Monday, July 3, 2017

Deadly Chinese Food

Monday- After emailing we played this nerf game called zombies it is really fun and kinda crazy, but it was really enjoyable. Its a lot like raptor or ghosts in the grave yard but you have nerf guns and your hunting the zombies.  It gets pretty scary to be honest! That night we went and visited some less active members and tracted around where they lived. It was a quite night not to much happened. Then being a zone leader we account with President James, kinda scary (haha) but not really it went really good and was quite fun! 

Tuesday- we did a ton of less active hunting and knocking the houses around them. We also met this lady who was totally a member of the church, we walked up and I tried starting the contact like with a regular person, then she like got all hostile. She was like grrr basically it was funny and it was totally her.  We called the number on the directory and she answered, but she tried telling us it wasn't her and we were like yea sure! Then that night was really awesome, we had a lesson with a couple named Travis and Katelyn, they are characters. They aren't married but have a kid together and what not, the sisters gave them to us.  Their lesson went way over and we had to teach them all of the basics of why we were there and what we wanted them to do and recommitted them.  It was interesting and lasted a long time, but it made everything work out! That placed us perfectly to intercept Nick!!  He is the nicest guy and he is going through a hard time, and he is ready for the gospel! It was amazing! We got to give him a Book of Mormon and share a ton about the plan of salvation, mostly on the atonement of Jesus Christ!

Wednesday- I went to the Wilmington 2nd ward for an exchange it was so much fun!! We mainly just tracted all day, but it went really good. The best was that I got to go and teach someone I had found when I was there. Her name was Marlyn and she is super cool.  She remembered me and everything. It was a great lesson and Brother Grishman came with us. It was like the best blessing ever! Brother Grishman also took us out to eat that night it was really awesome, just a great day in the Wilmington 2nd ward!!

Thursday-everything fell through and we were suppose to have like 4 appointments it was kinda sad but it was all good, we tracted a ton and followed up with some people it was a good day!

Friday- This is the day that the deadly food came in, and not for me I'm totally fine!!!! So we went down to the bottom of our area and worked there all day, and it went really well!! Then to save miles we were like well we will get something to eat that is cheap and stay down here.  Well Elder Rawlins is allergic to nuts. We decided to get Chinese food... well long story short the sauce that we ate had peanuts so we spent most of the night in the urgent care.  He is doing great and I didn't even freak out!!!!  The nurses thought that we were like pretty chill... so we get Elder Rawlins all treated but while in the urgent care we taught the nurses the restoration lesson, it was awesome!! Then we left as Elder Rawlins was high on benadryll , it was so awesome!!!

Saturday- nothing really happened!

Sunday- we got 2 people to church and it was exhausting, but they came even after we thought that they weren't!! It was the best, then we had church for the rest of the day, it is great I really like it!! 

That's my week in a nut Shell hahha!!!!!

Love Elder Hutchings!

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