see how Elder Shore works. By
the way, my companion is now Elder Shore, he is from Utah and has brown hair.
He is really cool and we are pretty similar so it will be a fun last transfer!
Friday&Saturday- Both days were really awesome, this is
when I found out that I had a hole in my shoe. Friday we tracted all day and
all night it was great. It started out raining and then it went to freezing
rain, and my shoe got soaking wet. It was awesome!! We tracted for hours straight and the best comment I heard
both days was " its cold out here, y'all should get somewhere warm"...
aren't you in a nice warm house... Ha Ha but we were able to find people both
days and we saw an investigator named Joe and we talked to him about why he
missed church last week. He said some
excuses and then I said well come tomorrow.
So we arranged a ride! (he came too!) Then we had some great member
dinners! At one point on Friday though we had to run into the dollar general
store and buy new socks since ours were just soaked! It was a great 2
days. I had a ton of fun and so did
Elder Shore. We even got to tract in the snow and we both felt like we were
back out in the west!! It was so cold though!!
Sunday- Joe came to church it was the best, and then we went
and visited some of our investigators.
We had a great dinner with some newer members of the ward! It was a ton
of fun. The end of the night we met with Dan and him telling us he forgot the
baptismal record, and we were meeting with him to fill it out! But it was good,
we visited this lady named Sister Share and she is really cool. She gave us a turkey and was like this needs
cooked... So now we are cooking a turkey today!!
Love Elder Hutchings
We got the little rascal!! |
Now - disposing of him!!! |
Last 2 years of my life in 17 pictures!!! |
Monday, December 4, 2017
Monday- Elder Robinson and I had a pretty boring day! Haha
we ended up playing scrabble, and I found out that there are a bunch of words
that I didn't know were actually real words! It was quite funny, but in the
end my vocab wasn't the biggest!!! So I ended up losing but we had fun while we
were at it! We also took some time and made our planners for this next
transfer! Mine is pretty cool it is Christ opening the eyes of a blind man! It
is pretty awesome, it was going good. Then Curtis called us and asked if y'all eaten lunch yet? We were able have lunch with him. We went to this
really good Mediterranean place it was a Gyro that I got and it was great!! We
had a good time, then that night we went out and were tracting a ton. That's pretty
much what I remember!
Tuesday- We had an accounting call and it was pretty sweet, the
zone leaders and us were talking about what was coming for transfers and it was
pretty great! They had some pretty interesting perspectives on who all might be
leaving! It was a good day though and we tracted a ton. We went and saw this
investigator of ours named Joe. Joe thought he was buff and so we had a
competition to see who could do more push ups... Well I won and he said
he would come to church! Which he ended up not coming! Then we were tracting not to far from Joe and
we were able to find 2 people who were interested in us coming back and
teaching their families more! The rest of the night was pretty great. We were
able to see a recent convert. She was doing pretty good and it was good to see
her! Then we went and visited some investigators who we had an appointment
with and we took Tyson one of the people getting ready for his mission. Unfortunately the appointment fell through, it was the worst! But we got to visit a few
Wednesday- We had a bunch of appointments scheduled and it
was pretty booked. Then all of it slowly fell through. We had one appointment
that morning and it had to be rescheduled which was alright and it gave us time
to tract. We met this lady named Rebetha. She was nice and she knows one of
the members of the ward! So that was cool, then we swung by a few other people
that afternoon and ended up not catching them. We were able to knock on Eric's door. He is this really spiritual guy who was like oh yea if I could
have more scripture on Christ I would read it immediately! So we scheduled to
come back Thursday and teach him more so that was really cool! It was a pretty good
day. That night we had a good time as we went out and our appointments fell
through. One after the other cancelled on us. We ended up with one left which
was good because we had a member coming out with us. Then we got there and they
ended up not being really interested in continuing so we got dropped. It
was alright though, it wasn't there time yet!
