Monday- Preparation day was fantastic. We played this game that was kinda like lacrosse, except you had a half cut gallon milk jug and a tennis ball! It was a ton of fun and got way intense... my team won! We played that for most of the day and it was great. I got to spend most of the night seeing people who I wanted to before I had to leave. We went and saw the Thorups who are this awesome old couple who are just the most righteous people you can ever meet!! They are both around 90 and he still goes camping with the scouts!!! It is crazy but they fed us and then gave us cookies and their cookies are really good! Then I got to go see Brother Grishman who is the best. He is super cool and I was really glad to see him. I got his email and number so I will hopefully stay in contact with him. Then I got to see Will before I left.. he gave me a hug and was like will you be able to get back down to my baptism and it was killing me that I wont be able to :/ but that's okay!! Elder Miller will take care of him.
Tuesday- we drove up to transfers, well, rode with Brother Walker who gave us a ride up. I got to see a ton of people when I got here so that was really fun. Then I found Elder Malyon and we took off to the area. We then had to go back and give the car back to the other elders and then we waited for them to do what they needed and then we finally got picked up and taken back to the house. We got all unpacked and then worked on finding out everything we could about the area. We ate the most nasty ravioli thing ever!!!! It was so gross but that was all that we had so we put it down! Then we were able to get out and work that night. It was great because we found Anika and she is a miracle!! She was like you caught me at the perfect time it was such a blessing!
Wednesday- was our first district meeting and I got to meet everyone in the district. It was fun and then that day we went out and worked and nothing really happened but we are slowly and steadily learning the area so that is really great!
Thursday- We finally meet one of the people the elders were teaching and she is awesome. She is really prepared to be baptized so we just need to help her get to church and teach her more stuff and then she will be ready! So that will be great and then we met Brother Peedin who is awesome and has chest hair that is like 4 feet long it was great!! Then that night we got to help the washer and dryer man install our new dryer. It was pretty great and he made it very educational. It was funny because I was kinda like I've pulled stuff out like this all of my life (air conditioners)... it was awesome.
Friday- and the rain came pouring down but I didn't get wet hahaha. I was in a meeting all day for leadership it was great. I learned a ton on being a better leader. What to do better and How we are the ones who lead the mission and the mission won't be any better then its leaders. It was really great. Then I got to go back and do missionary work and we got to meet Jimmy Harris another person the elders we teaching. He is really cool he has been through a ton of medical stuff and has had a ton of near death experiences in his life and is only 31 years old. It is pretty crazy.and that was a miracle because we lost our ride and it was super far away. We called this other member that we had just met and he was like yea it will work out perfectly for me to go with you and it was a blessing!!!
Saturday- we found Ronald who is awesome. We taught him the restoration and he was like I am ready for a change in my life!! We testified of how this is the change he wants and needs and he was like okay when can we meet. It was great and then we biked all the way to the stake center where we spent the rest of the day watching conference!!
Sunday- we watched conference almost all of the day then had a great dinner with the Musters who are really cool members. We got to know them and they are both funny and very nice.
This week has been really great and really hard. It has been tons of fun and we were able to work really hard. We are both happy to be where we are now and it will be a great transfer!!
Love Elder Dylan Hutchings
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