Monday, April 24, 2017

Roller Coasters

This week was a roller coaster. Everything was kinda bonkers but we had the car so it turned out pretty good and was pretty fun all at the same time!

Monday- We didn't do to much just kinda hung out here at the church and played some sports and had a good relaxing day! Not to much happened but we know we were needed because we helped a part member family move into the ward. Dang, did they EVER have a ton of stairs that we had to climb! It was an apartment building and they were on the top floor and it was exhausting!  Luckily, they didn't have that much stuff!!  We were like whoa what if this would have been a big move!!!  That would have been the worst but it was small and the sad thing was we only had one other person from the ward to help! It was on Monday at 4 so it was understandable! We also had dinner that night with the Bishop and he was telling us that our meal calendar is really sparse and he was like that needs to change!! He is an awesome bishop!

Tuesday- We got to go and do service on this "food trailer".  We helped this guy fix it and then clean and clear up his shop and what not but it was fun! The regular sketchy missionary service we do! But it was fun! Then that day was cool we got to meet with Jackie who is this really awesome lady who might have been meeting with missionaries before but we aren't sure.  She just moved here and we met her tracting! We taught her the restoration again and she is really interested so we will see how that goes! Then our other appointments kinda fell threw so we tracted quite a bit for the day and then we got to have dinner with Brother Farmer! Man is he the coolest! He has this huge German Shepard and he is like a rock and roll dude who plays the bass! He is so cool and he knows all these martial arts and he is the one with the ninja swords! He played the bass for us and is really good! It was a pretty awesome night!

Wednesday- We had district meeting like usual and then im not to sure what happened!!  We didn't go on an exchange but we will this week so i don't really know hmmmm... We had a dinner with a family named the Hills and they were really cool but other then that I don't really remember... oops

Thursday- Was pretty awesome we got to have dinner with Elder and Wister Porter who are a senior couple who wanted to feed us!!  So we got free food and we got to have dinner with Sister Stuart who is this other mission office staff.  It was pretty cool because it was her last day and we got to have dinner with her! Then we went and had a lesson with this guy who was formerly investigating and we had a talk about the god head and he tried to explain the trinity.  It was pretty good but super flawed and was interesting.  We are going to go back and talk to him about what is really true and it will be interesting! But it was fun!

Friday- Henry was found!!  This guy is so cool! He completely knows that god is real because grass grows! If that doesn't explain how awesome everything is I don't know what does! He has a really awesome story of being paralyzed and god healing him because he wasn't suppose to be able to walk! Then we found a snake an yes I got a picture with it and it was really awesome!! It scared us to death but we did what we needed to! Then that night I got to do 3 baptismal interviews and it was a crazy night!!  We did a ton of driving to each place and the interviews were all kinda crazy and it was just the most interesting thing I have ever done for interviews!!  Both of the interviews were in the homes and then 2 of the 3 were in front of everyone!!  It was kinda awkward with everyone staring at us looking back and forth!!  But it was pretty cool and everyone was ready to be baptized so that was pretty awesome!!

Saturday- This day was exashting and we found no one!!!  We tracted all day and we found not a single person!!  It was pretty upsetting but we still made it fun! We met this jw guy who had the weirdest interpretation of the bible and I just felt so bad for the guy! Then we met this guy Chris who was really cool but not really interested but he gave us each 3 bottles of water.  It was pretty cool and he was really nice!!

Sunday- I spoke in church and we had 2 people there so that was really cool.  Our new ward mission leader is cool and really funny!! It was interesting but fun and not to much happened!

It was a good week and that is about all that happened it was pretty great!

Love Elder Hutchings

Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Easter - Catching Lizards!!

This week was crazy from beginning to the end. I just got a picture of AMAZING things that happened this weekend in Wilmington.  Will got baptized!!!  It was an amazing picture and I am so happy for him! Happy Easter!

Monday- We went and played laser tag and when I say laser tag I mean the coolest game of laser tag ever. So it was outside and what was really awesome was that it was real guns converted into laser guns!!  It was the coolest thing ever!  I was so impressed and it was just great! Really fun. We played a ton of games with it like a capture the flag thing and then like a survival one and it was crazy and just a blast!! Then that night we met Sharon who is really awesome.  It was crazy how it happened. We were biking to visit a recent convert in the ward and we took a wrong turn.  Well, we see one of the people we knocked on who said to come back some time and boom we find out she loves the church and has been missing it and wants to get back into it.   She went to church for 2 years with her ex husband.  It was funny and just crazy how it always works out!  Then the recent convert was so cool! He has this ninja sword and he cut straight threw a  water bottle with it it was so sharp!

