Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

This last week was really good.  Monday P-day was super fun and went really well. That night we found 2 new people and it was crazy.  It was super amazing!  We gave one of the new contacts the first lesson and we committed him to live the word of wisdom. It was a really good lesson and could feel that the spirit was really there. 

We worked really hard and that's when we found the new contact lady!!  It was really cool because she called us over and was just like ready for the gospel!!!  She was open to the lessons and we taught her a lot and it was really awesome!! 

We did a lot of tracting during the week. We also had a really awesome lesson with Tori.  We have been teaching her for awhile but this time her mom joined us in the lesson.  The lesson was on feeling the spirit and why we need it in our lives.  The lesson went really well. 

The best thing this week was that we got 2 less active members to come to church!!!  One member that came hasn't come to church in over 20 years!!  It was pretty crazy and really awesome!!  He actually event went up and bore his testimony too!!  It was super incredible and the testimomy he shared was amazing it was great to have him come.

 We also got some other great news!!  We found out that Taniyah had her final interview with President James and that she is ready for baptism!!!! It has been so amazing to watch her learn and grow in the gospel and now she is ready for baptism.  It will be so awesome to help her plan for this step in her life!!

Thank you for all your love and support!!  

Love to all

Elder Hutchings

My Halloween Tie - Thanks MOM!!!

Elder Chiu and I on exchange

Monday, October 24, 2016

It's Sweater Weather!!!

Well this week was pretty crazy, Monday we were suppose to have a lesson with Taniyah but that got cancelled.  We went up to the northern part of our area instead and went tracting.  We met some really awesome people - sadly we didnt get to teach anyone but we were able to share a few of our beliefs with some people on their door!  Then this one lady was like do you know what time it is and we were like 8 and she was like oh well its dark and we were like its 8 :)!!  She wasnt happy but it was ok she just closed the door. 

Tuesday not to much happened and we just tracted a bunch and tried to talk to people on the green way.  We met this super old lady who has never left Cary!!!  She was born here and it was really interesting to talk to her and we gave her a book of mormon!! 

Wednesday we had a great lesson with an investigator named Qua who is very interested.  She is interested in learning more and wants to know if mormons are the ones who are right and she really thought that baptisms for the dead was amazing! Then that night we filled out a survey for our complex  and we got a free pizza it was really cool! 

We found a new investigator on Thursday and met with him again on Friday.  It was really cool because he is from Haiti and he is pretty funny and really cool!!  He speaks 4 languauges and he was very intreged by the first vision!! 

Saturday was really fun and we finally had to put sweaters on because it is chilly out biking at night!! 

Sunday was crazy because we were suppose to have a bunch of people at church and only one showed up!!  :(  Then we had 2 lessons cancelled and we got bashed with!!  We ended up having a great lesson with Taniyah which went super good and she is having a baptismal interveiw with President James this tuesday!!  This week has been really amazing!!  We are still finding people and teaching alot of people and it has been great.  I have been here in Cary longer then any other Elder has been for a very long time and I can say that I love it so much!! I love being a missionary even though times get tough and hard it is always worth it in the end!!

Love y'all

Elder Hutchings

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hawaiian Haystacks and lots of work

This monday was really weird because it was my last P-day with Elder Lingmann and all those who got transferred that I know really well.  As you know we ran a 5k and it was dumb it was actually only 4 miles!! Luckily I didn't have to run it!! We played some sports for the rest of the day and it was fun!! 

Tuesday we got on of the priests to come out with us.  His name is Elkanah and he is really awesome.  It was really fun we went to the park and taught a girl with him there with us.  She said she wanted to learn more so that was great! Then we took him and got a frosty!!  It was so much fun and he biked with us! Then that night we found another person to teach.  We didn't even knock on his door, we just walked with him around his apartment complex! It was really cool! We taught him again on Sunday with a member and he is super nice.  His name is Mohidd and he is really awesome!! 

Let me tell you that I have never eaten so many Hawaiian haystacks!!!  The one on Sunday was the best ones that we have ever had!! 

We did tons of work this week and just had a blast and worked hard. We knocked on a lot of houses and we are trying a new thing at the park.  We are doing a survey and it hasn't been to successful but we are tweaking it and making it better!! The flooding is completely gone now it is crazy!! 

This Sunday I had to give a talk in church and it was on service.  Everyone said that I did great but it was scary and it was really funny. I talked about you in my talk!! It was really interesting and then we also taught the priest quorum lesson and that was interesting but fun!  We got 2 investigators to church which is really awesome!!! I have been teaching both of them the whole time that I have been in Cary!! 

