Monday, February 29, 2016

Cursed False Prophets!!!

Last week was pretty crazy - For P-day we went to Wilmington for our district activity and it was super fun.  We played basketball and soccer and had just a super good time.  Then guess what???  We got stuck in traffic for 3 hours!!!  We didn't get home until 7 it was sooooo dumb but not bad at the same time because I was so tired.  

So Tuesday we did what was called a blitz and we tracted for 6 hours straight and it totally paid off!!!  We now have 3 new investigators so that was cool and I was so happy.  They are the first investigators that I have found.  We found Ishmon who is an older guy in his 70's and he is pretty lonely.  Holland is a lady in her 20's she was super nice and very open to the gospel.  The last one was Danielle she is in her 30's I think.  We taught them a little and then set up a time to teach them this week.  It will be fun and I am very excited about it.   One more thing I do know is that they all have a background with Jehovahs witness .  I did have one guy that put a curse on us!!!  We walked up to this older gentlemans home and he came out and was oh mormon boys so we were ok cool he knows who we are and he started talking about the spirit and how yall are false prophets and then he said I curse you to know by the spirit that tonight your car will break down and that you will get sick so that you know that you are false prophets.  So yeah that was awesome and the car works great and I feel fine - we made sure we prayed for that man last night!!!  It's kind of funny how many people here really don't like mormons and how no one really knows anything about us.  While we were talking to a new investigator her mom told us that we don't read the bible and she slammed a bible on the window because we were outside.  My companion and I both looked at the bibles in our hands.  I was tempted to put my bible back in the window from the outside but then again I don't want to get shot so it was all cool!!!

We visited with Bro Malpass who is a super cool guy and really funny and we visited with the Evonkos.  Jack is the husband who is a recent convert also.  One of the recent converts told us the other day that other then Sunday the day they look forward to in the week is the day we come over and visit with them.  That is so awesome. 

On Sunday we had an area 70's at our ward - it was great he got me out of the talk that I was suppose to give!!!  LOL!!!

The people here in Leland are super awesome and taking very good care of us.  One of the families who loves us fed us steak the other night!!!  We also visited with Randal and had a super awesome talk with and he made us some delicious sandwiches.  

We are going to do another exchange with another set of elders tomorrow.  I get to take over my area which is kind of scary but it will be great and I get to drive!!  I can't do anything to bad because the car monitors you and tells you if your doing anything wrong  gotta love it!! 

 love yall and miss yall 
Elder Hutchings

Monday, February 22, 2016

Scary Roads

I will be in Leland for awhile.  You don't move when your in training.  I will be here for probably 3 transfers but 2 for sure.  This is my 5th week here and I'll be here for 6 weeks and that's when transfers are and the next months transfers will be 7 weeks out because they are changing the time missionaries are staying at the MTC.  So my address is good for quite a while so ANYONE can write me at this address.  

We helped some people move this huge table.  It was great.  We met a lady who is a conspiracy theorist and a Jehovah's Witness.  She was great.  She talked to us for like half an hour while we were out tracting.  We've been tracting some scary roads but we make sure we do them during the day.  We also met a guy that said Angel Gabriel came and saved him - now that was a cool story to listen too.  It has actually been really slow here this week tracting so we do more studying.  

We had interviews with President James - no I'm not in trouble - just regular interviews.  He came down to Wilmington and we went there to met with him.  We were there from 11-3 because he got behind on interviews.  

P-days have been pretty fun.  We went and played basketball with the district leader last week.  He looks like one of my high school friends Zack Sams.  It's pretty funny but he is great.  We are having a District Activity this week and we get to play sports and a bunch of other games. It will be a lot of fun and it will be good to see everyone else.  That will be awesome.  

Our Pinewood Derby car didn't run very fast but that's okay because it was the bomb!!  We got to be judges for the pinewood derby and that was fun.

I'm still being told I talk funny.

Love and miss Yall

Love Elder Hutchings

Best Ever Pinewood Derby Car

Look at this scary road we went down!!!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentines Day - Still Loving It!!!

It's kind of weird that I've been out for a month.  It feels like yesterday that I got to the MTC!!  It's crazy.  Tracting and knocking on doors is still hard and my least favorite thing to do.  We got yelled at by this one guy that was just being mean.  It was kind of funny because he was yelling at us for soliciting in a neighborhood that has no soliciting but we weren't soliciting!!  We win!!  I'm getting used to it tracting but I love teaching - not sure how good I am at it but I love it.  I met a crazy dog too and he was out to get me but I showed him who was boss!!  LOL  It was scary but I am still safe and loving it.  Our church building doesn't have benches in it like all other churches that I've been in.  Its kind of weird but its super small but the people are really great.  They are taking very good care of us.  I had jumbalia the other day and I've had chicken pot pie and enchiladas - they were more like chicken over rice but it was good.  Oh and I had clam chowder too - it was sooooo good.

