Monday- we went to the beach. It was a ton of fun because we played football and soccer and had a ton of food.. and the weather was super amazing! It was over all just a really really great day to be at the beach! I had two awesome catches in football! I was being guarded by these giants to. It was pretty crazy but I got the ball and was like yea that's right its mine! haha then soccer was a ton of fun. I played it with Elder Walker and we had a ton of fun. There wasn't really anyone who knew how to play so I didn't really have any one that could stop me so they would gang up on me it was funny! But the funny thing was I ended up cutting my foot.. there was so many shells out there and man it hurt so bad it!! The worst thing was, I put it in the ocean not a very smart idea! But it was a ton of fun! Then that night we went out and worked and we taught this lady named Quan and she is super solid well we think she is... but it was cool because we shared with her the purpose and what the Book of Mormon is. She was excited to read it.. but we still have to get her a copy because we were out of them! Then you wanna know what the worst thing is we went to Walgreens and that shady store doesn't sell mole skin!!! So I bought these pad things (for my cut foot) and they made it worse it was so dumb I was so mad! But i got a great tan! We ended the night with having the Hampstead elders come down and spend the night with us at the zone leaders which was a party!
Tuesday- Woke up at 4 in the morning to shower and get ready and dang was it so worth it! We drove to Fayetteville and we had a Tri Zone conference with Elder Hamula and wow was that amazing! We prepared that weekend by fasting for a specific question that we had. Then the meeting was just amazing!! Elder Hamula taught us all! He taught about faith and building faith and that whole process. It was really spiritual and just mind blowing. It was crazy because I went in and my fast was to learn more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was nearing the end of the meeting and my answer hadn't come. Then right at the end Elder Hamula taught about it and it was mind blowing!! I know Heavenly Father heard and answered my prayers! Then that night I was in a trio with the Leland elders because of the car ride things so I was with them for the night. It was crazy because we went and taught a lesson to these people and the spirit was so strong and the Dad had great questions. It was just wonderful!
Wednesday- We had so many appointments it was crazy but the best was we went and taught a man named Devon who we have been trying to catch up with and it was so good! He has a masters degree from UNC in theology which means he knows a ton about religion. It was pretty scary because he was super smart. We had the spirit and Brother Grishman and it was the best. We taught him the restoration, talking about prophets and the role they play and he was like yeah they are like the one steady drum beat that we can all hear and follow and its from god and we were like exactly! He committed to read the Book of Mormon and was like I want to know if this is the path for me... and then Brother Grishman and him start talking about reading Hebrew and boom - Brother Grishman studied theology at Yale and is like yea I'm a boss!!! It was crazy amazing!
Thursday- We finally got our meeting with Marlyn and it was kinda scary. The lesson started off rough and it was getting bad then we felt prompted to just start teaching the plan of salvation and whoa! Miracle!! It was amazing and we got to the fall of Adam and Eve and we taught her that it was necessary and shared scriptures from the Book of Mormon. Her eyes lit up it was so crazy she was like whoa whoa this is something I have always believed but have never been taught. It was amazing and she was so happy to have learned that and it really solidified her in wanting to learn more. I was so happy and Brother Macarthur who was with us just did a great job on teaching her about prayer and it was just one of the best lessons I have been in!
Friday- We went and taught Adiamond - yes that is her name! Super great lesson with her. We taught the plan of salvation again and it was amazing. She is really looking for direction in her life and her mom just passed away so it was amazing to be able to teach her all about the plan. We testified of her being able to see her mother again it was amazing! Brother Williams was with us and he was just super great! Then that night was the best we went out and taught Will in Bishop Paces home. It was the best thing ever the spirit was so strong! We talked about his baptism and how he said he was ready and everything just felt right! It was amazing and we got an amazing dinner!! What was fun was we biked out there and it was like 5 miles up the busiest road in Wilmington!! It was such an adrenaline rush!!
Btw everyday if we werent out teaching we were working on packing our apartment!
Saturday- We had a ton of service it was so much fun! There was a run thing on UNCW campus and so we did service picking up trash with these grabber things. It was really cool to see campus and be on it! Then came our move.. its 4 now the move had to be changed times like 3 times and so its finally the time we can do it and its just elder miller and I so we started trucking .. then I wanted to cry because a miracle happened and before we knew it we had 2 trucks and 4 huge guys from the ward there to help us move apartments!! It was a blessing and went a lot faster then if we would have done it ourselves! It was great and we spent the whole rest of the day having to unpack but it was great! The sad news - so while we were all packing I got a text from President James... Elder Hutchings please give me a call... I am getting transferred to Raleigh on Tuesday :( but i know where it is where the lord needs me.. I will be a district leader there and I think I'm being sent to help a missionary so i will go and do!!
Sunday- they announced that I was leaving and so many members were sad but its all good. I got some great advice from Bishop and was wished luck and was able to say good bye to most people! Then we had a super great dinner!! It was chicken Parmesan and it was so good!! Home made spaghetti sauce - Yummy!! We ended the night by teaching Mimi who is super elect and we told her all about how she was like Joseph Smith and how she can know and not feel lost anymore it was really great! We finished unpacking everything for the apartment and then started to repack it hahah but it has been a great adventure and I have enjoyed it!!!
That is my week love yall have a great week!
Elder Dylan Hutchings