Monday- We ended up going out to the beach which was tons of fun. We got a batchi ball, that one game where you throw the little ball out and then throw your two out and try to get closest to it. It was pretty fun on the beach!! We threw the Frisbee around which is always pretty fun on the beach! After that we zoomed home really quick and headed out to our dinner which was with the African family who is moving to South Dakota and another member of the ward. It was fun. We had pizza and we helped them communicate which is always super hard! Then we spent the rest of the night tracting but it was fun, you always meet the most interesting people while knocking on doors!!
Tuesday- We went around and met a bunch of less actives in the ward. Some of them were super friendly, like this one lady who wasnt interested in coming back and was super suprised that we knew where she lived but it was funny and good. We found this old guy, and sadly he wasn't interested but he was really nice and talked all about his life with us for a few seconds. Then he said his neighbor would talk to us and that was when we met Annette. She is this sweet older lady who was agreeing with everything we were teaching her about according to the restoration! It was pretty great! We spent most the rest of the day tracting again, but then we went to see the African family that is moving with the bishop so he can see what he can do to help them. We got just about everything squared away! That ended up taking up most of the night but it was definitely needed!!
Wednesday- We woke up and then headed up to the Jacksonville district for their district meeting. Which the drive up there went great, not much traffic or anything and the meeting was really good as well!! Then I stayed up there with Elder Rowley. He was super cool, he is a pretty big guy like football player looking guy but I had a ton of fun with him. We ended up teaching this group in a car, the contact was really scary. I just like saw them and pulled a card out and motioned that I wanted to give it to them. Then while they sat in the car we taught them the restoration, which was super funny because they were like cracking jokes in between stuff. It was really funny and they all said they were interested in learning more so we set up a time to go back and teach them. It was a ton of fun and just funny the whole time I was in Jacksonville!
Thursday- we exchanged back and that is always nice. Then we did all of our planning for the week when we got home which was exhausting like always but we got it done fairly quickly so that was nice. Then we found this awesome little family out tracting. We shared with them the restoration as well, and they were like thrilled by it! They were like you definitely need to come back! So that was really awesome! Then we had a meeting with one of our investigators Karen, and this girl has worked with the missionaries for like 4 years, and keeps backing out super close to baptism. We had a great lesson with her and we showed her this awesome video which really got through to her. We set a date for her to work towards and I think it will actually happen this time!! Then we met with the African family to drop off a suitcase which we were fixing for them!
Friday- We worked really hard and it was hot and not to much happened, we tried following up with some people but it didn't really work out but we found some one else so that was great!!
Saturday- This day was the bomb! We went and met with this guy who was super funny his name is Joe. He kept telling us to stop calling him sir and what not. It was a pretty great lesson with him on prophets and how that all works! Then we went and visited with a recent convert named James who is the sweetest old guy who was baptized not to long ago, he is the best!! Then that night we went and taught this other African family. They are super elect and we found them because they were using wifi from another complex and were out on the side walk hahah!! It was funny but we had a great lesson with them. We taught them about faith and repentance which went great, considering the father was like I know the Book of Mormon is true!! Then he told us that we teach the word of GOD and that he wants to come to church!! It was so amazing!! Then the sad part came in, because we were like can you come this week and next week? And he was like this week yes next week no, this Saturday we are moving to Ohio!!! Ughhhh it was heart breaking!!!! But that's alright we will send them as a referral to the missionaries there!!!
Sunday- we had a boat load of Africans refugees there, and then the other really awesome thing happened!!! Will, my recent convert here in the second ward asked me to give him the Arronic Priesthood!! It was really awesome I am so excited for it!! Then that night all of the Africans sang and danced for us it was really cool!! They are amazing people. Definitely a super cool experience!!
Elder Hutchings
Elder Hutchings