Monday, June 27, 2016

It's Hot Out Here!!!

Well this week has been pretty different but very good. It started off with a zone activity which was pretty fun and kinda crazy but good.  It was really fun.  We played kick ball and ultimate frisbee! Then the rest of the night we  just did some tracting but we met some nice people who were pretty awesome.  They gave us some water because it was super hot and humid.  The humidity is so crazy!!!  I sweat so much its kinda gross but its all for fun so thats good! 

The rest of the week was interesting because we had to walk about 4 miles because Elder Garrick popped his bike tire and the closest bike shop was that far away!  It was fun and that same day we had to run to a lesson right after we got the tire fixed but it was good!   We also taught this girl named Tori who is super nice and she is going to be praying about being baptized.  We just had a great lesson with her! Sadly a lot of people are out of town that we teach but its all good.   
Then we were given the idea to draw the plan of salvation on these things called green ways and it was cool!  When we were walking back past our drawings, we were able to teach someone right there and it was pretty cool! Then we biked over 20 miles down to this less actives house and it was so much fun.  It took forever but they were super nice and it was someone the bishop had asked us to visit! So over all this week has been great and we have being playing basketball today and it is tons of fun.  I am loving it so much and it is so amazing everyday!

Love and miss Everyone

Elder Dylan Hutchings

It's so hot out!!!

Look at that tan line!!!!

We are as the army of Helaman!!!

My $1.00 tie!!

Gotta Love It!!!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Rain storms can't get me!!!

This Monday was great - for Pday we played a ton of basketball and it was so much fun.  Then we had a great dinner that night!!!

Tuesday we went on an exchange and I got to hang out with Elder Carlisle and Elder Meikle which was super fun.  We got to teach 2 people and then we went and visited less actives with this return missionary who has only been back for like a week!!!  It was so much fun!!!

Wednesday I got back from the exchange and  found out Elder Garricks bike was all messed up.  So we spent like all day trying to fix it and get parts and a miracle happened -  a member saw us and he gave us a ride right before a rain storm hit it was cool! 

Thursday we taught a girl named Tori and it just went amazing!!   We taught her in the bishops home and it was fantastic.  She took notes and was so focused and really wants to know and apparently we taught her so well that it has made her mom more interested now!!!  That was awesome then we taught Kim and she has a baptismal date which is amazing!!!

Sunday is when the miracle happened we got a call then booked it over to a members house to teach this lady named Rena and she was awesome!!!  She had so many questions and loved what we shared and the spirit was so strong there and it has really helped us with our teaching!!

This week has been amazing working with Tori and Kim and Rena.  It was just a great week!!! 

Love it here and having a great time!

Love and miss everyone

Elder Dylan Hutchings

Monday, June 13, 2016

Headed to Cary!!! I have a new Address.

This week was good we went to the aquarium which was super fun.  Elder Chiu thought that the fish looked yummy hahah and it was tons of fun!!! Nowm  I am in Cary.  Its great and it is a huge area that is all bike!!!  It is fun and I am defiantly in shape now.  I have lost weight in a week. We found an awesome lady this week her name is Camille.  We had an awesome lesson with her and she invited herself to church it was pretty great! Then we did whats called greenway contacting and we got lost and walked like 8 miles!!!  It was fantastic, we got home super sweaty it was great and then we have had  a lot of member meals and just tracted a lot.  We had some great contacts but thats all. Before I left Leland I ate at the Childs house and we had what was called blue berry cake it was so good!!  Then we had a huge sleep over with the other elders in the district and it was tons of fun!!!  That's about all just biking a lot and meeting people and teaching here and there its been great and i love it so far!

Elder Hutchings

An albino alligator at the aquarium

Elder Hutchings on his first transfer from Leland to Cary!!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Red rover, red rover send Elder Hutchings right over!!!!

My week in a nut shell:

Well this week started off pretty great.  For P-day we played some good ole red rover with about 6 people!!  That was interesting! Oh the games you play as a missionary hahaha!!!  It was defiantly interesting that is for sure! 

Then Monday night we went to teach one of our investigators and it was really awesome.  We invited Elder and Sister Martin to come and we got what's called a member present lesson which is what you want - it is where the member comes with you and helps teach.  We had only been teaching one of the daughters but now we are teaching the family and it was super awesome! 

Then Tuesday was pretty busy with tracting but sadly we didn't find anyone else but that was still ok! 

Then Saturday and Sunday came and man did they make my week so good! All we did was teach!!!  We taught this man named Ricky and the lesson went really good.  He really thought about what we had shared with him and asked that we give him two weeks to read threw the Book of Mormon and pray about it.  It was awesome and then we went and taught a man named Vinni and he was super nice! He had a lot of really awesome questions which were all around the plan of salvation.  We taught him about that and he said that it made a lot of sense but there were still some what if factors and he doesn't necessarily believe that there is a god but he said he wanted to learn more and he invited us back.  I saw a moment when I know the spirit touched him!!  It was when his son asked a question and elder Chiu and I answered it and I know that the spirit totally directed us in what to say it was really amazing! 

Then Sunday we had a great appointment with a lady named Jeanette.  She just has stop smoking and she really wants to be baptized.  She knows its all true and so we came up with some new idea and are really helping her get to where she wants to be.  It was really awesome to see her want that change in her life! Then we had a meeting with Eden.  He is a Hispanic man and he is super amazing.  We took brother Goodson with us, he speaks Spanish and it was a great lesson.   We taught about the Book of Mormon and we invited him to pray about it after Brother Goodson bore testimony about it and it was amazing.  After we asked him, he started praying about it right then and there and we invited him to be baptized when he knew it was true.  He said he would and it was really amazing and he shared with us some personal things that we had answers for and it was just super great! 

This week has been good and sadly I have to leave but i know that it is in good hands!!!  Today we are planning on seeing a few people who I met and taught.  It is great  to see how we can all touch and effect people with our lives.  It's amazing and I can not wait to help more!

Love and Miss yall

Elder Hutchings