Thursday- Eric was there for his appointment, so that was
really great and we were able to teach him more about the Book of Mormon and he
was really interested! So we set up a time next week to come
back! That afternoon we did an exchange with some elders, I was with Elder Lowe
in Wake Forest. We had a good long time to tract and we met some really nice
people and we were able to share with them the Christmas initiative "Light the World". It works really great at softening people up to talk to us and be able
to share more with them! Then what was really cool was we knocked on this super
sweet older guys door. He wasn't interested in learning more but he was super
cool and had investigated before!
Friday- We had our district meeting and interviews with
President James. It was so much fun. My interview went so much longer then it
was suppose to! We were just talking about different stuff in the mission and in
life and it was pretty great! Then I went on another exchange but this time I was
with Elder Hunsaker down in Raleigh. It was spanish speaking! What was funny was we ended up having to
drive back up to Wake Forest because the other elder accidentally took the phone. it was pretty great! It was so much fun, I basically just stood there and took
the gringo stare from all of the spanish people it was the best! It was funny
that we had chicken alfredo for dinner with this spanish family though! But hey
that's my favorite meal so I wasn't even going to complain! Then we tried a few other people and it was in this
really weird complex! But it was a fun night!
Saturday- We exchanged back and it was a fun little drive up
to Wake Forest again! The day flew by though it was so fast! We had a good
time as we planned and waited for the transfer news! Then we found out that Elder Robinson was leaving it was pretty crazy!
Sunday- Dan finally came to church which was great and we had
a good time. We went in with the Priests during the Priesthood session of
church! They did mission prep stuff and it was pretty funny! So we asked a
few questions and then we had them do some role plays trying to teach one
another it was super funny! Then it was great because that night we went
to the Duncans for dinner and we also went back to to watch the Christmas
Devotional. We went out and tracted in between and visited a few members so Elder Robinson would be able to say bye! Then the devotional was really good,
we had a fun time with the Duncans as we watched it! We are going to watch
it again with Dan and the Henrys tonight!
Over all it was a great week and we had a fun time. I was
sad to hear Elder Robinson was leaving but I love this area and am happy to
stay! It will be exciting!
Have a great week everyone!!
Love Elder Hutchings
Wake Forest District - the BEST!!! |
Monday, November 27, 2017
Turkey Week
Monday- We didn't do to much. After emailing we went and
were just kinda chilling at our apartment, it was alright but a little boring.
Then Curtis texted us and wanted to play some board games? We
were like heck yea, so we got to play some board games. We played this one that
was really weird, it was all of these questions on church stuff and it was
surprisingly really fun. I don't know if anyone possibly knows more then
half of the answers to these questions that this game had! It was good. Elder Robinson was able to get a haircut from Curtis so that helped save some
time! That night was pretty cold but we were able to get quite a bit done. We
followed up with quite a few people that we had tracted into earlier in the
year who were on some records. Not to much came of that but we were able to
tract around them and try to find some people! We ended up not finding anyone
but we were able to talk to a ton of nice people who all wished us a happy
Thanksgiving so that was nice!!
Tuesday- Was really fun, we went out that morning and were
tracting when we knocked on this preachers door. He invited
us in so we went in and started talking to him and it was a good conversation
but he didn't really want to listen but was super nice. He told us about this
new version of the bible that had come out recently and said the translation on
it was pretty good so it was interesting to talk about that! Then we were able
to have a lesson with our investigator Stephen. It went pretty well. We
were teaching the plan of salvation and it basically ended up at
pre earth life. He had many deep questions which couldn't be answered ... it was so crazy and at the end we just testified of what we believed. We were a bit off track but were able to set up a return
appointment to come back and finish teaching it so it will make more sense for
him! It was pretty exhausting trying to keep up with his train of thought. That night was really cool we were able to go out and tract
for like 50 minutes and we found 2 people who are super interested in hearing
more about the restoration - it was really cool! Then we went out with a member
to visit some people and it went really well. We had a lesson with some members
named the Hendersons and it was really good. They set a date to find some one
for us to teach in their home!
Wednesday- We had a pretty interesting district meeting but
it was really good, we all had fun and were able to continue to try to be
better at teaching. There was some pretty funny comments made! We all had
lunch together and then after that Elder Robinson and I set out for a place
called Franklinton where we had an appointment with an this lady named Kadejah!
