Monday, August 29, 2016

Something old, new, borrowed - nay just blue!!!

This week has been great!!  We worked super hard and did a ton of stuff.  We were super busy with cleaning and planning and tracting.  It has all been good.  I got called to be a trainer so I will be training a new missionary this week.  He will be here tomorrow.  That means that I will also be in Cary for another 3 months at least with the new Elder.  That's about all but it has been a good week! 

Love Elder Hutchings

I had to go buy some new smaller pants!!!  Looking good!!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekly Xray!!!!!

Well let me tell you about this week - we were out playing volleyball for P-day and I landed on my ankle sideways really hard!!!  I went to an urgent care with my district leader.  I had to have an X-ray.  Luckily it's just a bad sprain and they gave me a brace and told me to stay off of it.  But that night we biked down to the bottom of the area which is like 14 miles round trip hahaha.  It only hurts when I forget and try to turn on it.  I have to remember to use my left foot.  It is doing good and is feeling better but not totally healed but does fine when I am in the brace! So I am all good  - just on ibuprofen and icy hot and the brace!   I just keep working and try not to go to hard on it.

Not to much else happened this week.  We didn't get to teach very much but we tracted a ton.  

Saturday and Sunday I was sick.  I got a head cold but they gave me a blessing and its gone now so its all good!  We still weren't able to work very much but church was good.  

We did have one cool thing that happened.  We had someone approach us and want us to come talk with him the next day!!!  We went and met with him and had a great gospel talk.  Unfortunately nothing really came from it now though but maybe somewhere down the road he will want more.  It was still a really cool experience!

Love and miss everyone

Elder Hutchings

It's ALL good just a sprain!!!

Monday, August 15, 2016

She Got Baptized!!! Woohoo!!!

Well this week was pretty crazy!!  We were all over the place tracting.  It was really fun though we biked to the top of our area and it is huge.  We did like an extra 15 miles for it but it was well worth it.  We found some great places where we are going to go and knock on some doors!! 

The weekend is where it started to get crazy!! We had weekly planning and took a really long time.  We had our last meeting with Kimberly before she got baptized this weekend.  On the way to go meet her my bike tire popped and we were only half way there.  We had to book it over there on foot or she wouldn't have been able to be baptized!!! Luckily, we made it there on time but on the way there we got a call from the assistant to the president.  We also had to make it over to the hospital for a blessing that we needed to give to another missionary.  It was all jumbled and crazy but we made it to everything and it went really well!! 

We were able to have Kimberly baptized and confirmed on Sunday.  That was really amazing!! Her dad was able to baptize her!!   It was a great experience!!

We were tracting on Friday and we met Brian.  He was super nice.  I know that we were suppose to meet him because my bike tire popped AGAIN and we were able to be there at the right time to meet him and help him on his journey.  It is really awesome how that works some days!! 

Then Sunday we had a mission president fireside.  It was really awesome and we got our investigator Tori to go with us.  She told her story of how she started investigating the church and it was really awesome to hear her speak.

Then we got to have the other 2 Cary elders over because we had to got to a doctors appointments with them but it was fun. It was great having them over and spending time.  It was a great week and it is amazing to be out here and see it all!!!

Elder Hutchings

Kimberly's baptism!!!

Monday, August 8, 2016

New Ties/FOE Hammer/Goblin Clever - WHAT????

Well this week was really good.  We had a great P-day last monday.  We went to this adventure land and did a bunch of games and played laser tag.  I got 2 new ties and it was pretty awesome! We had a ton of fun and elder Lingman and I kicked peoples butts at laser tag which was pretty funny!! It was a zone activity so it was just a blast! 

Then we worked really hard the rest of the week and we had 3 lessons with our investigator who is getting baptized this saturday.  It is going to be so exciting because her dad will be able to baptize her and he has been less active but has been coming now.  So it has been amazing and I was able to teach her all of the lessons - so it has been really cool to see! 

We also had some great lessons with a girl named Tori.  She is the nicest person ever and just super smart.  The spirit was so strong in the lesson it was great and really amazing to see where she has gotten! Then we also still have another girl getting ready for baptism.  I have taught her a ton and it has been great to see where she was at 2 years ago when she was first  being taught to where she is now.  Its been cool to watch her and she thinks so much deeper then anybody I have ever met.  It has been an awesome experience to have been able to teach her! 

This week has had lots of great tracting and trying to find a family.  We also did a blitz where we had 30 missionaries in 1 area just knocking on doors!!  Great experience!! 

Sunday was beyond amazing!!! I got to hold the FOE hammer and the goblin clever from the Hobbit!!!   It was pretty great and exciting!!!!!!

The next epic battle!!! Elder Jensen verses Elder Hutchings!


Elder Jensen and I - such cute faces!!!

My new Ties - Sweetness!!!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sweating like a fountain!!! EWE!!

This week has been really good.  The zone leaders had that prank on me and it started the week out great! 

We have been tracting a lot and had a few lessons that we were able to get members to go out with us.  We got two really great lessons in with Taniyah.  She should be baptized this saturday!!!   That will be really cool and we invited another man to pray about baptism which was great.  Pedro is the one who we invited to be baptized he is from cuba and like 70 years old! We got a recent convert to go out with us to Pedros lesson and they connected very well.  (Everyone does know that they can go on exchanges with the missionaries right!!!!  It is very helpful and cool if any of you can go!!) It was fun to see them connect! Then we had our last lesson with Taniyah.  It was clearing up what the law of chastity is which was kinda awkward!!!  But, we got it all cleared up and she has been taught everything now so that is all good! 

This Sunday was crazy we got this girl that we have been teaching to come to church.  She is 9 and has a hard time getting up for church so we told her we would bring her a treat if she came.  She made it to church so we are going to make cookies for her tonight! 

It was busy and stressful at church on Sunday!!!  Taniyah almost didn't make it to church and she had her baptismal interview.  We were stressed out and worked hard to get her  a ride so she could make it.  It was crazy and were doing all this while we were in church!!!   It worked out and she made it in for her interview so we are just waiting for one more ok.  Then we are good to go so it has been a lot of fun! Also,  if this guy named Evan cant baptize Taniyah,  she has asked me to baptize her.  We will wait and see but it will be amazing whoever baptizes her!

We biked to the top of our area in 102 heat we were drenched in sweat!!!  You just sweat like a fountain in this heat!! It is gross and awesome.  This week we also biked like 30 miles a day and I keep up with Elder Jensen.  He is on his road bike so it is pretty  fast biking and that is most all of this week.  Fun and crazy and what not. 

We are having a Zone activity today so that should be alot of fun.  It is going great out here.  Love and miss you all.  I hope you all have a great week.


Elder Hutchings