Valentines day was a blast.  We wore our ties on Sunday and got lots of compliments - we even had a little old lady hitting on us!!  LOL.

Ronnie one of our investigators told us that he wants to be baptized.  That is super awesome.  We need to teach him some more and get him through some other things but then he can be baptized.  That will be so awesome.  We are still working with Shannon - we taught him the plan of salvation.  We also have Janette - I haven't met with her but she is the closest to being baptized.  We met a Jewish man and a muslim woman - they were both super nice and we visited with them for awhile.  We also met a guy and his name is T - straight up T!!!  He has an old for that has flames on the front of it.  It is way cool.

There isn't much to do in Leland so we go to Wilmington.  We are going to play basketball with the district leader and last week we went to the beach.  It was a blast but no water for me.  We don't get in but it was still super fun and amazing to see the Atlantic ocean.

I love and miss yall

Love Elder Hutchings

My Valentines day Surprise!!

Our Valentines Day Ties

Pink hot chocolate in my mug.

 Remember when I told you that it rained a lot - well this is the moat around my place from the rain!!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Thug life - Monday February 8, 2016

Things are going great we have 3 investigators.  One who is hopefully going to be baptized Feb 27 but we need to make sure she has stopped smoking.  Then we have Shannon.  He's great!!  A really cool guy.   He bore his testimony on how far he's come and how he never wants to go back. The last investigator is Ronnie and he is super cool.  His wife is Babbs. She is a recent convert and we work with both of them.  We also work with some other awesome recent converts and less active members.  We're actually having a dinner with a less active named Randell.  He's awesome and is coming back to activity.

I ate some stuff called grits!!  I'm not sure what it is but it was good!!  It had shrimp things with it.  It was super weird but good!!  Have you heard of grits and sun drop they are pretty popular here too and GOOD.  I think I have actually lost some weight.  

 There has been a lot of rain this week and we have a mote around our house!! Ha ha its kinda cool.  I'll send a picture later.  My companion and I hand carved a pine wood derby car for the race coming up.  We colored it with expo marker and sharpie's.  I'll send a pic of it later.  

My bike is awesome looking haven't rode it yet were in an all car area - I keep it at the house and it will go with me to whatever area I am in but I'll ride it soon.  WE don't have Ipads in this mission OH its so thug life here jkjk hahaha!!!  It's great here but tracting is hard.  We haven't found anyone new most people are comfy in their religion and just like say thanks but no thanks.  Yesterday it rained a lot and then the superbowl oh wait who won???  If North Carolina won I need a Superbowl Shirt!!! Lol

We knocked on this door the other day and freaked a lady out.   Her husband came out and visited with us.  Everything and everyone here is pretty laid back all the time. 

It's great but I miss everyone!!

love yall and miss yall

Elder Hutchings

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

First emails from Leland, North Carolina

My companion is super cool and he's my trainer. It's pretty here and there are a lot of trees here and no way to get above them.  Its almost claustrophobic.  The grilled and fried food here is really good. I  haven't had to much of it though because we have eaten at home quite a bit.  The stuff I have tried has been great.   We taught on the first day.  I like doing everything but tracting,  that's scary but I'll just have to get use to it. I use Facebook to proselyte so don't message me but you can comment all that you want.  (Positive Comments Please!! ha ha).   I just use it to get in contact with members in my area and post uplifting messages.  

Love Elder Hutchings

Monday, February 1, 2016

First Email from Leland, NC

This is my first time to email (from North Carolina) but its been great so far kinda scary at first but I'm adjusting but its actually pretty warm.  I'm where there is no snow but if you want to look up where I'm at its called Leland North Carolina. 

The first person I got to teach/or go to was to a recent convert and it was the word of wisdom.  It was cool!! Then we taught this other guy about the plan of salvation and he bore testimony on how far he's come and how he never wants to go back.  That was amazing and Elder Garlick is pretty cool he's nice and i really like him.  He's from Utah and he's pretty funny.  Our days are mostly filled with meeting with less active members, teaching, going to see referrals and tracting.  Teaching lessons is pretty great and lots of study we study alot but i like it !!

Love Elder Hutchings