Monday, July 11, 2016

Rainy days and Nasty Flavors!!!

This week was pretty great - we had some fun times!! On the fourth we had our Hawaiian event that President James set up and it was great!  That day was awesome!!  We had an awesome zone activity where we had a water balloon fight and some other water stuff.  It was so much fun! 

Then Tuesday was just a bunch of tracting (everyone else was recuperating from the fourth) and then we got rained on.  It like dumped!!!  It was great and we were soaking wet! It was so much fun then we got rained on the next day too!!  I was with my district leader and that night we had a jelly bean game with these nasty flavored jelly beans and some good ones.  Who ever spit out the bad ones first lost.  It was so gross but i won!!!!  I even ate a barf flavored one - it was horrid!!!  Elder Carlisle lost and he had to eat 2 rotten milk jelly beans!!  I will send the video of it home -  hopefully soon!

Thursday was a lot of fun, we got to do random service for this lady and we really enjoyed it.  Then we rode in the rain again! We had a great time.  A bunch of our investigators were suppose to come back this week but they didn't but it is all good.  We found an old investigator who is crazy but our lesson was amazing so it all works out!

Looking forward to the next week!!

Love and miss y'all

Elder Hutchings

We carved a watermelon for the 4th!!!

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