Tuesday, January 26, 2016

MTC - Atlanta - Raleigh - Mission Home - Leland, NC!!!

Ok,  so here is everything that has happened since I left the mtc.  We were late because this Elder didn't wake up.  It was alright though we made it in time to get on our flight to Atalanta.  I landed in Atlanta and it was really warm.  It was kinda nice kind not because I had a suit coat on.  The first thing I heard was shoe shine who wants a shoe shine.  Then I found out they don't have payphones but a super nice lady let us use hers to call.  That was great!!  Then we flew to Raleigh and it was pretty cold.   We waited for all of our stuff and then we were off  to the mission home.  It was great feeling to be there but when we got there we filled out a lot of paper work!!  We then ate some great dinner and had some stuff called naner pudding which was super yummy!!  I then had and an interveiw with President James and his wife then went to bed. We woke up the next morning and loaded all my stuff back up and want to where I would meet my trainer.  First we had this information meeting then I met Elder Garlick and sang some songs had this meeting thing it was great! Then Elder Garlick and I left and headed down to Leland.  It was about a 2 hour drive but it was good got to see a lot of the country.  When we got to Leland, we dropped my stuff off and went to the store to get some stuff for that week.  I got unpacked and went and saw some people from the ward not to many but a few. Then went home did some daily planning got to know Elder Garlick a little more then went to bed. Btw i have a queen size bed its fantastic hahaha. We've been tracting and meeting with less actives and its been great it feels really good to share even just a scripture with someone who is struggling.  Everyone for the most part is really nice down here but that's been most of what I've been up to.  Meeting lots of new people, teaching lessons and sharing scriptures with people.  Its been great. 

Love Elder Hutchings

P.S. I've been told I talk funny hahaha!!!

My mission shirt from the MTC.

Elder Garlick in our house in Leland North Carolina.

My House in Leland.

My Bike!!

Our House

Treats from care package at the MTC

Monday, January 25, 2016

Letter from Sister Fortin

Hi sister! my name is Sister Fortin, and i had the honor of serving in the same MTC district as your son :) He's an amazing Elder that i'm grateful i got to know, his testimony and story are incredible. He really strengthened my testimony and helped me grow at the MTC, it was a blessing for sure to get to know him. Thank you for raising a wonderful elder like him :) I'm serving in North Carolina like him, and on the plane ride down here i sat near him, i got a few photos i thought you might like to see :) (even got one of him looking nice)
Thank you again, i know he's doing an incredible job of his mission :)

~Sister Fortin

Headed to Raleigh, North Carolina Mission - January 25, 2016

I will be heading to the mission field Monday, January 25, 2016. I will be able to call you from the airport.

Call from Atlanta, Georgia during layover:  

Hey mom - sorry I didn't get to call you from the airport in Salt Lake.  One of the Elders was late getting on the bus so we were all late and didn't have time to make phone calls.  We are at the Atlanta airport but we cannot find any pay phones.  This really nice lady let us borrow her cell phone to make calls.  I am very excited to almost be to Raleigh and glad I have traveled before.  It is scary and exciting all at the same time but I'm doing great.  Sorry I can't talk longer but we are moving terminals and this wonderful lady needs her phone back.  Love you all very much.  

Hey - I made it to North Carolina!!!  This is a picture of me when I met the Mission President.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Elder Tyson Legg - We're at the MTC together!!

I found Tyson or Elder Legg and it was exciting.  He is in both of the same buildings as I am in - where our classrooms are and the dorm rooms.  

I am still learning so much.  We had an awesome devotional today where one of the apostles spoke to us.  It was very inspiring and uplifting.  I'm so excited to go out into the mission field - still kinda scared but it will be great.  My district is super cool and everything here is helping me prepare for the mission field.  We had a service project today and it was great.  

Today was a great day!!

Elder Hutchings

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

More letters from the MTC - January 19, 2016

I would love to know what everyone is doing and tell me how everything is and ask me any questions!! (this sentence isn't just for MOM its for everyone!!)  

I can tell you a few things going on at the MTC.  We have gym time and all the elders in my district were playing basketball and we got trashed/scrubbed on by a sister!!  She was so good it was crazy.  She didn't miss a single shot.  We played bump/lightning and she drained on it and totally got me out.