Tuesday- We went out and we tried contacting some of the people the Elders had contacted before which usually never works but we found 2 new investigators.  Ones name is Raymond and the other is Jackie.  They are both awesome. We just found them on some notes in the area book and we decided to contact them and it worked! So that was really cool.  We were able to get out with a member of the bishopric and we went and saw Michelle Peterson.  While we were there she bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon and she is so close to being able to be baptized.  It is so cool!!   That night we went to see Jimmy but sadly he didn't answer so we haven't been able to see him this week but we will get in contact with him!

Wednesday- We had zone training and it was great.  I gave some  instructions.   Other then that the meeting was really good haha we just had to get past the bad one;) hahah   Later, I went on an exchange with some Elders and it was a great.  Really fun and they are doing really good nothing really exciting happened but it was a good day!

Thursday- we finished our exchange and then we had interviews with President and Sister James and those were really good it was suppose to be 15  mins but both of mine were 30 haha!!!  It probably wasn't good because I threw the schedule off but its all good.  I was really able to talk with both of them and it was really great!  We talked about obedience and it was just funny some of the comments by President and Sister James!  

Friday- All i remember is my bike tire ended up flat and our appointments fell threw.  It was a great day though because we were still able to find 2 new investigators.  We got taken out to dinner at Chili's and it was really good!  The members who took us out were friends with Elder Malyons family! 

Saturday- we fixed my flat tire and then got to work.  It went really good and it came time for our appointment that night and we were tracting in another area.  We needed to get to where our appointment was and boom flat tire again!!  I was so upset but I ran my bike all the way back and we were on time!!  We were doing so good and then the appointment texted us and cancelled!!  It's a good thing I had a ton of sweat beading because other wise you would have seen the tears hahahhahaha jkjk!!!  So I fixed the bike and then we we went back out and at the end of the night it was flat again!!  We called a member and they saved us by coming and giving us a ride home!

Sunday- I caught a lizard!! It was really awesome!! Then church was great.  The Easter program was really really good the choir put it together.  I really enjoyed it! Sadly we only had 1 person there and we were suppose to have like 4 or 5.  It was lame but then that night we went to meet a part member family moving into the ward and we met them and  then on the way home we met Joseph.  He is interested in learning more about the gospel and it was really cool.  This all happened while walking because my bike is still broken with a flat tire!

This week has been great and it was a great easter!!  I hope y'all had a great Easter!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

I caught a Lizard!!

Isn't he cute!!

I gave him a Piggy Back Ride!!

Happy Easter

From Elder Maylon and I!!!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Duke University!!!

This is what happened this week - it was the best! There was one part that wasn't the best for Elder Malyon! But it was pretty great so let me tell you about it!

Monday- After getting off of emailing we went and did our shopping and ran around for a bit. Then for like the day we played a ton of sports. We started with a game of basketball with some Elders and then for some reason we played four square!!  It was kinda weird but it was good! Then the best thing ever we played a huge game of soccer in the gym and it was great! I wont lie I am not in soccer shape at all but it was tons of fun.  We had all of the Spanish Elders with us so they were better then most of the usual missionaries! It was pretty great! Then that night we went and tracted but we didn't find anyone.  We were able to find a less active member and visited with him and he was really fun.  His name is James and he could talk your ears off!   He was cool and he had like 20 million books in his apartment it was pretty crazy! 

Tuesday- Great day, we went and worked really hard ane we found a new investigator. What was really awesome was we went and had dinner with a family named the Hemmings. They have some girls from Brazil who live with them who aren't members and so we were able to teach and answer any questions that they had.  It was a really cool experience. Not to much happened after that other than we tracted into guy who was really drunk it was kinda funny because he was like yo i am so drunk come back again... then as we were leaving we look over and he is like smoking weed haha! Funny night!

Wednesday- What a day!! Went up to Durham and had a great zone conference.  I had to instruct for a chapter of preach my gospel. It was pretty great... then we went to the Duke gardens which was super beautiful!  I got to see a ton of missionaries that I don't normally see so that was awesome.  We went and toured the campus and we got to go into the big chapel there which is super beautiful it was huge and amazing!! And then Frank Jackson let us into the Duke Hall of Fame Museum.  It was amazing so now I have officially been on almost all of the big college campuses here in North Carolina!! Way awesome experience!! That night I got to go on an exchange with Elder Hansen in my district and it was a great exchange.  We got some milk shakes which were super good and huge!! Just a great day!!

Thursday- Ended up exchanging back and when I got Elder Malyon and told me about his exchange.  t was pretty crazy and weird so that was funny to hear but I will now need to go on an exchange with the other Elder!  That morning we found 2 other new investigators! Then that night was cool.   We got to go and meet with a man named Jimmy who is really awesome.  He has some medical stuff but is so ready for the gospel and it was great to sit down and teach him! He is dating a less active member of the church but they are ready to be apart of the church and he will be baptized here soon!

