Monday- we ended up having all of the district come together for sports which ended up being really really fun! We played something called chair soccer which is my personal favorite!! Everyone has a chair and you try to hit everyone else's chair because when your chair gets hit your out and the last man or woman standing wins!! Tons of fun! Then we played like bump but you couldn't bump (lame) but it was fun. I won one round and even beat Elder Miller and he's playing college! Then that night we were so lead by Heavenly Father it was crazy! So we went to contact a media referral who's name is Beverly. Well she ends up not being there but her grand daughter was so we taught her and set a return appointment. Then the next thing you know Beverly comes walking up and boom we teach her as well! We taught them both about the restoration and it was amazing!! When we shared the first vision with her and talked about how the one true church is here on the earth and she was like that makes sense. The grand daughters name is Adiamond it is so amazing! Then we went to an appointment and she wasn't there but we taught the baby sitter and she is super interested it was amazing!! And the plans got switched.
Tuesday- So we were getting ready to start planning and oh no we have an appointment in and hour and we need a member to be with us so we can go in!!! We don't have one so we frantically call everyone we know and then boom we get one and he came and he got us and we got over there. So of course what happens - they weren't even there! But we did our part and had everything ready!! That night went pretty great I don't really remember what happened but it was really good and we found 2 more people to teach!
Wednesday- we had a pretty splendid district meeting with 3 missionary companionship's and it was great and then the best thing ever! I went to Leland on exchange!!! Whoot whoot it was amazing.. we went out and tracted and saw a few less actives so it was pretty great. Then the best thing ever - we had dinner with the Childs!!! It was so good!! Cathy Childs food is some dang good food! But Tripp was there and he is really awesome and I wore my Elder Hutchins name tag for him and it was so funny! Then we taught their investigator who was over for dinner with us and the lesson went great. She is really converted to the gospel and will be baptized here in April. It is so amazing to see that!! Then I got to go and visit Randall Child he is my favorite and it is always great to see them! He gave me a big ole hug it was pretty awesome!!
Thursday- it escapes me i have no remembrance of it.. but I'm sure it was good though!
Friday- was the best we finally caught up with this media referral Marlyn and she is so solid!! She really wants to learn. We had a great lesson on the restoration with her and she had a ton of good questions and at the end she was really wondering about the first vision and we were able to talk to her about prayer. It was really just an awesome lesson and we are going to try and get her whole family investigating! Then we met with Will and had a great lesson with him in his home and it went really good and he also has great questions and wants to know. So now we will see if he is going to read or not and find out!! It went really well and we were able to see how much he has changed and will keep changing all by himself it is amazing!!
Saturday- the only story I remember was we were driving around down this road and then boom ton of cops everywhere!!! We just drove around them and kept going - it was crazy how many of them were out there!!! I do remember that we did have a great dinner it was baked spaghetti!
Sunday- no one was at church it was so lame!! but our bishop volunteered his wife to go and give a Book of Mormon to Marlyn and boom fellowship happens!!! Their daughters know each other and they talked for like 20 mins!! It was such a miracle #bishopswifeisawesome! It was really great and then we found John and it was all because of an inspired question from Elder Miller on why their are so many churches and then boom he was interested!!!!
Today we are going to the beach!!! It might be a little cold but hey the beach is the beach!
Love y'all and have a great week and if there are any questions just shoot me an email!
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