Monday, January 8, 2018

6 DAYS left!!!

Well this week was really good, as most of you know it was p day last tuesday and that was fun it was interesting having it on another day then monday. But we had a grand ole time in henderson with some other missionaries. We worked really hard this last week a lot of tracting in the cold cold weather and we were able to find some people. What was really great was friday we had interviews with president and those are always a good time. He is so funny and it was great to just talk to him and what all has been going on in the area. It was also a great day because we got to have a baptism.  I was the one who got to perform it. It was pretty great because we filled up the font and it was pretty full then as we went to baptize him it must have drained because there was so little water in the font. So it took me 4 tries but I finally got him all the way under and it was great!! That was so funny and great. Then on Sunday he was confirmed a member of the church it was just an amazing experience and he was so ready. It has been a great week and I have one week left I'm going to go and make the most of it!! love y'all!!

Elder Hutchings

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I needed 6 Layers!!!

This week was a ton of fun we got to go out and freeze to death. So most of the week we went out and were on bikes and it was so cold!! Good thing I had 6 layers on and I was still cold. We were able to meet a ton of people because everyone was cold and inside, it was great. The bikes was probably the worst though because the wind would just get right through everything and it was so cold!! But we had a good time. We were able to have the last lesson that we needed with Dan and now all is left and he will be baptized on Friday.  He asked me to baptize him - it will be awesome!! We are super excited, his interview is tonight so everyone pray.  Other then that it was a pretty bland week just lots of knocking and visiting people!! Oh we did get to go and get some good ice cream with Curtis after a lesson though and that was really good. He took a snap chat of us and wrote squad on it posted it to his story it was pretty great!!

Love Yall not to much longer left have a great week!

Love Elder Hutchings