Friday- Was a crazy experience we went out and tracted all day long and when I say all day I mean like all day.  We had no success at all!!!  Everyone was just like no I'm not interested and it was getting discouraging but we kept on pushing! Then that night we were blessed and it was amazing! WE kept knocking and we finally meet Boris and Tray. Both are like we need to learn more and they are both ready it was really awesome!

Saturday- We went and taught Jimmy again that night it was defiantly the best lesson that we have ever taught and it was on the restoration.  It was so good!

Sunday- we finally got to meet the ward and it was great.  T hey are really cool and tons of members want to come out with us. The weird thing is we go to church at 2-5 pm it is really weird haha!  Then the weirdest thing happened, we were in the like lobby area of the church and next thing we know we are surrounded by all the young women!!  Like the whole group it was so weird!! Hahaha but it was funny! 

Today we are going to go play laser tag and Elder Carrell and I are going to wear these freaking weird shirts!!!  It's going to be so much fun!

Elder Dylan Hutchings

Elder Hutchings in Raleigh

Beautiful view in Raleigh!!

Elder Jorgenson and I at Duke Gardens

The Old Chapel at Duke

Elder Carrell and I at the Duke Museum!!!

Elder Arveseth and I with Frank Jackson!!!

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Land of Hills!!!!

Well boys and girls I am no longer at the beach :( But the good new is well... yea I'll think of some. Haha well this week has been great very fun and interesting. It has also been really hard. Elder Malyon is my new companion and he came out with Elder Miller. We are both brand new to the area so it was exciting. I have already learned a ton and grown a lot. Yes, with all of these hills here in Raleigh biking is the best! But I have the car this week! Well now is the time to take you through the week.

Monday- Preparation day was fantastic. We played this game that was kinda like lacrosse, except you had a half cut gallon milk jug and a tennis ball! It was a ton of fun and got way intense... my team won! We played that for most of the day and it was great. I got to spend most of the night seeing people who I wanted to before I had to leave.  We went and saw the Thorups who are this awesome old couple who are just the most righteous people you can ever meet!!  They are both around 90 and he still goes camping with the scouts!!!  It is crazy but they fed us and then gave us cookies and their cookies are really good! Then I got to go see Brother Grishman who is the best.  He is super cool and I was really glad to see him.  I got his email and number so I will hopefully stay in contact with him. Then I got to see Will before I left.. he gave me a hug and was like will you be able to get back down to my baptism and it was killing me that I wont be able to :/ but that's okay!!  Elder Miller will take care of him.

Tuesday- we drove up to transfers, well, rode with Brother Walker who gave us a ride up.  I got to see a ton of people when I got here so that was really fun.  Then I found Elder Malyon and we took off to the area. We then had to go back and give the car back to the other elders and then we waited for them to do what they needed and then we finally got picked up and taken back to the house. We got all unpacked and then worked on finding out everything we could about the area.  We ate the most nasty ravioli thing ever!!!!  It was so gross but that was all that we had so we put it down! Then we were able to get out and work that night. It was great because we found Anika and she is a miracle!!  She was like you caught me at the perfect time it was such a blessing!

Wednesday- was our first district meeting and I got to meet everyone in the district.  It was fun and then that day we went out and worked and nothing really happened but we are slowly and steadily learning the area so that is really great!

Thursday- We finally meet one of the people the elders were teaching and she is awesome.  She is really prepared to be baptized so we just need to help her get to church and teach her more stuff and then she will be ready! So that will be great and then we met Brother Peedin who is awesome and has chest hair that is like 4 feet long it was great!! Then that night we got to help the washer and dryer man install our new dryer.  It was pretty great and he  made it very educational.  It was funny because I was kinda like I've pulled stuff out like this all of my life (air conditioners)... it was awesome.

Friday- and the rain came pouring down but I didn't get wet hahaha. I was in a meeting all day for leadership it was great. I learned a ton on being a better leader.  What to do better and How we are the ones who lead the mission and the mission won't be any better then its leaders. It was really great. Then I got to go back and do missionary work and we got to meet Jimmy Harris another person the elders we teaching.  He is really cool he has been through a ton of medical stuff and has had a ton of near death experiences in his life and is only 31 years old. It is pretty crazy.and that was a miracle because we lost our ride and it was super far away.   We called this other member that we had just met and he was like yea it will work out perfectly for me to go with you and it was a blessing!!! 

Saturday- we found Ronald who is awesome.  We taught him the restoration and he was like I am ready for a change in my life!!  We testified of how this is the change he wants and needs and he was like okay when can we meet. It was great and then we biked all the way to the stake center where we spent the rest of the day watching conference!! 

Sunday- we watched conference almost all of the day then had a great dinner with the Musters who are really cool members.  We got to know them and they are both funny and very nice.

This week has been really great and really hard.  It has been tons of fun and we were able to work really hard. We are both happy to be where we are now and it will be a great transfer!! 

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings