Monday, April 11, 2016

Defying Gravity

So this week was great!!  We went to what's called defy gravity on Monday.  It was a trampoline place and it was super fun.  No pictures though, sorry and that was it but it was much better then sleeping!!

This wee we got a lot done and we had a 2 day exchange.  I was with a missionary who was younger in the mission than I was but it was fun.  Then the next day we had another missionary join us and I basically hauled them all over my area but it was fun and I got to drive for 2 days!!  So much fun and we ate a tone of good food and the people here really like hamburgers its kinda funny but I had jambalaya which was pretty yummy.

We have been doing some cool object lessons where my finger gets smashed with a can and its pretty funny.  This week we felt prompted to go visit some people who we had met and we have a family who is super prepared to hear the gospel.  It was super awesome.  They invited us right in and fed us and then we shared a thought and they invited us back.  It was super awesome this week has been tons of fun and I have more fun coming!!!

Elder Dylan Hutchings

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