Monday, April 25, 2016

Jeans are a wonderful thing!!! Oh and Service!!

Well this is about how my week went:

Monday - We went to an army surplus store.  It was pretty cool.   First time I have ever been in one so that was interesting.  Then we got to eat with the Nelsons and we had some pretty great fried chicken. 

Tuesday - We spent all of the day cleaning the house.  It was super tiring but the house looks super good!!!  Mom would be proud!!!  We ended up getting a member referral which was fantastic!!!

Wednesday - We had a great district meeting.  Then we got to do a lot of service for a yard sale that was going on at the church! 

Thursday and Friday - We had just a regular day with some tracting and some meetings.

Saturday - I got to wear jeans for the first time in 3 months!!!!!  It was AMAZING!!!   We went and helped build a floor back up in a house.  I jumped right down in there and started helping it was great and I had a ton of fun! I was all over in the crawl space with the guy putting up support beams and laying the floor.   It was so great to be working with my hands physically! Then the BEST part was that we got steak!!! It was sooooooo good!!! I enjoyed it a lot. 

Sadly Elder Garlick is leaving but I am staying in Leland.  I get a new companion and I'll be junior companion still but I know the area more!!  They were trying to tell me that I would be training someone!!  NOT!!!  Today will be a fun day but it is my last day with Elder Garlick.  I have no idea who the next Elder will be but I'm excited!!

Love and Miss Yall

Elder Dylan Hutchings

Monday, April 18, 2016

Chocolate Cake, Bacon and Car Accident!!!

Well this week started off great.  We had a zone activity and we played a whole bunch of sports - we played crab soccer and basketball and chair soccer and a ton of games it was super fun!! It was also Elder Garlicks birthday last Monday so that was pretty cool. Then that night we ate at the Childs home.  They are super cool and we always have a good time over there.  He is a less active member and we work with him quite often which is really fun.  He is a great guy and really funny.

Tuesday was a great day.  We went out and tracted a bunch and just worked super hard and we ended up having a lesson with a recent convert and we were able to get pretty personal. After the great lesson they gave us this big chocolate cake for Elder Garlicks birthday!!! Chocolate cake makes any week pretty great!!

Then we have Wednesday - that was a very interesting day.  We had a zone conference and then we had this big multi zone thing and we were gonna go walk threw some gardens. Unfortunately on the way over, Elder Garlick and I got rear ended.  So I have officially been in a car accident!!! Everybody was fine but our car doesn't look the best but it is still drive-able which is good.  Then went on an exchange with Elder Matkin which was a ton of fun!!

Then Thursday was super interesting we ended up getting some groceries dropped off by a member and we were able to have bacon!!!  That is right up there with chocolate cake!!!  It was so good and then we exchanged back.  Then we had to fill out some forms for the car accident then went to work.  We had a great day but that night was interesting we got a call and ran over to an investigators house.  We had a pretty crazy experience in which we truly saw just how powerful Satan can be.  Everything was fine but it was really an interesting experience! The rest of the weekend went pretty normal, went out tracting and found a new investigator which was super awesome!!

On Sunday we were able to participate in a blessing.  I anointed with oil and it was super amazing.  This week was different but really awesome.  I LOVE being a missionary!!!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

Don't mess with the missionary!!!
The bike rack took most of the hit!!!

One of the gardens we walked by.

Elder Matkin and I

Hey Elder Legg - We are Macon some Bacon!!!  LOL

Monday, April 11, 2016

Defying Gravity

So this week was great!!  We went to what's called defy gravity on Monday.  It was a trampoline place and it was super fun.  No pictures though, sorry and that was it but it was much better then sleeping!!

This wee we got a lot done and we had a 2 day exchange.  I was with a missionary who was younger in the mission than I was but it was fun.  Then the next day we had another missionary join us and I basically hauled them all over my area but it was fun and I got to drive for 2 days!!  So much fun and we ate a tone of good food and the people here really like hamburgers its kinda funny but I had jambalaya which was pretty yummy.

We have been doing some cool object lessons where my finger gets smashed with a can and its pretty funny.  This week we felt prompted to go visit some people who we had met and we have a family who is super prepared to hear the gospel.  It was super awesome.  They invited us right in and fed us and then we shared a thought and they invited us back.  It was super awesome this week has been tons of fun and I have more fun coming!!!

Elder Dylan Hutchings

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bad Boys, Bad Boys - Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You - Bad Boys

Well, some pretty crazy stuff has happened this last week - well not too much but a little lady who did not want us around her neighborhood called the cops on us.  It was pretty funny.  She was the only one who didn't want us their but we did place a Book of Mormon before the 2 cops showed up!!  That was awesome.  The people we placed the Book of Mormon with felt pretty bad about it.  The cops didn't even want to be there!!  They had to ask us to leave so we did.  We placed one other Book of Mormon but other than that the week was really not successful even though we tracted a lot.  We ended up having to walk the other day because the pedal on my bike broke and so I can't use it and we ran out of miles on the car for the month.  While we were out walking it rained on us and we didn't have our suitcoats on either so we got soaking wet. It was actually super fun and I enjoyed it because it was so hot and it cooled me down.  

For P-day on Monday we went and caught crabs at the park that was interesting!!!

We watched all of Saturday General Conference at the church and Sunday we got to go to some members home so that was really nice.  I really enjoyed President Uchdorf's talk at the Priesthood session about relationships and fatherhood that was really good.  Then I really liked the way Elder Holland closed.  It was a really good conference.

That's pretty much it for this week - transfers were 7 weeks apart this time because of the change at the MTC so I will be here in Leland until at least the 18th.  That's when transfers will be and then I will either transfer or stay here for another 6 weeks.  So everyone can still write me or send packages to this address!!!  LOL!!

Love and miss everyone

Elder Hutchings