It went really well we were able to give her a Book of Mormon and tell her more
about it and we read the introduction. She wanted to come to church as well so
we told her we would get her a ride to come. We set one up and called her
friday and we never got an answer so that was frustrating!! The rest of the night was cool. We went and were able to talk to Dan, and we
need permission from his parents for him to be baptized. We will see how that goes but
he is getting really excited to be baptized. He is 17 and a really good kid!
Our lesson was at the church and it was funny since there was volleyball going
Thursday- Turkey day!!!! We went and played in the ward
turkey bowl, it was a ton of fun! I had 2 interceptions one of which was a
pick six so I scored on it! Then I had a deep catch where I ran it in and
scored!! We were like the best team but no biggy!! Then we were able to get up
with a few investigators and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving!! Then we had dinner ourselves, it was really good! Then we went and had dessert with a
few more people the rest of the night and it was really good!! We got this one
really manly man to tear up with the new light the world video it was really
Friday- Went by so fast, but we got a call from Dan and he
has permission to be baptized now! It will be on Jan 5 it is so exciting!!! We were able to have a great time tracting that day. I had been feeling a
bit off but we pressed on. After dinner we went and were tracting for about an
hour and then I felt so sick. So we went home and I ended up throwing up once
and then I just passed out on the couch and that's all that I really remember!!
Saturday- I felt great when I woke up it was really good,
and we had a great day. We went and had some appointments and were able to
teach some more of the restoration to people and then we tracted a ton. We met
this lady who was really weird she was like yall are so nice. Just keep seeking
for truth... so we ended the conversation. We
tracted these huge houses and we found 2 people. It was crazy since we usually
don't have much success in this big of neighborhoods!! But we did!! We also went
out with brother Higbee and visited Connie and we had a great lesson again on
faith with her and we read through Alma 32 it was pretty good. We are trying
really hard to get her to come to church!
Sunday- We went to church and it was a good service. I really enjoyed the talk of this one returned missionary who got back not to
recently. It was a good day and we tracted a ton but we were able to see our
investigator Joe he is pretty cool. He had a party last Saturday and that was
why he couldn't come to church... It was so lame but we are gonna try to get him
there!! Then we were able to go and visit some people after tracting and what
not and the timing was so inspired. This guy named David was puling up
right as we got there and we were finally able to talk to him and we will be
able to teach him more now since his old phone stopped working and he hadn't been
able to get our number! It was great!!
Now i sit here emailing and we are going to play scrabble or
something today! Oh and we have a mouse in our apartment and its just a little
one but we will get him soon, he has missed our traps so far but we will get
him now!!!!
Love yall
Love Elder Dylan Hutchings
Monday, November 20, 2017
Last temple trip!!!
Monday- We had a good ole time, we had a district activity.
So that consisted of us and 2 other Elder companionship's and 1 Sister
companionship. We played some chair soccer and then some dodge ball. Then
this game called dot dot, it was a ton of fun and we all really enjoyed it. We
were suppose to play basketball and do some other games but I forgot to tell
the people with the stuff to bring it so we would be able to play. It
turned out really well, I think everyone enjoyed it for the most part! It was a
lot of fun, after that we came home and relaxed for a bit. Then we went and hit
the pavement. We went and tried contacting some investigators who we haven't
been able to catch up with. Sadly they were leaving right as we pulled up so we
weren't able to catch them... But we were able to tract some more of the area. Let me tell you these houses were flippen huge too! Then we went with
one of our ward missionaries to visit a recent convert. We were able to talk to
her about writing her conversion story for the mission since president James
asks everyone to! We were able to talk to her about work and why she had
been missing church but she said they had scheduling conflicts and what not so
that was why but she said she would be at church!! So we were happy we could meet with her!
