Monday, December 18, 2017

Allergic Reaction!!

This weekend was a bit rough, I ended up breaking out in hives due to an allergic reaction. So I spent most of the day in urgent care on Saturday. I am doing much better now and have plenty of medications (drugs) pumped into me!

Monday- The turkey that we cooked ended up turning out really good!!   It was super moist and was just a really fun time. We texted Curtis and told him about it and he was like I'll bring the board games and be right over to help you eat some of this! It was a good time, we played games  and ate turkey it was sweet. What was really weird was we looked at all the instructions and we left it cooking while we came to email because we had this cooker from a member and it said it would take 4 hours to cook. 2 hours and it was done we used the meat thermometer and it was like 200 degrees in it, it was defiantly cooked!  That night we went out and just tracted all night! It was a good time.   Elder Shore makes it nice and fun!

Tuesday- We came down to Raleigh for a meeting and it was a ton of fun, it was a zone council so we had all the leaders in the Raleigh zone there and we talked about what was going on and how we can help. What was the best though was we got to have cook out for lunch afterwards and that is always good! I haven't had it in so long since there isn't one up in Wake Forest! Then we had an appointment which ended up falling through but we were able to tract around them and make it work. Then we had to drive all the way out to the boonies of  area for a dinner which killed on our miles and then it took forever and it was just a bunch of stress but we got there and it all worked out! We then had a really interesting lesson with this Muslim lady which made me so mad.  We were answering her questions and she wanted perfect answers and it was just a hard lesson. We will be dropping her here soon since all she is doing is asking questions about weird stuff she finds on the internet. Hopefully we can get her to come to church with the recent convert she lives with!

Wednesday- We had our regular district meeting and it was a party. We all had a good time and Elder Shore and I took up our turkey and we had that for lunch.  Then I went with Elder Meyer into the Roxboro area on exchange.  We met some of the weirdest people, it is a Podunk little area but it was so much fun! We tracted a ton and had a great time. He is from a little town in Idaho and it was great. It was fun to talk to him about Idaho! Nothing really happened on exchange other then we met these people that told us to stay away from this one house, the guy is crazy and thinks he is a prophet! So that was a good story to hear about and he comes and visits these people all the time!

Thursday- We came back in from exchange and we had an awesome lesson with this guy named Whitehead. We don't know if that is his first or last name but he is really cool. Our lesson with him was planned for 11 and we showed up right at 11 and as we were half way up the walk way he opened the door. We taught a really powerful restoration lesson to him and we used the scriptures and the whole time he kept saying y'all have brought me the truth.  He was super amazed by the vision that Joseph Smith had it was really cool! The rest of the day was pretty routine with most of the planning that we needed to do and we had our dinner. It was a pretty good day but sadly didn't find anyone.

Friday- We had a lesson planned with this guy named Paul, and we show up and his wife answers.  We have started to contact her and we teach her quite a bit since Paul is asleep. We taught a pretty good lesson on the door and then she was like yeah I don't have time but come back and Paul will be sure to talk to you! We were like dang.   We were low on miles so we biked all the way down there, but it was good since we planned on staying in Wake Forest all day.  We worked hard and we tracted all day and we ended up finding a few people. We taught quite a bit on the door and it was a good day. Then we went to contact some referral from some other sisters in the mission and these people live right in the middle of baptist seminary housing.  We were like yea no, another time since we didn't have anything in their language! Then we went to the ward party, and that was a blast. They did breakfast for dinner and it was really good. The bad part was when we got home that night I was breaking out in hives (thought it was just a rash). So put some itching cream on it and went to bed.

Saturday- Woke up and I thought the rash was gone showered and went out for the day. Then as we were out it came back and I could feel it on my scalp and it was so itchy! So after we came home for lunch we called the mission nurse and she said to go into urgent care and what not! So went in and sure enough it was hives. So they gave me 2 shots, one was steroids and the other was for the itching. The nurse came in to give them to me and I was talking to her and I asked if she wanted me to roll my sleeves up.... Well I found out they weren't going to be put in my arm ( edit this if their are children) But they go in the butt!!! Dang it hurt so bad when the fluid went in to! So I got those and then we ran to Walgreens and picked up everything.  We came home so I could eat and then I fell asleep from all of the drugs!! When I woke up we ran to dinner and then after wards I was covered in hives again and so the mission nurse told me that I should spend the night in and what not.  That was the worst. But I got a blessing and felt better!

Sunday- We had church and I talked to a doctor from the ward and then we tracted a ton of people from the seminary.  We think that we hit an area that was just recently hit by some Jehovah witnesses just the day before so it made our efforts pretty pitiful!

Overall the week was pretty good and we had fun while we could. Elder Shore was able to get quite a bit of cleaning done though!  (Since I was sleeping!!!)

The picture of the Guy getting baptized is Abugar!  The rest of them are the turkey and then the prep for the turkey, yes i am holding its neck in my hand!!

Have a great week

Love Elder Hutchings

Yes we're going to cook this!!

This is the neck!!!

Looking good!!

Oh yes we get to eat this!!!

Looks done to me!!!

Abugar's baptism!!!

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