The MTC has chocolate milk and I love it so much!!  I have cut back just a little but I have withdrawals!!  Just kidding its not that bad.  This place is really great.  My companion is pretty cool he is 19 and his name is Elder Sprunt.  I told you this but why not tell you again.  He is 6'3" and moves so fast!!   The Lord must know that I am out of shape.  Ha Ha!!  It has really helped me just trying to keep up with him.  The other thing is the stairs - there are soooooo many and we are constantly going up and down.  I counted and there are 73 stairs just to get up to our classroom.  

The other Elders in my room are cool and the are both going to Raleigh.  One is from Vancouver, WA and the other is from Arizona.  Elder Barlow from Arizona was playing college football before he came to the MTC.  He is our District Leader and he is super awesome and he has a great testimony that is inspiring to me.

It is really great to be here and my testimony has really grown.  I am learning a lot and the feeling of the spirit is so strong here.  The MTC is a great reminder of how hard the mission, my mission will be.  That is alright though I can't wait to be out there.  I know that the gospel, the scriptures and the teachings are true.  Joseph Smith is a true prophet of the Lord and that Heavenly Father and Jesus really do love us and that we are all here for a reason.  All the Elders with me are great and really strengthen my testimony and the reason I am here serving the Lord.

Elder Hutchings

P.S.  I love you all.  Hugs!!!

First email - January 19, 2016

Well, I hope my letters got to you, it gives you a feel for everything going on but to answer your question there is chocolate milk!

My companion is super cool his name is Elder Sprunt and he is pretty tall and i should hopefully go to the temple today! My companion is going to Raleigh, North Carolina also so that's pretty cool.

I was hoping to be Elder Tyson Leggs greeter (Best friend from home entering the MTC on January 20, 2016 going to the Macon, Georgia Mission) but I won't be able too.  They leave that to people that are here for more then a week i believe. It's to bad but I'll get to see him for sure. Just wanted to let you know I am alive haha.

love Elder Hutchings

P.S.  Send soft lips chapstick and some lotion!!!

Friday, January 15, 2016

First Letter from the MTC - January 15, 2016

The MTC is great.  It is super amazing here and I am so glad that I came.  I am writing a hand written letter because I will not be able to email till Tuesday.  I am having a great time here and I cannot wait to get to the mission field.  

My companions name is Elder Strunt.  He is quite a bit taller then I am (6'3") but is very cool and I am glad he is my companion.  

One of the first people I met was Joe Kershaw (friend from Middleton,ID).  He is one of my Zone Leaders here at the MTC.  It was pretty crazy.  It is really weird calling everyone Elder or Sister but I am starting to get used to it.  Were not suppose to say you guys or dudes at all but it has slipped out so much it isn't even funny, JK - it is kind of funny.  

I won't lie there are A LOT of stairs here and NO elevators.  I think the MTC is set up super cool but it is pretty exhausting but I am learning a ton.  My teachers names are Bro. Ditto and Bro. Armstrong - he is from the Netherlands and has an awesome accent.  Everyone here is super nice like overly nice but that's okay it sets a good example for me.  The lessons go really fast and you have to take a lot in but it is all pretty cool.

All the Elders and Sisters that are going to North Carolina are super cool.  I got my name tag and its weird but very cool and I am getting used to it and I love it.  

Love and Miss Everyone

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mom and I Are Off to the MTC!

After months of preparation and anticipation, the time has finally come for my mom and I to head to the MTC.  Today we boarded an early flight from Seattle, WA to Salt Lake City, UT.  Upon arrival, we rented a car and headed to the Provo/Orem area where we shared lunch together.  In the restaurant, we met a couple who worked at the MTC and had a son on a mission.  They were very encouraging and told me that I was going to be a great missionary.  Then they surprised me by donating to my mission saying that they wanted to "pay it forward" by helping to take care of a missionary in the hopes that someone will take care of their son on his mission.  That is why it is so critical to "pay it forward"!

After lunch, we met up with my cousins Kalie and Kelsey Schwendiman who are attending college in the area.  Kalie recently returned from her mission in Jamaica. Here are some photos of us all at the Provo temple and at the MTC.

Finally, it is time to say goodbye at the MTC.  I love and will miss you all.  Don't forget to write me!!