Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter everyone!!!  The holidays are a little weird and different more like a normal day.  We visited some people and ate food. At least I have a while to get used to that before Christmas!!!  LOL.  This week has gone good.  We got a new investigator his name is Charles.  He's a pretty nice guy we met him out tracting.  It was pretty cool.  we just started talking to him and he was really interested in what we had to say.  He wanted to learn more so that was great.  It was pretty funny though because the area where we met Charles was a little sketchy and we had a police officer come and he checked on us to make sure no one had done anything and that we were safe.  I never felt unsafe there at all.  I have felt more unsafe in nicer neighborhoods than I did where Charles was.  The people are a bit different but most everyone is really nice and the cop thing was funny.  I guess the Lord looks out for us and watches out for us in many different ways.  

Teaching people has been going really well this week, we taught 11 lessons.  I feel like I am teaching pretty good so that makes me happy.  I feel like I need to take over more and not get scared of speaking because after all it's not actually me speaking right?? Or so we hope!!!  We also helped out a recent convert this week too.  She was close to having a break down because of her financial problems and we were able to help get her over that and regain faith that she would be all right and that she would get past this difficult time.  

Elder Garlick and I gave some instructions at the district meeting and that was cool.  We are the top district in my mission so that's awesome.  It's kinda funny but in my mission I am super young!!  I am only older than 2 people in my district.  That's pretty funny to me.  Oh and Elder Garlick said that apparently I pray in my sleep!!!  Hahahahahaha!!

P-day was different, we actually slept for most of it so that was good but it was kinda boring too!!  I guess every P-day can't be at the beach!!

I hope everyone had a great Easter.  Love yall and miss ya.

Elder Hutchings

Monday, March 21, 2016

Temple Trip & Old Churches

We got to go on a temple trip this week. It was great. We did one session and had lunch. We didn't even have to get up early just the same time we always do we just left early. It was an all day trip into Raleigh. It was awesome the temple is so small like smaller then the church building next to it but so pretty!! Everyone in my zone was there so like 30 of us plus president and sister James. 

This week was good, we did a lot of tracting and found another investigator and we tracted some more and we ran into this guy that was like high that was funny and we also ran into this lady who was just wanting to argue but i just had us walk away. We had some awesome food this week and overall just a great time.

On Monday, our P-day, we went and walked around downtown Wilmington and looked at old churches. They were really cool so it was a lot of fun! We went and got ice cream after and we found another new investigator to so that was fun!!

We also got to see a recent convert bless the sacrament for the first time that was cool and then Sunday i gave a talk. It was on missionary work and it was crazy and scary but everyone said i did good so i think it didn't go to bad!!

I found this green suit in our house and wore it to district meeting. It was so funny??

We found this in a pond next to Walmart!!! Its like 10 feet or so took that picture today hahaha!!! I was going to go wrestle it but it's against the law here. LOL.

Elder Garlick and I made some new songs from some songs off of frozen and tangled!! We made them to missionary work it is funny I'll send those to you. Its been a good week!!

Love Yall
Elder Dylan Hutchings

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

We mustache you a Question???

How do I look!!!

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Funny Story!!!!

 So funny story - remember that guy who cursed us.  Well we found out that he had a heart attack the next day!!!  Is that crazy or what!!  I have actually been sick but it was not his curse!!!  LOL!! 

Well guess what - there are actually missionaries younger then me here now!!! We got a new district leader and it is great.  I am still having fun and really enjoying it and soon everyone might just be asking me for advice!!! LOL.  The work is going great.  I am opening up more and talking to more people so that is good.

I am actually reading Jesus the Christ right now if anyone would like to join me.  It is a really deep read and you cannot read it fast at all but you definitely get so much out of it.  I really enjoy reading it, there's a lot you can come to know through it.  I really enjoy it but definitely not what I am use to!  Enos and Jarom are also good chapters to read.  I think a lot of people over look them because of how short they are but you can learn a lot of really good lessons from them.  I have learned a lot about being Christ like especially from Enos. 

Investigators are good, I would say some aren't progressing as much as they could be but they are slowly and that's alright.  We will get them there. I think a lot of them are trusting us more and are really listening to what we have to say and the spirit testifying of what we say.  I love the first vision.  It's great.  I almost have it memorized but I really like it and it is amazing.  Without the first vision we would literaly have nothing.  It has been a great week.

Love Elder Hutchings

Monday, March 7, 2016

Trio Companionship

It has been super busy here - Pday is always great.  We played volleyball and a ton of basketball at the beach again.  

We had the exchange that I told you all about and it went great.  I took over the area and it was fun.  Elder Delamare and I found another new investigator.  Her name is Barbara.  She's new to Leland and really nice.  It was nice tracting into her. I taught like all of the 4 minute lesson/contact so that was super cool. Elder Delamare said that he really couldn't tell that I had only been out 6 weeks so I felt pretty good about that. 

We have district meetings every Wednesday and after out meetings we did a super power clean of everything.   We had some other Elders come and they spent the night with us because we went up to Raleigh on Thursday for first transfer training.  It was fun to have them come stay.  We had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to get up there and we drove like 6 hours that day.  It was great though I learned a lot.  They check to see how we are all doing.  We got advice and instruction from President and Sister James and the AP's. I love President and sister James they are super nice and so great.  I love meeting with them whenever I can.  President James is so funny, you just have to hear the way he talks.  He always says the funniest stuff.  We didn't get home until 8.  We went clear out to Tabor City to pick up another Elders things.  His companion was transferred so technically I have 2 trainers now!!  (I hope that doesn't mean anything bad about me!!! LOL!!!)   So we have done tons of driving all over the mission this week but I have 2 companions and thats been fun.    The other Elder is Elder Jorganson and he's super cool.  He came out with Elder Garlick.  

I do miss everyone but I know I am where I need to be and I do love it.  It's hard some days but it is worth it.  We have one investigator that is slacking off but you can see how satan works when we let him in the picture.  Some days I love tracting and other days I don't.  I do love sharing the gospel and being in North Carolina.  

Love and miss yall

Elder Dylan Hutchings