Monday, February 8, 2016

Thug life - Monday February 8, 2016

Things are going great we have 3 investigators.  One who is hopefully going to be baptized Feb 27 but we need to make sure she has stopped smoking.  Then we have Shannon.  He's great!!  A really cool guy.   He bore his testimony on how far he's come and how he never wants to go back. The last investigator is Ronnie and he is super cool.  His wife is Babbs. She is a recent convert and we work with both of them.  We also work with some other awesome recent converts and less active members.  We're actually having a dinner with a less active named Randell.  He's awesome and is coming back to activity.

I ate some stuff called grits!!  I'm not sure what it is but it was good!!  It had shrimp things with it.  It was super weird but good!!  Have you heard of grits and sun drop they are pretty popular here too and GOOD.  I think I have actually lost some weight.  

 There has been a lot of rain this week and we have a mote around our house!! Ha ha its kinda cool.  I'll send a picture later.  My companion and I hand carved a pine wood derby car for the race coming up.  We colored it with expo marker and sharpie's.  I'll send a pic of it later.  

My bike is awesome looking haven't rode it yet were in an all car area - I keep it at the house and it will go with me to whatever area I am in but I'll ride it soon.  WE don't have Ipads in this mission OH its so thug life here jkjk hahaha!!!  It's great here but tracting is hard.  We haven't found anyone new most people are comfy in their religion and just like say thanks but no thanks.  Yesterday it rained a lot and then the superbowl oh wait who won???  If North Carolina won I need a Superbowl Shirt!!! Lol

We knocked on this door the other day and freaked a lady out.   Her husband came out and visited with us.  Everything and everyone here is pretty laid back all the time. 

It's great but I miss everyone!!

love yall and miss yall

Elder Hutchings

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