Tuesday- We tracted a ton, we went and were tracting in the
town of Youngsville and it was weird. The town its self was pretty on the dead
side. No one really answered the door, I'm not sure how many people lived in
the houses where we were knocking but it was a nice part of town. Elder Robinson
and I were both super surprised! We took our lunch after that and headed back
out! We had a good ole time tracting in this place and we found this super cool
lady and she had twins it was great!! She said my mom must be a saint for
dealing with twins! She is super interested in learning more and what
not!! Then as we were heading to the farthest reaches of our area we stopped on
this road to tract and we met Valdakina and she is super cool. She speaks 5
languages and she is super interested. It was a great contact and we can't
wait to meet up with her again! We had dinner was this super sweet southern lady
who made really good food and half way through the meal she said - well y'all
didn't get enough on your plates get more... I was breathing heavy at this
point from so much food but I continued to take just a bit more of everything!
It was good, and we were able to visit some part member families around her
which were super nice and we are going to start teaching one of them!!
Wednesday- Was the best!! We got up at about 5:45 and headed
down to Raleigh. We picked up a pair of Elders and headed to Apex... Because
today was the conference temple trip for our zone! It was so good, the temple
was great!!! I was excited to go. It might be my last time in the temple here
though so that was a bit of a bummer but oh well I really enjoyed it. I even
got to sit by President James during the session so that was really cool!! We
got home late after the meeting though, we got back at 7 ate a little food and
then went and tracted a bunch till the night was over and I went on exchange
with Elder Randall so it was fun!!
Thursday- Was fun we went back up to Franklinton and it was
blast up there. We knocked and got a ton of answers that we were able to
contact. We met this cool lady named Kadejah. She was
awesome and we were able to set up a time to come back and teach her more so it
will be cool to go and teach her!! We had a great night too, we took Ivan
Duncan with us to visit Connie and we had a great lesson on faith with her. We were
able to talk to her about coming to church! It was a good way
to end the night and it was a fun time being with Ivan he is a cool guy!
Friday- Was so busy, we ended up doing our weekly planning
in the morning so that took quite a bit of time to do but it was better then
doing it on Saturday! Then we had like 3 appointments that we needed to go to. One that was the best was with this guy named Stephen, he is a southern
baptism Seminary student. He is really cool though and super nice. He got us a cracker and cheese and meat platter tray and bought us drinks to have
while we taught him. The lesson wasn't bashing at all and we taught him and he had some great sincere questions. It was a good lesson over all.
Then as we were going to leave he said - wait I baked you cookies!! It was so
cool and such a good time! Then we got to have some great Mediterranean food
for dinner when we went to a ward activity and it was fun to be there and we
followed up with some members on things we had asked them to do!
Saturday- We tracted a bunch and not to much came of it. We
met a few people who tried to be all confrontational and tell us we don't know
what we believed in. I just told them to have a nice day and walked
off. So it all turned out pretty good!! We tried our best to just share a sincere testimony with them and but they wouldn't listen! Oh well!!! We had a
great dinner with members called the Abshers and it was great, they are super
nice!! We had a great lesson after dinner with this lady who we tracted into. She
said her husband would be really interested as well!!!
Sunday- NO one came to church, sadly people had to cancel
for various reasons but it was still hard. We will get them there next week
though! We had a good time that evening though we had a cool lesson with one of
our investigators Sisters who is super
interested. It was interesting how we were at the right place at the
right time. We finished the night by watching the Young Single Adult Face to
Face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard. That was really good and we were able
to watch it over at the Duncan's home it was a good night!!
Have a great week!!!
Love Elder Hutchings
Monday, November 13, 2017
Always let your companion be in Front!!!
Monday- We had a zone activity down in Raleigh, it was a ton
of fun. We played a ton of sports and what not so it was a good time. We played
this one card game at the end that was pretty weird it was where you got a
character card and an attribute and so did your opponent. Then
you decided who would win in a fight between the two characters. But it was a
good time, I think everyone in the zone came and had a pretty good time! It was
pretty fun! That night was pretty good, we went and tracted a ton. We were in
this one neighborhood that was pretty nice and some members of the ward live
there. We found this guy named Matthew and he is pretty cool. He has seen Jesus
play a huge role in his life and really helped him with tough decisions and
what not. He really liked the message of the restoration and the concept of the Book of Mormon. It was really cool, and we were able to teach him quite a bit and set up a return appointment,
so that was good!
