Monday, March 14, 2016

Funny Story!!!!

 So funny story - remember that guy who cursed us.  Well we found out that he had a heart attack the next day!!!  Is that crazy or what!!  I have actually been sick but it was not his curse!!!  LOL!! 

Well guess what - there are actually missionaries younger then me here now!!! We got a new district leader and it is great.  I am still having fun and really enjoying it and soon everyone might just be asking me for advice!!! LOL.  The work is going great.  I am opening up more and talking to more people so that is good.

I am actually reading Jesus the Christ right now if anyone would like to join me.  It is a really deep read and you cannot read it fast at all but you definitely get so much out of it.  I really enjoy reading it, there's a lot you can come to know through it.  I really enjoy it but definitely not what I am use to!  Enos and Jarom are also good chapters to read.  I think a lot of people over look them because of how short they are but you can learn a lot of really good lessons from them.  I have learned a lot about being Christ like especially from Enos. 

Investigators are good, I would say some aren't progressing as much as they could be but they are slowly and that's alright.  We will get them there. I think a lot of them are trusting us more and are really listening to what we have to say and the spirit testifying of what we say.  I love the first vision.  It's great.  I almost have it memorized but I really like it and it is amazing.  Without the first vision we would literaly have nothing.  It has been a great week.

Love Elder Hutchings

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