Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Birthday!!!

This week went really good!  I really enjoyed it! 

Monday we had a great zone activity! We played a bunch of like running games and I felt great afterwards.  It was really good and lots of fun.  Almost all of the zone showed up but some didn't, sadly but that's alright we had fun without them! 

Then Tuesday was great we spent the whole day on bikes, actually, we spent a lot of the week on bikes. It was good though, it helped me work off some of the food I have been eating!!!  Then we went and met this referral that we received and it was amazing!  She had no idea how she got to where she did to get us to come to her but it happened.  It was such a miracle and really awesome to see.  Then we had a great dinner with the bishop and had a great message for them and thanked him for all that he does to help us.  

Then we had a wonderful Wednesday!!  It was a great birthday!!  Brother and Sister Martin took me out to lunch the day before and then we had an awesome lunch on Wednesday and they decorated a room and the car!!!  Elder Matkin took me to olive garden for my birthday dinner and then Elder Dudley took me to cook out!!! It was a great week and we went running on the beach which was awesome.   I really enjoyed that and it was super awesome! 

Sadly we got dropped by 2 people this week but that is okay, we keep finding new people and they are some super awesome people.  We just keep working hard.  

Then fast forward to Sunday and that day was great.  Some excellent talks were given and then the lesson in priesthood was great.  It was on the three witnesses and pride and it had a great effect on me! This week was really great and has been tons of fun.  Nothing crazy happened this week but it was a fun awesome week!!!

Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes and things.  It was really awesome and made my day even better.

Love and miss y'all

Elder Hutchings

Monday, May 23, 2016

Biscuits and Gravy - Oh my!!!

 Well p day was different last week but we got to go play tennis and I wasn't to shabby.  It was fun but we didn't get to play for very long because the other elders had stuff to do.  It was still good then our dinner that night was so good!!!  We had a full fledged meal it was awesome!!!  There was bacon and sausage and liver pudding that was good and then eggs and biscuits and gravy and oh it was so good!!  The gravy could have been more spicy like my moms but it was still really good.  All very close to my moms cooking but not quite but it was good for sure!! 

This week was full of people not being there for appointments or just rescheduling and a lot of tracting.  Elder Chiu and I make it fun!  He can beat box and I make up weird raps as we walk.  I talk about church stuff it's fun!!  Then Elder Chiu will listen to a lot of Mandarin music in the car which is pretty awesome sounding but I don't know what they are saying. Then Sunday we got to go help a recent convert named Babbs and the bishop came with us.  It was a great meeting and we were really able to help her out and it felt good to be able to help her get threw the emotions she was feeling at that time and help brighten up her day! Then last night we went and were able to visit some less actives with brother Malpass.  We had a great meeting with one of them and I really think that we helped him and his family at that moment to feel the spirit so it was great! Oh and it was wonderful we had a crazy miracle - there was this man that I had met on an exchange in my first transfer, well, I bumped into with Elder Chiu.  He has a testimony of the Book of Mormon and totally loves it but hasn't been able to get in contact with the Elders in Wilmington!!!  We were able to tell him that they would get in contact with him and it was really just amazing.  I really enjoyed it and he totally remembered who I was and then after a minute I remembered him.  It was an amazing experience and it has been a great week.  I got to meet and shake hands with Elder Zwick!! He came and visited our mission it was way cool.  He is in the quorumof the 70!
and that is my week!!!

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings

Brother and Sister Martin 

Elder Chiu and Elder Hutchings

Monday, May 16, 2016

Loving It!!

 This week has been very sad -  a bunch of appointments got cancelled so we weren't to busy but it was pretty crazy still.  We are helping a lady to stop smoking because that is the thing that is holding her back from being baptized! We didn't have to bike very much either because we have the car again but we had quite a few miracles happen this week.   We met this lady who was had been a member but has fallen away.  She wants to come back and she refereed us to this lady and her son who she knows the gospel will help.  It was pretty great and we got to work with a lot of less actives and recent converts this week.  