It was really fun this week and I was looking at everything that I have picked up on my mission!!  This is some of the stuff!! Pictures are Elder Lingmann and I and then a snake on the green way as we were biking and then the stuff i have gotten for free on my mission haha :)

Hope everyone has a great week

Love Elder Hutchings

Elder Lingmann and I

A little snake on the greenway - this is moms favorite!!!!

Stuff I've picked up on my mission

Monday, October 10, 2016

I survived Mathew!!!

Well this week was super busy! It started off with a really great P-day that was tons of fun!! We did basketball and some dodge ball and it was tons of fun!! 

Then Tuesday was pretty boring we had what is called deep clean day so we spent the whole day just cleaning and it was so boring!!!  It actually felt good later because the apartment got really clean and it felt great!! 

Then Wednesday was so awesome!!  We had whats called an activity zone conference and it was so much fun!!!   3 different zones were there and it was crazy!!!  We had a scavenger hunt and then we got to go fishing.  I didn't catch anything which was pretty lame but the drive was so much fun!! We rode with Elder Walker and his companions and it was a party all the way.  We had to wake up at 4:30 to get there on time but it was fun.  At the Zone Conference we had a log run where we ran with this huge poles.  Then a three legged race which was super fun but I hurt my ankle and then a sack race where I hurt my ankle more!!! The best was a tug of war and it was awesome!!!  We beat this one Zone and it was crazy we almost lost and then we came back and just rocked it and beat them but then we lost to the other Zone but it was crazy fun!! 

Then Thursday we had first transfer training and it was really awesome.  We got instructed all day and it was really fun and super good!! 

Friday we went on an exchange and Elder Walker came to Cary with me and we biked on some awesome green ways.  As it was all wet and we were drifting around corners and it was so much fun.  That night we got pizza and we biked home with it - Awesome!! 

Then Saturday was pretty crazy because the hurricane came and it was pretty bad!!!  We got to do service at a place called Dorcas which was super awesome but while waiting to exchange back we went out and played basketball in the hurricane which was super awesome and I drained a half court shot in the storm!!!  It was super awesome!! Then we exchanged back and got told to stay in side for the rest of the day and it was really lame but we got to sleep and yea but it was boring but much needed rest!! 

Then yesterday was a super beautiful day and church was great and then we went out and sought out some service and knocked on some doors and it was really cool and then we went around and saw how much damage there was.  The green ways were really flooded it was pretty amazing!! Then this morning we ran a 5k but I biked it because my ankle isn't in the best of shape!!!  Here are pictures of the week!!!

Barf Soda!!!  Bahahaha!!!

Running the 5K - well biking for me!!!

Elder Walker and I

Flooding from Hurricane Mathew

Yes that's a park bench

No Golfing today!!

That would be a Picnic area - yes under water!!

Monday, October 3, 2016

New Investigators/General Conference

Well this week was pretty awesome we found a new investigator named Marvin.  He is a really cool black guy who was just out walking around that we talked with him and then went back and taught him!!  It was really good! 

This week was just really crazy.  We helped my recent converts family move so we were pretty busy helping them.  They were so grateful for the help and we got Elder Walker and the other elders to come and join us as well so it was a lot of fun! 

Then for the rest of the week we had an exchange with the zone leaders who are some of my favorites and they are really awesome elders. While we were on exchanges something really funny happened.  They are madarin chinese speaking and we were looking for some chinese people and we found some and they tried speaking to me in madariin and it was funny!!!

Then the rest of the week was spent getting everything set up for general conference and it was great how it all worked out.  We got Steve (an investigator) to watch it with us! You also need to look up this on youtube (Sam Smith tornado) because he is the guy we watched all of Saturday conference with.  He is so cool and is a really awesome member!!  We got to go to a baptism which was super fun and look at this awesome picture of me in front of the temple!!!! I love how close I am to it!!! I also got a pie!  This is me eating it hahaha!  

We had nasty water so we got to do a sleep over on Monday at Elder Walker apartment and it was super fun. Here's a picture of some of the water!!  We went and got cook out that night for food it was so great!!!!  I also got whats called a cook out t-shirt and there is only one place that sells them.  Usually you have to try a bunch of times to get one!  

Elder Dobson can shoot my blow dart gun so hard that he broke a container!!

It was another great week.  Love and Miss Everyone

Elder Hutchings

Dirty water!!!  EWE!!!

Yummy Pie!!!

I Love to See the Temple

He broke the container!!!