Monday, November 14, 2016

Good Basketball Skills!!!

Monday was super cool -  tons of elders and sisters were at the apex stake center and it was really awesome because there was a ton of basketball going on!!  I was on the team that never lost.  We won every game we had because we had 2 of the best and tallest guys on the team!!  That is why we won but I like to think it was because of my good looks and winning skills!!!  LOL!!  It was tons of fun because there was over 70 missionaries at the stake center and there were some I had never met or seen before!! I was so tired afterwards and just worn out from all of the playing!! Elder walker was there and everything so it was like a huge party thing with tons of sports. Sadly our appointment that were planned for afterward got cancelled with a man named Marvin so that was upsetting.  We went and tracted which was fun and we met a few really nice people.

Tuesday was the exchange with the Cary second missionaries who are the zone leaders and I went to their area and got to ride in a car.  That was amazing because my butt hurts from all of the biking!! It was cool because we went tracting and we knocked on this ladies door and we got to rake her leaves.  We think she had Alzheimers  but she was funny and super nice and very great full for our help. We then went and did contacting on the NC state campus and we tried passing out cards and just talking to people which isn't the most effective all of the time.  We were laughing and talking about how no one there knows how to wear any clothes but we got a few peoples numbers while there so we can contact them later which was cool. Then we had dinner with a member who made us homemade pizza that was really good and it was cooked on this weird cooker that had a heater and spun around.  It was interesting!! That night though we met a young lady knocking doors who went on a rant about how people are immodest and just the lowering of standers which was really funny because elder Berzintski and I were ranting about it after contacting at the college. 

Wednesday we had what is called zone training which was really good and helped us to find the 6 new investigators.  We found them threw what is called spiritually creating and then we put it to the test that day we went and followed the spirit to knock doors.  We met Anne Rogers who was ready to hear about the gospel and we taught her the restoration on her door.  She wanted us to come back and share more. Then we went and committed some members to go and invite some of their neighbors to meet with us and they said they would after we had a powerful lesson on how members can be blessed by doing missionary work.

Thursday- Sadly our two appointments cancelled but we didn't give up we went up to the northern part of our area to tract.  We got let right into a door and it was crazy because we gave them a bible - where in the south EVERYONE has one but they didn't and they were ready for the gospel.  It was amazing!! Then we met this awesome older lady with no teeth and we shared the restoration with her and she wanted us to come back!!  She was super nice and guess what her name is (Glenda) It was amazing to see how she was placed in our path.

Friday- we were out tracting and this lady started bashing with us and it was quite sad because Elder Dobson and I proved her wrong but she didn't want to listen so we ended up leaving and Friday was pretty uneventful.

Started saturday by meeting Dante who is a really nice guy who let us right in and offered us beer and weed it was pretty funny!!  Don't worry I said no I think haha jkjk!!!!  I said no but we taught him the plan of salvation and are going back Wednesday so it will be interesting to see. It was super funny to because we also told him about the word of wisdom haha. We went and delivered a bible to a man named Osmund who had an interesting thought on the second coming so we talked with him about that but he said to come back later after he had a chance to read so we will do that this week!!! Then I got my bike fixed and the guy was awesome!!!  He only made me pay for parts and gave me a really great discount so I will write him a thank you note!! Then that day we met Iris Scott and she was so prepared to have us come!!  She had already met with missionaries and had a baptism date and is so ready but we are going to teach her everything again because we couldn't find a record of her teaching after we had to play detective but it was fun!!

Sunday was great because I fit into my suit that is silver!!  It fits perfectly and it looks dang good!! (It's the one from prom before I left on my mission that did NOT fit)   We taught two lessons at church one about our heavenly family and the other about missionary work to the priests.  It is always fun to teach them because they are funny guys and we just have a great time in there with them. We after church got to go give a blessing to Iris with Brother White who had met her before.  It was powerful and the words spoken were just amazing I cant even describe them in words. After that we had to track Brother White back down because left our phone in his car but we got it back so that was good!! That is mostly all for the week!!

Hope everyone has a great week


Elder Hutchings

Elder Dodson and I - looking good!!

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