We had 3 meals in 1 day it was fantastic and I'm still down on weight so that is even better!!  It was a fantastic week and this guy that had been pretty rude to us one day while we were tracting came out the next day and apologized to us.  It was super nice and he is a really awesome person.  He had a really cool life story and has lived all over the world.  That is about all for this week and Elder Martin taught me this - that hot dogs with mayo and tomatoes on them is really good and with a little salt and pepper!!!  It was weird but really good.  It is awesome to be working with the Martin's they are wonderful and I am enjoying working with them.  Elder Chiu is pretty awesome and a really great companion!!!

Love Elder Hutchings

Pday - went to the battleship in Wilmington

Loving it!!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Blitzing can be questionable!!!

So this week went by pretty fast it was kinda crazy haha! We did whats called a blitz in our area.  We had 2 sets of elders here in Leland just working hard like crazy.  It was awesome and while we were blitzing we knocked on a prostitutes door it was pretty funny hahaha!!!!  How did we know - she had a sticker on the door advertising it!!!  Luckily she did not answer haha but it was funny!   Wednesday we went and helped set up an apartment for a senior couple that will be here in this area.  It was pretty great and I really enjoyed that and then the next day we went and met them.  Brother and sister Martin are originally from Blackfoot and he knew where Middleton was!!!  They were living in Utah but they are here now and they will be able help out the area a lot!

I've been driving for 2 weeks now its pretty great but we have a black box that monitors everything in the car so it knows if we speed or anything - (that should make mom feel better!!!) 
Then the rest of the week blew by - our car had to go in the shop so we ended up having to bike and in 3 days we biked over 75 miles! Talk about one sore booty!! Haha it was great though I have had a lot of fun and it is all very enjoyable!!

Oh yea I to to hold this huge catfish!!!!  It was dead but I got to help filet it!!!  

We are going to see the battleship NC today for p day and elder Chiu is going to go throw down on the guitar when we get home!!  LOL!! 

I hope all you Moms had a Great Mothers Day!!!!

Love and Miss y'all

Elder Dylan Hutchings
That's one BIG catfish!!!!

The sign says - Due to lack of ammo - No warning shot will be fired!!!  Hahahahaha

Elder Chiu in the Green suit!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2016

New Companion - Elder Chiu!!!!!

Well this week went great.  My new companion is Elder Chiu and he is pretty cool.  I am really liking Elder Chiu.  He is from Taiwan and it is pretty cool. He is awesome, I still don't know to much about him but he loves to sing and play the guitar.  He's pretty good too.  He was a mandarin elder in Raleigh for 9 months with the same companion for the whole 9 months!!!  and He's been out for 9 months!!!  He speaks mandarin Chinese and so he was doing that  but his English is pretty good.  I just have to help him sometimes but that's all good:)  Elder Chiu has been in Raleigh because a lot of college kids speak Chinese.  I'm English and so is he but its pretty funny when we have a door contact and he will be like - what did they say!!!  He is a good missionary! :)

It has been fun this week and we found a lot of new people to teach - 8 to be exact!!!  It was crazy.  My bike is fixed - a member named Brother Bowman took it in and got it fixed for me and he payed for it.  That was super nice I couldn't tell him thank you enough times!  It was great because then we went and biked 14 miles and had some great lessons!! We now have a teaching pool of about 15 - 16 people.  I think their names are Maya, Kristy, Ronnie, James, Eden, Jeanette 3 more that I can't remember the names.  We met them with James and then their is also Charles, Shannon and Holland.   A lot hahaha!!!!   I think a few are getting close to baptism but it will take a while to get some of them there.  Some of the new ones might be faster going but I don't know  yet we will just keep working and teaching them.

I am still in Leland and will be for 5 more weeks for sure, but I don't know if I will be transferred or not but that's about it for this week.  Oh yeah we got yelled at by this guy because he had a no trespassing sign up and it was funny.  Also, Elder Chiu got scared by one of our members for having a gun on him. It has been a great week and super busy!!

My New Companion Elder Chiu

The trailer is where we have been tracting at.  It was pretty sketchy and the truck was sunk in to the ground like a foot. 
We don't get to worried about things because people don't do anything.  They see our name badge and know who we are.  They just don't wanna talk to us hahah!!  People are actually kinda scared of us -  its pretty funny and they think we are like robots.  They think that we don't have personality's and all that but I have found out that the more happy you are the more people want to talk to you!!!

Gtg I'll try to write yall back that are writing me!! 
Tell everyone i love them ttyl 

Love Elder Dylan Hutchings