Tuesday- We did our accounting for the day with the zone
leaders, it was pretty interesting. Then we went to our
appointment with Sue and Gilbert and for some reason they weren't there so that
was weird since they are this older couple who like never leave their home. We
will see what happens with them. We checked out this place right next to
them and it was weird because it looked like it was an apartment complex thing but
after walking around it for just a bit we were like yea not sure what this
is... so we left! We tracted a ton as well, I mean we tracted all day. It was great
because we had a lesson with our investigator named Dan. He should be getting
baptized here soon. It was good then we had a really great lesson with a lady
named Connie who is really awesome, and we were working on getting her to come
to church!
Wednesday- We had district meeting, with both us and one
other companionship so that was fun. It went pretty well and it was fun having
it be so small and simple. Made it easier to have everyone involved in what we
can do better! We then went and tracted a ton again. We were tracting in this
one neighborhood and we met this anti mormon theologist, who has disproved
everything we believe multiple times. He was interesting to talk to for a
minute then I shook his hand and told him I was going to go knock on other doors.
He was funny though and he didn't bring up anything I haven't ever heard before ha! But it was great, then we got the cops called on us... But it was all good
because this person just wanted us to move our car and everyone was nice about
it! It was all good. That night we had a great dinner with some members,
but afterwards we planned to work in their neighborhood and we got some hot
chocolate from some super nice people!
Thursday- We tracted a ton again, we had a lot of planning
that we did as well. At 3 though we were able to have a lesson with a lady
named Kathrine. She is super interesting, she only believes in doing what
you feel God tells you and not what is written in a book... She is a "free
spirit" pretty great we will see how the teaching process goes from here.
She did say that next Sunday she will come to church! So that is super cool,
and we also got to go out with this Rm named Ryan Barnes. He served his mission
in Ghana, the Accra mission. It was a good time, we went and taught the
Hendersons, some members in our ward an active member lesson on missionary
work. It was a great time they have the funniest bunch of kids. It was a great
lesson with them!
Friday- Was quite a blur we tracted a ton, like 10 to 4:30
we were knocking doors and we met a lot of really cool people and found a few
people who were interested. That morning was so cold though. Then at 4:30
we had a great lesson with a guy named kelvin and we set him with a date to be
baptized it was great. He is going to be turned over to the other elders since
he doesn't live in our area but it was a great lesson. Then what was really
cool was that night we got to help out at a merit badge clinic for the Boy
scouts. We helped with a citizenship in the nation merit badge and we got to
meet a ton of non members. One kid even drove down here from Buffalo New York
crazy!! Good time though it was a ton of fun that was for sure!
Saturday- We went and helped some people move an oven, and they gave us pizza so that made it really good. Then we went
and were tracting in these mansions of houses. It was quite interesting, we had
this kid whistle and we would whistle a tune back to him. It was funny because I don't
think I ever saw where he was but the houses were huge!! Then we went and
had another lesson that night with Connie and it went really well. We shared a
powerful lesson on how it was satan keeping her from church and we got her
pretty fired up to go and she was committed to come!!! It was pretty cool! Then we went and visited her daughter who is really cool and talked to us
about wanting to come to church as well, so that will be really awesome!
Sunday- Connie didn't come to church so that was sad, we called her and
she cancelled last minute it was a heart breaker!! Church was really good, I enjoyed the lessons that we had. We had our appointment with Matthew and
we are going to try to start teaching his family so that should be fun!! Then
we were able to get some delicious BBQ for dinner from some members! That night
was crazy, we were out tracting and it was about 7:30ish when we knocked on
this door. Next thing we know this lady is like who is it, so we tell her and
she yells something through the door. Then the door swings open gun in hand
aimed in our general direction. She the proceeded to yell at us for knocking so
late, we were understanding since she had a 7 month old baby but it was so
cool. Good thing was Elder Robinson was in front so I wouldn't have been shot - lol.
It was pretty funny!!
Great way to end the week, hope everyones week was a fun as
mine was!!
Love Elder Dylan Hutchings
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